Add MoreChartFormats

This commit is contained in:
beerpsi 2024-05-27 10:59:40 +07:00
parent 688836b131
commit 7d8c3d10bf
27 changed files with 2166 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt;
public class SrtReader(NotesReferences refs) : SxtReaderBase(refs)
protected override void LoadRow(int rowIdx, in SxtRow row)
var rowTime = row.NotesTime(Refs.Reader);
var note = new NoteData
type = row.NoteType switch
0 when row.SlideId != 0 => NotesTypeID.Def.Star,
0 => NotesTypeID.Def.Tap,
2 => NotesTypeID.Def.Hold,
4 when row.SlideId != 0 => NotesTypeID.Def.BreakStar,
4 => NotesTypeID.Def.Break,
128 => NotesTypeID.Def.Slide,
_ => throw new Exception($"Unknown note type ID {row.NoteType} at row {rowIdx}, expected 0/2/4/128")
startButtonPos = row.Position,
time = rowTime,
end = rowTime,
beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(rowTime.grid),
index = rowIdx,
indexNote = NoteIndex
if (note.type.isHold())
note.end += ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(Refs, row.HoldDuration);
if (note.type.isSlide())
if (!SlideHeads.TryGetValue(row.SlideId, out var starNoteRow))
throw new Exception($"Slide body (ID {row.SlideId}) declared without or before its head");
note.startButtonPos = starNoteRow.Position;
note.slideData = new SlideData
type = row.SlidePattern switch
0 => SlideType.Slide_Straight,
1 => SlideType.Slide_Circle_R,
2 => SlideType.Slide_Circle_L,
_ => throw new Exception($"Unknown slide type {row.SlidePattern} at row {rowIdx}, expected 0/1/2"),
index = row.SlideId,
targetNote = row.Position,
shoot = new TimingBase { index = rowIdx },
arrive = new TimingBase { index = rowIdx },
note.time = starNoteRow.NotesTime(Refs.Reader);
note.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(note.time.grid);
note.slideData.shoot.time = note.time + starNoteRow.SlideDelayNotesTime(Refs);
if (note.type.isStar())
SlideHeads[row.SlideId] = row;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt.Structures;
public struct SxtRow
public float Bar;
public float Grid;
public float HoldDuration;
public int Position;
public int NoteType;
public int SlideId;
public int SlidePattern;
// public int SlideCount;
public float? SlideDelay;
public readonly NotesTime NotesTime(NotesReader nr) => new NotesTime((int)Bar, (int)(Grid * nr.getResolution()), nr);
public readonly NotesTime SlideDelayNotesTime(NotesReferences refs) => SlideDelay.HasValue
? ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, SlideDelay.Value)
: new NotesTime(0, refs.Header._resolutionTime / 4, refs.Reader);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt;
public class SxtReader(NotesReferences refs) : SxtReaderBase(refs)
protected override void LoadRow(int rowIdx, in SxtRow row)
if (row.NoteType == 0)
if (row.SlideId == 0)
throw new Exception($"Slide head at row {rowIdx} does not declare a valid slide ID");
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] Saving slide head with ID {0}", row.SlideId);
SlideHeads[row.SlideId] = row;
var rowTime = row.NotesTime(Refs.Reader);
var note = new NoteData
type = row.NoteType switch
1 => NotesTypeID.Def.Tap,
2 => NotesTypeID.Def.Hold,
3 => NotesTypeID.Def.Break,
4 => NotesTypeID.Def.Star,
5 => NotesTypeID.Def.BreakStar,
128 => NotesTypeID.Def.Slide,
_ => throw new Exception($"Unknown note type ID {row.NoteType} at row {rowIdx}, expected 1/2/3/4/5/128")
startButtonPos = row.Position,
time = rowTime,
end = rowTime,
beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(rowTime.grid),
index = rowIdx,
indexNote = NoteIndex
if (note.type.isHold())
note.end += ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(Refs, row.HoldDuration);
if (note.type.isSlide())
if (!SlideHeads.TryGetValue(row.SlideId, out var slideHeadRow))
throw new Exception($"Slide body (ID {row.SlideId}) declared without or before its head");
note.startButtonPos = slideHeadRow.Position;
note.slideData = new SlideData
type = (SlideType)row.SlidePattern,
index = row.SlideId,
targetNote = row.Position,
shoot = new TimingBase { index = rowIdx },
arrive = new TimingBase { index = rowIdx },
note.time = slideHeadRow.NotesTime(Refs.Reader);
note.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(note.time.grid);
note.slideData.shoot.time = note.time + slideHeadRow.SlideDelayNotesTime(Refs);
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [SXT] Adding note {0} at {1}", note.type.getEnumName(), note.time.getBar());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt.Structures;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt;
public abstract class SxtReaderBase(NotesReferences refs)
protected readonly NotesReferences Refs = refs;
protected int NoteIndex;
protected readonly Dictionary<int, SxtRow> SlideHeads = new();
public void Deserialize(string content)
var table = GetSxtTable(content);
for (var rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < table.Length; rowIdx++)
var row = ParseRow(rowIdx, table[rowIdx]);
LoadRow(rowIdx, in row);
protected abstract void LoadRow(int rowIdx, in SxtRow row);
private static SxtRow ParseRow(int rowIdx, string[] row)
var srtRow = new SxtRow();
if (!float.TryParse(row[0], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.Bar))
throw new Exception($"Invalid whole measure at row {rowIdx}: {row[0]}");
if (!float.TryParse(row[1], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.Grid))
throw new Exception($"Invalid fractional measure at row {rowIdx}: {row[1]}");
if (!float.TryParse(row[2], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.HoldDuration))
throw new Exception($"Invalid hold duration at row {rowIdx}: {row[2]}");
if (!int.TryParse(row[3], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.Position))
throw new Exception($"Invalid position at row {rowIdx}: {row[3]}");
if (!int.TryParse(row[4], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.NoteType))
throw new Exception($"Invalid note type ID at row {rowIdx}: {row[4]}");
if (!int.TryParse(row[5], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.SlideId))
throw new Exception($"Invalid slide ID at row {rowIdx}: {row[5]}");
if (!int.TryParse(row[6], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out srtRow.SlidePattern))
throw new Exception($"Invalid slide type at row {rowIdx}: {row[6]}");
// if (row.Length > 7 && !int.TryParse(row[7], NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
// out srtRow.SlideCount))
// {
// throw new Exception($"Invalid slide count at row {rowIdx}: {row[7]}");
// }
if (row.Length > 8)
if (!float.TryParse(row[8], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
out var slideDelay))
throw new Exception($"Invalid slide delay at row {rowIdx}: {row[8]}");
srtRow.SlideDelay = slideDelay;
return srtRow;
private static string[][] GetSxtTable(string content)
return content.Split(["\n", "\r\n"], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(r => r.Split([","], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s.Length > 0).ToArray())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props"
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<Reference Include="System"/>
<Reference Include="System.Core"/>
<Reference Include="System.Data"/>
<Reference Include="System.Xml"/>
<Reference Include="MonoMod">
<Reference Include="Assembly-CSharp">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine">
<Reference Include="UnityEngine.CoreModule">
<Compile Include="MaiSxt\SrtReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="MaiSxt\Structures\SxtRow.cs" />
<Compile Include="MaiSxt\SxtReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="MaiSxt\SxtReaderBase.cs" />
<Compile Include="NotesReferences.cs" />
<Compile Include="ParserUtilities.cs" />
<Compile Include="patch_NotesReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"/>
<Compile Include="Simai\BpmChangeDataExtensions.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\SimaiReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\LexicalAnalysis\Token.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\LexicalAnalysis\Tokenizer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\LexicalAnalysis\TokenType.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\Errors\*.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\Structures\SlideSegment.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\Structures\SlideTiming.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\SyntacticAnalysis\Deserializer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\SyntacticAnalysis\States\NoteReader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Simai\SyntacticAnalysis\States\SlideReader.cs" />
<Folder Include="Simai\LexicalAnalysis\" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"/>
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
using Manager;
namespace MoreChartFormats;
public class NotesReferences
public NotesReader Reader;
public NotesHeader Header;
public NotesComposition Composition;
public NotesData Notes;

