forked from Hay1tsme/artemis

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ARTEMiS Configuration


  • listen_address: IP Address or hostname that the server will listen for connections on. Set to for local only, or for all interfaces. Default
  • allow_user_registration: Allows users to register in-game via the AimeDB register function. Disable to be able to control who can use cards on your server. Default True
  • allow_unregistered_games: Allows games that do not have registered keychips to connect and authenticate. Disable to restrict who can connect to your server. Recomended to disable for production setups. Default True
  • name: Name for the server, used by some games in their default MOTDs. Default ARTEMiS
  • is_develop: Flags that the server is a development instance without a proxy standing in front of it. Setting to False tells the server not to listen for SSL, because the proxy should be handling all SSL-related things, among other things. Default True
  • log_dir: Directory to store logs. Server MUST have read and write permissions to this directory or you will have issues. Default logs


  • loglevel: Logging level for the title server. Default info
  • hostname: Hostname that gets sent to clients to tell them where to connect. Games must be able to connect to your server via the hostname or IP you spcify here. Note that most games will reject localhost or Default localhost
  • port: Port that the title server will listen for connections on. Set to 0 to use the Allnet handler to reduce the port footprint. Default 8080


  • host: Host of the database. Default localhost
  • username: Username of the account the server should connect to the database with. Default aime
  • password: Password of the account the server should connect to the database with. Default aime
  • name: Name of the database the server should expect. Default aime
  • port: Port the database server is listening on. Default 3306
  • protocol: Protocol used in the connection string, e.i mysql would result in mysql://.... Default mysql
  • sha2_password: Weather or not the password in the connection string should be hashed via SHA2. Default False
  • loglevel: Logging level for the database. Default warn
  • user_table_autoincrement_start: What the aime_user table ID autoincrememnt should start with. Default 10000
  • memcached_host: Host of the memcached server. Default localhost


  • enable: Weather or not the frontend should be enabled. Default False
  • port: Port the frontend should listen for connections on. Default 8090
  • loglevel: Logging level for the frontend server. Default info


  • loglevel: Logging level for the allnet server. Default info
  • port: Port the allnet server should listen for connections on. Games are hardcoded to ask for port 80 so only change if you have a proxy redirecting properly. Default 80
  • allow_online_updates: Allow allnet to distribute online updates via DownloadOrders. This system is currently non-functional, so leave it disabled. Default False


  • port: Port the billing server should listen for connections on. Games are hardcoded to ask for port 8443 so only change if you have a proxy redirecting properly. Set to 0 to use the allnet handler to reduce the number of ports the server eats up. Default 8443
  • ssl_key: Location of the ssl server key for the billing server. Ignored if port is set to 0 or is_develop set to False. Default cert/server.key
  • ssl_cert: Location of the ssl server certificate for the billing server. Must match the CA distributed to users or the billing server will not connect. Ignored if port is set to 0 or is_develop is set to False. Default cert/server.pem
  • signing_key: Location of the RSA Private key used to sign billing requests. Must match the public key distributed to users or the billing server will not connect. Default cert/billing.key


  • loglevel: Logging level for the aimedb server. Default info
  • port: Port the aimedb server should listen for connections on. Games are hardcoded to ask for port 22345 so only change if you have a proxy redirecting properly. Default 22345
  • key: Key to encrypt/decrypt aimedb requests and responses. MUST be set or the server will not start. If set incorrectly, your server will not properly handle aimedb requests. Default ""