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats;
public class ParserUtilities
internal static NoteData.BeatType GetBeatType(int grid)
if (grid % 96 == 0)
return NoteData.BeatType.BeatType04;
if (grid % 48 == 0)
return NoteData.BeatType.BeatType08;
if (grid % 24 == 0)
return NoteData.BeatType.BeatType16;
if (grid % 16 == 0)
return NoteData.BeatType.BeatType24;
return NoteData.BeatType.BeatTypeOther;
internal static NotesTime NotesTimeFromBars(NotesReferences refs, float bars)
var bar = (int)bars;
var grid = (int)((bars - bar) * refs.Header._resolutionTime);
return new NotesTime(bar, grid, refs.Reader);
internal static NotesTime NotesTimeFromGrids(NotesReferences refs, int grids)
var nt = new NotesTime(grids);
return nt;

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MoreChartFormats")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MoreChartFormats")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
[assembly: Guid("A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6")]
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
using Manager;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai;
public static class BpmChangeDataExtensions
public static float SecondsPerBar(this BPMChangeData timing)
// Work under the assumption that 1 bar = 4 beats
// which is kinda true because the meter is always 4/4.
// 240 is 60 * 4.
return timing.bpm == 0 ? 0 : 240f / timing.bpm;

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
public class InvalidSyntaxException : SimaiException
public InvalidSyntaxException(int line, int character) : base(line, character)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
using System;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
public class ScopeMismatchException : SimaiException
public readonly ScopeType correctScope;
public ScopeMismatchException(int line, int character, ScopeType correctScope) : base(line, character)
this.correctScope = correctScope;
public enum ScopeType
Note = 1,
Slide = 1 << 1,
Global = 1 << 2

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using System;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
public class SimaiException : Exception
public readonly int line;
public readonly int character;
/// <param name="line">The line on which the error occurred</param>
/// <param name="character">The first character involved in the error</param>
public SimaiException(int line, int character)
this.character = character;
this.line = line;

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
internal class UnexpectedCharacterException : SimaiException
public readonly string expected;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// This is thrown when reading a character that is not fit for the expected syntax
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This issue is commonly caused by a typo or a syntax error.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The line on which the error occurred</param>
/// <param name="character">The first character involved in the error</param>
/// <param name="expected">The expected syntax</param>
public UnexpectedCharacterException(int line, int character, string expected) : base(line, character)
this.expected = expected;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
public class UnsupportedSyntaxException : SimaiException
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// This is thrown when an unsupported syntax is encountered when attempting to tokenize or deserialize the simai file.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">The line on which the error occurred</param>
/// <param name="character">The first character involved in the error</param>
public UnsupportedSyntaxException(int line, int character) : base(line, character)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors
public class UnterminatedSectionException : SimaiException
public UnterminatedSectionException(int line, int character) : base(line, character)

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using System;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis;
public readonly struct Token
public readonly TokenType type;
public readonly string lexeme;
public readonly int line;
public readonly int character;
public Token(TokenType type,
string lexeme,
int line,
int character)
this.type = type;
this.lexeme = lexeme;
this.line = line;
this.character = character;

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis
public enum TokenType
/// <summary>
/// <para>Touch locations (A~E + 1~8) and tap locations (1~8)</para>
/// <para>
/// Takes either only a number (1 ~ 8) or a character (A ~ E) followed by a number (1 ~ 8 for A, B, D, E and 1 or
/// 2 for C)
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Applies note styles and note types
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Takes a <see cref="SlideType" /> and target vertices
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Usually denotes the length of a hold or a <see cref="SlidePath" />
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Allows multiple slides to share the same parent note
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Progresses the time by 1 beat
/// </summary>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis
internal sealed class Tokenizer
private const char Space = (char)0x0020;
private const char EnSpace = (char)0x2002;
private const char PunctuationSpace = (char)0x2008;
private const char IdeographicSpace = (char)0x3000;
private const char LineSeparator = (char)0x2028;
private const char ParagraphSeparator = (char)0x2029;
private const char EndOfFileChar = 'E';
private static readonly HashSet<char> EachDividerChars = new()
'/', '`'
private static readonly HashSet<char> DecoratorChars = new()
'f', 'b', 'x', 'h', 'm',
'!', '?',
'@', '$'
private static readonly HashSet<char> SlideChars = new()
'>', '<', '^',
'p', 'q',
'v', 'V',
's', 'z',
private static readonly HashSet<char> SeparatorChars = new()
'\r', '\t',
private readonly char[] _sequence;
private int _current;
private int _charIndex;
private int _line = 1;
private int _start;
public Tokenizer(string sequence)
_sequence = sequence.ToCharArray();
private bool IsAtEnd => _current >= _sequence.Length;
public IEnumerable<Token> GetTokens()
while (!IsAtEnd)
_start = _current;
var nextToken = ScanToken();
if (nextToken.HasValue)
yield return nextToken.Value;
private Token? ScanToken()
var c = Advance();
switch (c)
case ',':
return CompileToken(TokenType.TimeStep);
case '(':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Tempo, '(', ')');
case '{':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Subdivision, '{', '}');
case '[':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Duration, '[', ']');
case var _ when TryScanLocationToken(out var length):
_current += length - 1;
return CompileToken(TokenType.Location);
case var _ when DecoratorChars.Contains(c):
return CompileToken(TokenType.Decorator);
case var _ when IsReadingSlideDeclaration(out var length):
_current += length - 1;
return CompileToken(TokenType.Slide);
case '*':
return CompileToken(TokenType.SlideJoiner);
case var _ when EachDividerChars.Contains(c):
return CompileToken(TokenType.EachDivider);
case var _ when SeparatorChars.Contains(c):
// Ignore whitespace.
return null;
case '\n':
_charIndex = 0;
return null;
case 'E':
return CompileToken(TokenType.EndOfFile);
case '|':
if (Peek() != '|')
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(_line, _charIndex, "|");
while (Peek() != '\n' && !IsAtEnd)
return null;
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(_line, _charIndex);
private bool TryScanLocationToken(out int length)
var firstLocationChar = PeekPrevious();
if (IsButtonLocation(firstLocationChar))
length = 1;
return true;
length = 0;
if (!IsSensorLocation(firstLocationChar))
return false;
var secondLocationChar = Peek();
if (IsButtonLocation(secondLocationChar))
length = 2;
return true;
if (firstLocationChar == 'C')
length = 1;
return true;
var secondCharIsEmpty = SeparatorChars.Contains(secondLocationChar) ||
secondLocationChar is '\n' or '\0';
// This is the notation for EOF.
if (firstLocationChar == EndOfFileChar && secondCharIsEmpty)
return false;
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(_line, _charIndex, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8");
private bool IsReadingSlideDeclaration(out int length)
if (!SlideChars.Contains(PeekPrevious()))
length = 0;
return false;
var nextChar = Peek();
length = nextChar is 'p' or 'q' ? 2 : 1;
return true;
private Token? CompileSectionToken(TokenType tokenType, char initiator, char terminator)
while (Peek() != terminator)
if (IsAtEnd || Peek() == initiator)
throw new UnterminatedSectionException(_line, _charIndex);
var token = CompileToken(tokenType);
// The terminator.
return token;
private Token CompileToken(TokenType type)
var text = new string(_sequence.Skip(_start).Take(_current - _start).ToArray());
return new Token(type, text, _line, _charIndex);
private static bool IsSensorLocation(char value)
return value is >= 'A' and <= 'E';
private static bool IsButtonLocation(char value)
return value is >= '0' and <= '8';
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="_current" /> glyph, and increments by one.
/// </summary>
private char Advance()
return _sequence[_current++];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="_current" /> glyph without incrementing.
/// </summary>
private char Peek()
return IsAtEnd ? default : _sequence[_current];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the last glyph without decrementing.
/// </summary>
private char PeekPrevious()
return _current == 0 ? default : _sequence[_current - 1];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.SyntacticAnalysis;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai;
public class SimaiReader
public static List<Token> Tokenize(string value)
return new Tokenizer(value).GetTokens().ToList();
public static void Deserialize(IEnumerable<Token> tokens, NotesReferences refs)
new Deserializer(tokens).GetChart(refs);
public static void ReadBpmChanges(IEnumerable<Token> tokens, NotesReferences refs)
var currentTime = new NotesTime();
var subdivision = 4f;
var deltaGrids = 0f;
var nr = refs.Reader;
var header = refs.Header;
var composition = refs.Composition;
foreach (var token in tokens)
switch (token.type)
case TokenType.Tempo:
var deltaBars = deltaGrids / header._resolutionTime;
var bar = (int)deltaBars;
var grid = (int)((deltaBars - bar) * header._resolutionTime);
currentTime += new NotesTime(bar, grid, nr);
deltaGrids -= bar * header._resolutionTime + grid;
var bpmChangeData = new BPMChangeData();
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
out bpmChangeData.bpm))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
case TokenType.Subdivision:
if (token.lexeme[0] == '#')
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out subdivision))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
case TokenType.TimeStep:
deltaGrids += header._resolutionTime / subdivision;
if (composition._bpmList.Count == 0)
var dummyBpmChange = new BPMChangeData { bpm = ReaderConst.DEFAULT_BPM };
dummyBpmChange.time.init(0, 0, nr);

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using Manager;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
public class SlideSegment
public NoteData NoteData;
public SlideTiming Timing;

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using Manager;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
public class SlideTiming
public NotesTime? Delay;
public NotesTime Duration;

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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.SyntacticAnalysis.States;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.SyntacticAnalysis;
internal class Deserializer(IEnumerable<Token> sequence) : IDisposable
internal readonly IEnumerator<Token> TokenEnumerator = sequence.GetEnumerator();
internal BPMChangeData CurrentBpmChange;
internal NotesTime CurrentTime = new(0);
// References all notes between two TimeSteps
internal LinkedList<List<NoteData>> CurrentNoteDataCollections;
// References the current note between EACH dividers
internal List<NoteData> CurrentNoteData;
internal float Subdivision = 4f;
internal bool IsEndOfFile;
public void Dispose()
public void GetChart(NotesReferences refs)
var manuallyMoved = false;
var deltaGrids = 0f;
var index = 1;
var noteIndex = 0;
var slideIndex = 0;
var currentBpmChangeIndex = 0;
var firstBpmChangeEventIgnored = false;
var fakeEach = false;
CurrentBpmChange = refs.Composition._bpmList[currentBpmChangeIndex];
while (!IsEndOfFile && (manuallyMoved || MoveNext()))
var token = TokenEnumerator.Current;
manuallyMoved = false;
switch (token.type)
case TokenType.Subdivision:
if (token.lexeme[0] == '#')
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var absoluteSubdivision))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
Subdivision = CurrentBpmChange.SecondsPerBar() / absoluteSubdivision;
else if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out Subdivision))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
case TokenType.Location:
// We have to stack up all deltas before adding them because adding it every time
// we reach a TimeStep would cause precision loss due to casting floating points
// back to integers.
var delta = ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromGrids(refs, (int)deltaGrids);
CurrentTime += delta;
deltaGrids -= delta.grid;
CurrentNoteDataCollections ??= [];
CurrentNoteData = [];
// ForceEach not supported
if (token.lexeme[0] == '0')
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
NoteReader.Process(this, in token, refs, ref index, ref noteIndex, ref slideIndex);
manuallyMoved = true;
case TokenType.TimeStep:
if (CurrentNoteDataCollections != null)
if (fakeEach)
fakeEach = false;
refs.Notes._noteData.AddRange(CurrentNoteDataCollections.SelectMany(c => c));
CurrentNoteDataCollections = null;
CurrentNoteData = null;
deltaGrids += refs.Header._resolutionTime / Subdivision;
case TokenType.EachDivider:
fakeEach = fakeEach || token.lexeme[0] == '`';
case TokenType.Decorator:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character,
case TokenType.Slide:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character,
case TokenType.Duration:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character,
ScopeMismatchException.ScopeType.Note |
case TokenType.SlideJoiner:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character,
case TokenType.EndOfFile:
// There isn't a way to signal to the game engine that the chart
// is ending prematurely, as it expects that every note in the
// chart is actually in the chart.
IsEndOfFile = true;
case TokenType.Tempo:
if (!firstBpmChangeEventIgnored)
firstBpmChangeEventIgnored = true;
CurrentBpmChange = refs.Composition._bpmList[++currentBpmChangeIndex];
case TokenType.None:
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
if (CurrentNoteDataCollections == null)
if (fakeEach)
refs.Notes._noteData.AddRange(CurrentNoteDataCollections.SelectMany(c => c));
CurrentNoteDataCollections = null;
CurrentNoteData = null;
private void ProcessFakeEach(NotesReferences refs)
var node = CurrentNoteDataCollections.First.Next;
var singleTick = new NotesTime(refs.Header._resolutionTime / 384);
var delta = singleTick;
while (node != null)
foreach (var note in node.Value)
note.time += delta;
note.end += delta;
note.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(note.time.grid);
if (note.type.isSlide())
note.slideData.shoot.time += delta;
note.slideData.arrive.time += delta;
delta += singleTick;
node = node.Next;
internal static bool TryReadLocation(in Token token, out int position, out TouchSensorType touchGroup)
var isSensor = token.lexeme[0] is >= 'A' and <= 'E';
var index = isSensor ? token.lexeme.Substring(1) : token.lexeme;
touchGroup = TouchSensorType.Invalid;
if (isSensor)
touchGroup = token.lexeme[0] switch
'A' => TouchSensorType.A,
'B' => TouchSensorType.B,
'C' => TouchSensorType.C,
'D' => TouchSensorType.D,
'E' => TouchSensorType.E,
_ => TouchSensorType.Invalid,
switch (touchGroup)
case TouchSensorType.Invalid:
position = -1;
return false;
case TouchSensorType.C:
position = 0;
return true;
if (!int.TryParse(index, out position))
position = -1;
return false;
// Convert to 0-indexed position
position -= 1;
return true;
internal bool MoveNext()
IsEndOfFile = !TokenEnumerator.MoveNext();
return !IsEndOfFile;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.SyntacticAnalysis.States;
internal static class NoteReader
public static void Process(Deserializer parent, in Token identityToken, NotesReferences refs, ref int index, ref int noteIndex, ref int slideIndex)
if (!Deserializer.TryReadLocation(in identityToken, out var position, out var touchGroup))
throw new InvalidSyntaxException(identityToken.line, identityToken.character);
var forceNormal = false;
var forceTapless = false;
var noteData = new NoteData
type = NotesTypeID.Def.Tap,
index = index,
startButtonPos = position,
beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(parent.CurrentTime.grid),
indexNote = noteIndex++,
noteData.end = noteData.time;
if (touchGroup != TouchSensorType.Invalid)
// simai does not have syntax for specifying touch size.
noteData.touchSize = NoteSize.M1;
noteData.touchArea = touchGroup;
noteData.type = NotesTypeID.Def.TouchTap;
// Some readers (e.g. NoteReader) moves the enumerator automatically.
// We can skip moving the pointer if that's satisfied.
var manuallyMoved = false;
var noteDataAdded = false;
while (!parent.IsEndOfFile && (manuallyMoved || parent.MoveNext()))
var token = parent.TokenEnumerator.Current;
manuallyMoved = false;
switch (token.type)
case TokenType.Tempo:
case TokenType.Subdivision:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character, ScopeMismatchException.ScopeType.Global);
case TokenType.Decorator:
DecorateNote(in token, ref noteData, ref forceNormal, ref forceTapless);
case TokenType.Slide:
if (!forceNormal && !forceTapless)
if (!StarMapping.TryGetValue(noteData.type, out var def))
throw new InvalidSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
noteData.type = def;
if (!forceTapless)
SlideReader.Process(parent, in token, refs, noteData, ref index, ref noteIndex, ref slideIndex);
noteDataAdded = true;
manuallyMoved = true;
case TokenType.Duration:
ReadDuration(refs, parent.CurrentBpmChange, in token, ref noteData);
case TokenType.SlideJoiner:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character, ScopeMismatchException.ScopeType.Slide);
case TokenType.TimeStep:
case TokenType.EachDivider:
case TokenType.EndOfFile:
case TokenType.Location:
// note terminates here
if (!noteDataAdded)
case TokenType.None:
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
private static readonly Dictionary<NotesTypeID, NotesTypeID.Def> BreakMapping = new()
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Tap, NotesTypeID.Def.Break },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExTap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakTap },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Star, NotesTypeID.Def.BreakStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExStar, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Hold, NotesTypeID.Def.BreakHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExHold, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Slide, NotesTypeID.Def.BreakSlide },
private static readonly Dictionary<NotesTypeID, NotesTypeID.Def> ExMapping = new()
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Tap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExTap },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Break, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakTap },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Star, NotesTypeID.Def.ExStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.BreakStar, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Hold, NotesTypeID.Def.ExHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.BreakHold, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakHold },
private static readonly Dictionary<NotesTypeID, NotesTypeID.Def> HoldMapping = new()
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Tap, NotesTypeID.Def.Hold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Break, NotesTypeID.Def.BreakHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExTap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakTap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakHold },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.TouchTap, NotesTypeID.Def.TouchHold },
private static readonly Dictionary<NotesTypeID, NotesTypeID.Def> StarMapping = new()
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Tap, NotesTypeID.Def.Star },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.Break, NotesTypeID.Def.BreakStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExTap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExStar },
{ NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakTap, NotesTypeID.Def.ExBreakStar },
private static void DecorateNote(in Token token, ref NoteData noteData, ref bool forceNormal, ref bool forceTapless)
switch (token.lexeme[0])
case 'f' when noteData.type.isTouch():
noteData.effect = TouchEffectType.Eff1;
case 'b':
if (!BreakMapping.TryGetValue(noteData.type, out var def))
noteData.type = def;
case 'x':
if (!ExMapping.TryGetValue(noteData.type, out var def))
noteData.type = def;
case 'h':
if (!HoldMapping.TryGetValue(noteData.type, out var def))
noteData.type = def;
case '@':
forceNormal = true;
case '?':
forceTapless = true;
case '!':
forceTapless = true;
case '$':
if (!StarMapping.TryGetValue(noteData.type, out var def))
noteData.type = def;
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
private static void ReadDuration(NotesReferences refs, BPMChangeData timing, in Token token, ref NoteData note)
if (HoldMapping.TryGetValue(note.type, out var def))
note.type = def;
var hashIndex = token.lexeme.IndexOf('#');
if (hashIndex == 0)
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme.Substring(1),
out var explicitValue))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character + 1, "0-9 or \".\"");
note.end = note.time + ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, explicitValue / timing.SecondsPerBar());
if (hashIndex != -1)
// The [BPM#a:b] syntax doesn't really make sense for holds? Unless we're adding
// a BPM change event just for this hold. I am not bothering.
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
var separatorIndex = token.lexeme.IndexOf(':');
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme.Substring(0, separatorIndex),
out var denominator))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme.Substring(separatorIndex + 1),
out var nominator))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character + separatorIndex + 1, "0-9 or \".\"");
note.end = note.time + ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, nominator / denominator);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using MAI2.Util;
using Manager;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.SyntacticAnalysis.States;
internal static class SlideReader
public static void Process(Deserializer parent, in Token identityToken, NotesReferences refs, NoteData starNote, ref int index, ref int noteIndex,
ref int slideIndex)
var segments = new LinkedList<SlideSegment>();
var firstSlide = ReadSegment(parent, in identityToken, starNote.startButtonPos, index, ref noteIndex, ref slideIndex);
firstSlide.time = new NotesTime(parent.CurrentTime);
var firstSegment = new SlideSegment { NoteData = firstSlide };
var currentSegment = firstSegment;
var slideStartPos = firstSlide.slideData.targetNote;
// Some readers (e.g. NoteReader) moves the enumerator automatically.
// We can skip moving the pointer if that's satisfied.
var manuallyMoved = true;
while (!parent.IsEndOfFile && (manuallyMoved || parent.MoveNext()))
var token = parent.TokenEnumerator.Current;
manuallyMoved = false;
switch (token.type)
case TokenType.Tempo:
case TokenType.Subdivision:
throw new ScopeMismatchException(token.line, token.character, ScopeMismatchException.ScopeType.Global);
case TokenType.Decorator:
DecorateSlide(in token, ref firstSlide);
case TokenType.Slide:
currentSegment = new SlideSegment
NoteData = ReadSegment(parent, in token, slideStartPos, ++index,
ref noteIndex, ref slideIndex),
slideStartPos = currentSegment.NoteData.slideData.targetNote;
manuallyMoved = true;
case TokenType.Duration:
currentSegment.Timing = ReadDuration(refs, parent.CurrentBpmChange, in token);
case TokenType.SlideJoiner:
ProcessSlideSegments(parent, refs, in identityToken, segments);
slideStartPos = starNote.startButtonPos;
case TokenType.TimeStep:
case TokenType.EachDivider:
case TokenType.EndOfFile:
case TokenType.Location:
ProcessSlideSegments(parent, refs, in identityToken, segments);
case TokenType.None:
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
private static void ProcessSlideSegments(Deserializer parent, NotesReferences refs, in Token identityToken, LinkedList<SlideSegment> segments)
// Fast path for non-festival slides
if (segments.Count == 1)
ProcessSingleSlideSegment(parent, refs, segments.First.Value);
var segmentsWithTiming = segments.Count(s => s.Timing != null);
if (segmentsWithTiming != 1 && segmentsWithTiming != segments.Count)
throw new InvalidSyntaxException(identityToken.line, identityToken.character);
if (segmentsWithTiming == segments.Count)
ProcessSlideSegmentsAllDurations(parent, refs, segments);
ProcessSlideSegmentsSingleDuration(parent, refs, in identityToken, segments);
private static void ProcessSingleSlideSegment(Deserializer parent, NotesReferences refs, SlideSegment segment)
segment.NoteData.time = new NotesTime(parent.CurrentTime);
segment.NoteData.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(segment.NoteData.time.grid);
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.time);
if (segment.Timing.Delay.HasValue)
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += segment.Timing.Delay.Value;
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += new NotesTime(0, refs.Header._resolutionTime / 4, refs.Reader);
segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time = segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time + segment.Timing.Duration;
segment.NoteData.end = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time);
private static void ProcessSlideSegmentsAllDurations(Deserializer parent, NotesReferences refs, LinkedList<SlideSegment> segments)
var time = parent.CurrentTime;
var isFirstSegment = true;
foreach (var segment in segments)
if (!isFirstSegment)
segment.NoteData.type = NotesTypeID.Def.ConnectSlide;
segment.NoteData.time = new NotesTime(time);
segment.NoteData.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(segment.NoteData.time.grid);
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.time);
if (segment.Timing.Delay.HasValue)
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += segment.Timing.Delay.Value;
else if (isFirstSegment)
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += new NotesTime(0, refs.Header._resolutionTime / 4, refs.Reader);
segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time =
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time + segment.Timing.Duration;
segment.NoteData.end = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time);
time = segment.NoteData.end;
isFirstSegment = false;
private static void ProcessSlideSegmentsSingleDuration(Deserializer parent, NotesReferences refs,
in Token identityToken, LinkedList<SlideSegment> segments)
var time = parent.CurrentTime;
var slideTiming = segments.Last.Value.Timing;
if (slideTiming == null)
throw new InvalidSyntaxException(identityToken.line, identityToken.character);
var slideManager = Singleton<SlideManager>.Instance;
var slideLengths = segments.Select(
s => slideManager.GetSlideLength(
s.NoteData.slideData.type, s.NoteData.startButtonPos, s.NoteData.slideData.targetNote)).ToList();
var totalSlideLength = slideLengths.Sum();
var segmentNode = segments.First;
var i = 0;
while (segmentNode != null)
var slideLength = slideLengths[i];
var segment = segmentNode.Value;
var isFirstSegment = i == 0;
segment.NoteData.time = new NotesTime(time);
segment.NoteData.beatType = ParserUtilities.GetBeatType(segment.NoteData.time.grid);
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.time);
if (isFirstSegment)
if (slideTiming.Delay.HasValue)
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += slideTiming.Delay.Value;
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time += new NotesTime(0, refs.Header._resolutionTime / 4, refs.Reader);
segment.NoteData.type = NotesTypeID.Def.ConnectSlide;
var slideDurationSlice = slideLength / totalSlideLength;
var slideDuration = new NotesTime((int)Math.Round(slideTiming.Duration.grid * slideDurationSlice));
segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time =
segment.NoteData.slideData.shoot.time + slideDuration;
segment.NoteData.end = new NotesTime(segment.NoteData.slideData.arrive.time);
time = segment.NoteData.end;
segmentNode = segmentNode.Next;
private static NoteData ReadSegment(Deserializer parent, in Token identityToken, int startingPosition, int index, ref int noteIndex, ref int slideIndex)
var length = identityToken.lexeme.Length;
var vertices = RetrieveVertices(parent, in identityToken);
return new NoteData
type = NotesTypeID.Def.Slide,
index = index,
indexNote = noteIndex++,
indexSlide = slideIndex++,
startButtonPos = startingPosition,
slideData = new SlideData
targetNote = vertices.Last(),
type = DetermineSlideType(in identityToken, startingPosition, length, vertices),
shoot = new TimingBase { index = noteIndex },
arrive = new TimingBase { index = noteIndex },
private static SlideTiming ReadDuration(NotesReferences refs, BPMChangeData timing, in Token token)
// Accepted slide duration formats:
// - {BPM}#{denominator}:{nominator}
// - #{slide duration in seconds}
// - {BPM}#{slide duration in seconds}
// - {seconds}##{slide duration in seconds}
var result = new SlideTiming { Duration = new NotesTime() };
var hashIndex = token.lexeme.IndexOf('#');
var statesIntroDelayDuration = hashIndex > 0;
var durationDeclarationStart = hashIndex + 1;
if (statesIntroDelayDuration)
result.Delay = new NotesTime();
var secondHashIndex = token.lexeme.LastIndexOf('#');
var isAbsoluteDelay = secondHashIndex > -1;
if (!float.TryParse(token.lexeme.Substring(0, hashIndex),
out var value))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character + 1, "0-9 or \".\"");
if (isAbsoluteDelay)
durationDeclarationStart = secondHashIndex + 1;
result.Delay.Value.copy(ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, value / timing.SecondsPerBar()));
var grids = (int)Math.Round((float)refs.Header._resolutionTime / 4 * (timing.bpm / value));
result.Delay.Value.copy(ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromGrids(refs, grids));
var durationDeclaration = token.lexeme.Substring(durationDeclarationStart);
var separatorIndex = durationDeclaration.IndexOf(':');
if (separatorIndex > -1)
if (!float.TryParse(durationDeclaration.Substring(0, separatorIndex),
out var denominator))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
if (!float.TryParse(durationDeclaration.Substring(separatorIndex + 1),
out var nominator))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character + separatorIndex + 1, "0-9 or \".\"");
result.Duration.copy(ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, nominator / denominator));
if (!float.TryParse(durationDeclaration,
out var seconds))
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(token.line, token.character, "0-9 or \".\"");
result.Duration.copy(ParserUtilities.NotesTimeFromBars(refs, seconds / timing.SecondsPerBar()));
return result;
private static SlideType DetermineSlideType(in Token identityToken, int startingPosition, int length, List<int> vertices)
return identityToken.lexeme[0] switch
'-' => SlideType.Slide_Straight,
'^' => DetermineRingType(startingPosition, vertices[0]),
'>' => DetermineRingType(startingPosition, vertices[0], 1),
'<' => DetermineRingType(startingPosition, vertices[0], -1),
'V' => DetermineRingType(startingPosition, vertices[0]) switch
SlideType.Slide_Circle_L => SlideType.Slide_Skip_L,
SlideType.Slide_Circle_R => SlideType.Slide_Skip_R,
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(),
'v' => SlideType.Slide_Corner,
's' => SlideType.Slide_Thunder_R,
'z' => SlideType.Slide_Thunder_L,
'p' when length == 2 && identityToken.lexeme[1] == 'p' => SlideType.Slide_Bend_L,
'q' when length == 2 && identityToken.lexeme[1] == 'q' => SlideType.Slide_Bend_R,
'p' => SlideType.Slide_Curve_L,
'q' => SlideType.Slide_Curve_R,
'w' => SlideType.Slide_Fan,
_ => throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(identityToken.line, identityToken.character, "-, ^, >, <, v, V, s, z, pp, qq, p, q, w"),
private static void DecorateSlide(in Token token, ref NoteData note)
switch (token.lexeme[0])
case 'b':
note.type = NotesTypeID.Def.BreakSlide;
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(token.line, token.character);
private static SlideType DetermineRingType(int startPosition, int endPosition, int direction = 0)
switch (direction)
case 1:
return (startPosition + 2) % 8 >= 4 ? SlideType.Slide_Circle_L : SlideType.Slide_Circle_R;
case -1:
return (startPosition + 2) % 8 >= 4 ? SlideType.Slide_Circle_R : SlideType.Slide_Circle_L;
var difference = endPosition - startPosition;
var rotation = difference >= 0
? difference > 4 ? -1 : 1
: difference < -4 ? 1 : -1;
return rotation > 0 ? SlideType.Slide_Circle_R : SlideType.Slide_Circle_L;
private static List<int> RetrieveVertices(Deserializer parent, in Token identityToken)
var vertices = new List<int>();
if (!parent.TokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(identityToken.line, identityToken.character,
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8");
var current = parent.TokenEnumerator.Current;
if (Deserializer.TryReadLocation(in current, out var location, out _))
} while (parent.TokenEnumerator.Current.type == TokenType.Location);
return vertices;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using MAI2.Util;
using Manager.MaiStudio.Serialize;
using MonoMod;
using MoreChartFormats;
using MoreChartFormats.MaiSxt;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Structures;
namespace Manager;
class patch_NotesReader : NotesReader
private new FormatType checkFormat(string fileName) => Path.GetExtension(fileName) switch
".simai" => FormatType.FORMAT_M2S,
".srt" => FormatType.FORMAT_SRT,
".szt" => FormatType.FORMAT_SZT,
".sct" => FormatType.FORMAT_SCT,
".sdt" => FormatType.FORMAT_SDT,
_ => FormatType.FORMAT_MA2,
private extern bool loadMa2(string fileName, LoadType loadType = LoadType.LOAD_FULL);
public new bool load(string fileName, LoadType loadType = LoadType.LOAD_FULL)
if (!File.Exists(fileName))
return false;
var format = checkFormat(fileName);
return format switch
FormatType.FORMAT_MA2 => loadMa2(fileName, loadType),
FormatType.FORMAT_SRT or FormatType.FORMAT_SZT or FormatType.FORMAT_SCT or FormatType.FORMAT_SDT =>
loadSxt(format, fileName),
FormatType.FORMAT_M2S => loadSimai(fileName),
_ => false,
private bool loadSxt(FormatType format, string fileName)
_loadType = LoadType.LOAD_FULL;
// HACK: we are assuming that the chart file is stored in the same folder
// as the Music.xml, which it must be due to how this game loads assets.
// refer to `Manager.MaiStudio.Serialize.FilePath.AddPath(string parentPath)`.
// There must be a better way to get the song's BPM...
var musicFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
if (musicFolder == null)
throw new Exception("Music.xml is contained in the root directory?!");
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MusicData));
using (var musicXml = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(musicFolder, "Music.xml")))
var music = (MusicData)serializer.Deserialize(musicXml);
var bpmChangeData = new BPMChangeData
bpm = music.bpm,
time = new NotesTime(0, 0, this),
var content = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
var refs = new NotesReferences
Reader = this,
Header = _header,
Composition = _composition,
Notes = _note,
SxtReaderBase reader = format == FormatType.FORMAT_SRT ? new SrtReader(refs) : new SxtReader(refs);
catch (Exception e)
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [SXT] Could not load SXT chart: {0}", e);
return false;
return true;
private bool loadSimai(string fileName)
_loadType = LoadType.LOAD_FULL;
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Tokenizing chart");
var tokens = SimaiReader.Tokenize(File.ReadAllText(fileName));
var refs = new NotesReferences
Reader = this,
Header = _header,
Composition = _composition,
Notes = _note,
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Processing BPM changes");
SimaiReader.ReadBpmChanges(tokens, refs);
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Reading chart");
SimaiReader.Deserialize(tokens, refs);
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Mirroring chart and calculating timings");
foreach (var note in _note._noteData)
note.startButtonPos = ConvertMirrorPosition(note.startButtonPos);
if (note.type.isSlide() || note.type == NotesTypeID.Def.ConnectSlide)
note.slideData.targetNote = ConvertMirrorPosition(note.slideData.targetNote);
note.slideData.type = ConvertMirrorSlide(note.slideData.type);
if (note.type.isTouch() && note.touchArea is TouchSensorType.D or TouchSensorType.E)
note.startButtonPos = ConvertMirrorTouchEPosition(note.startButtonPos);
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Calculating chart data");
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] Loaded {0} notes", _total.GetAllNoteNum());
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] > {0} taps", _total.GetTapNum());
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] > {0} holds", _total.GetHoldNum());
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] > {0} slides", _total.GetSlideNum());
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] > {0} touches", _total.GetTouchNum());
System.Console.WriteLine("[MoreChartFormats] [Simai] > {0} break", _total.GetBreakNum());
catch (SimaiException e)
System.Console.WriteLine($"[MoreChartFormats] There was an error loading the chart at line {e.line}, col {e.character}: {e} ");
return false;
catch (Exception e)
System.Console.WriteLine($"[MoreChartFormats] There was an error loading the chart: {e}");
return false;
return true;
private void fillDummyHeader(string fileName)
_header._notesName = fileName;
_header._resolutionTime = ReaderConst.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_TIME;
_header._version[0].major = 0;
_header._version[0].minor = 0;
_header._version[0].release = 0;
_header._version[1].major = 1;
_header._version[1].minor = 4;
_header._version[0].release = 0;
_header._metInfo.denomi = 4;
_header._metInfo.num = 4;
_header._clickFirst = ReaderConst.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_TIME;
// The game doesn't care if a non-fes-mode chart uses utage mechanics.
// It's just a flag.
_header._isFes = false;
private void calcAll()

View File

@ -17,3 +17,39 @@ Enables loading tables from loose `.json` files in `Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets/
Useful for string edits (a.k.a. english patch).
Tables are automatically generated if `Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets/DB` doesn't exist.
### MoreChartFormats
Loads charts written in various known formats:
- [simai]( (powered by a custom fork of [SimaiSharp](
- srt/szt/sct/sdt (maimai classic chart format)
To use, edit Music.xml to point the chart file path to your chart file:
<!-- snip -->
The chart loader used depends on the file extension:
- simai chart files must end with `.simai`
- srt chart files must end with `.srt`
- szt/sct/sdt files can use `.szt`/`.sct`/`.sdt` interchangeably, since they only
differ by two ending columns. [details](
#### Simai caveats
- **`maidata.txt` is not supported. If you have one, paste the content of each
`inote_x` into their own `.simai` file.**
- Both `?` and `!` will create a slide without a star note, but both of them will
make the slide fade in (`!` makes the slide suddenly appear in standard simai).
- `$` cannot be used to create a tapless slide (maiPad PLUS syntax).
- `$$` is ignored, as star notes only spin when there's an associated slide.
- `[BPM#a:b]` is not supported for specifying hold time.
- `` ` `` (fake EACH) makes taps 1/384 measures apart.
#### SXT caveats
- Encrypted chart files (`.srb`/`.szb`/`.scb`/`.sdb`) are not supported. Decrypt
them before loading into the game.

View File

@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "CachedDataManager", "Cached
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "FixLocaleIssues", "FixLocaleIssues\FixLocaleIssues.csproj", "{48B5F480-D749-48E9-9D26-E0E5260D95DE}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "LooseDBTables", "LooseDBTables\LooseDBTables.csproj", "{F15988CC-BDF0-4F86-811B-BAE18EEA6519}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "LooseDBTables.GeneratePatches", "LooseDBTables.GeneratePatches\LooseDBTables.GeneratePatches.csproj", "{7DF53594-C7B2-44D1-ADF7-CCE4BC9E7625}"
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "MoreChartFormats", "MoreChartFormats\MoreChartFormats.csproj", "{A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -18,5 +24,17 @@ Global
{48B5F480-D749-48E9-9D26-E0E5260D95DE}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{48B5F480-D749-48E9-9D26-E0E5260D95DE}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{48B5F480-D749-48E9-9D26-E0E5260D95DE}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{F15988CC-BDF0-4F86-811B-BAE18EEA6519}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{F15988CC-BDF0-4F86-811B-BAE18EEA6519}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{F15988CC-BDF0-4F86-811B-BAE18EEA6519}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{F15988CC-BDF0-4F86-811B-BAE18EEA6519}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{7DF53594-C7B2-44D1-ADF7-CCE4BC9E7625}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{7DF53594-C7B2-44D1-ADF7-CCE4BC9E7625}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{7DF53594-C7B2-44D1-ADF7-CCE4BC9E7625}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{7DF53594-C7B2-44D1-ADF7-CCE4BC9E7625}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{A375F626-7238-4227-95C9-2BB1E5E099F6}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU