
225 lines
8.3 KiB

#include "patch.h"
bool fetch(json_value* object, char* name, json_value** value) {
if (object->type != json_object) return false;
for (size_t j = 0; j < object->u.object.length; j++) {
json_object_entry* entry = &(object->u.object.values[j]);
if (strncmp(name, entry->name, entry->name_length) == 0) {
*value = entry->value;
return true;
return false;
bool fetch_string(json_value* object, char* name, char** value) {
json_value* fetched;
if (!fetch(object, name, &fetched)) return false;
if (fetched->type != json_string) return false;
*value = fetched->u.string.ptr;
return true;
bool fetch_int(json_value* object, char* name, size_t* value) {
json_value* fetched;
if (!fetch(object, name, &fetched)) return false;
if (fetched->type != json_integer) return false;
*value = fetched->u.integer;
return true;
bool fetch_bool(json_value* object, char* name, bool* value) {
json_value* fetched;
if (!fetch(object, name, &fetched)) return false;
if (fetched->type != json_boolean) return false;
*value = fetched->u.boolean;
return true;
void free_patches(patches_t* patches) {
if (patches->nopatchsets == 0) return;
for (int i = patches->nopatchsets - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (patches->patchsets[i] != NULL) {
for (int j = 0; j < patches->patchsets[i]->nopatches; j++) {
if (patches->patchsets[i]->patches[j].from != NULL) free(patches->patchsets[i]->patches[j].from);
if (patches->patchsets[i]->patches[j].to != NULL) free(patches->patchsets[i]->patches[j].to);
patches->nopatchsets = 0;
json_value* load_json_from_file(char* path, char* error) {
FILE* fp = fopen(path, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
if (error != NULL) sprintf(error, "Failed to open patch file");
return NULL;
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t sz = ftell(fp);
char* json_buf = (char*)malloc(sz);
if (json_buf == NULL) {
if (error != NULL) sprintf(error, "Failed to allocate file buffer");
return NULL;
if (!(sz = fread(json_buf, 1, sz, fp))) {
if (error != NULL) sprintf(error, "Failed to read file");
return NULL;
json_settings settings = {0};
return json_parse_ex(&settings, json_buf, sz, error);
bool parse_patches(patches_t* patches, json_value** set_json, int set_count, char* error) {
patches->nopatchsets = set_count;
patches->patchsets = (patchset_t**)malloc(set_count * sizeof(patchset_t*));
for (int i = 0; i < set_count; i++) patches->patchsets[i] = NULL;
error[0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < set_count; i++) {
patchset_t* patchset = (patchset_t*)malloc(sizeof(patchset_t));
patches->patchsets[i] = patchset;
patchset->name = NULL;
patchset->description = NULL;
patchset->binary_name = NULL;
patchset->apply = false;
patchset->nopatches = 0;
char *name, *description, *binary_name;
if (!fetch_string(set_json[i], "name", &name)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'name' missing for patch %d", i);
goto failed;
if (!fetch_string(set_json[i], "description", &description)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'description' missing for patch %d (%s)", i, name);
goto failed;
if (!fetch_string(set_json[i], "binary_name", &binary_name)) binary_name = NULL;
bool apply;
if (!fetch_bool(set_json[i], "apply", &apply)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'apply' missing for patch %d (%s)", i, name);
goto failed;
json_value* set_patches;
if (!fetch(set_json[i], "patches", &set_patches) || set_patches->type != json_array) {
char* patches_file_path;
if (fetch_string(set_json[i], "patches_file", &patches_file_path)) {
char load_error[json_error_max];
set_patches = load_json_from_file(patches_file_path, load_error);
if (set_patches == NULL) {
log_warning("patcher", "Failed to load '%s': %s", patches_file_path, load_error);
if (set_patches->type != json_array) {
log_warning("patcher", "Failed to load '%s': not an array", patches_file_path);
} else {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "Neither 'patches' nor 'patchs_file' in patch %d (%s)", i, name);
goto failed;
int count = set_patches->u.array.length;
patchset = (patchset_t*)realloc(patchset, sizeof(patchset_t) + (sizeof(patch_t) * count));
patches->patchsets[i] = patchset;
patchset->name = name;
patchset->description = description;
patchset->binary_name = binary_name;
patchset->apply = apply;
patchset->nopatches = count;
memset(patchset->patches, 0, count * (sizeof(patch_t)));
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
json_value* this_patch = set_patches->u.array.values[j];
size_t at;
char *from, *to;
if (!fetch_int(this_patch, "at", &at)) {
char* at_str;
if (!fetch_string(this_patch, "at", &at_str)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'at' missing for patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
if (strlen(at_str) > 8) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "invalid 'at' value for patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
hex_to_bin(at_str, (void*)&at, 8);
at = _byteswap_ulong(at); // Endianess!
if (!fetch_string(this_patch, "from", &from)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'from' missing for patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
if (!fetch_string(this_patch, "to", &to)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'to' missing for patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
char* patch_name;
if (!fetch_string(this_patch, "name", &patch_name)) patch_name = NULL;
patchset->patches[j].name = patch_name;
patchset->patches[j].offset = at;
size_t size = strlen(from);
if (size != strlen(to)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "'from' and 'to' lengths differ in patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
if (size % 2 != 0) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "invalid hex string in patch %s[%d]", name, j);
goto failed;
char* bin_from = patchset->patches[j].from = (char*)malloc(size / 2);
char* bin_to = patchset->patches[j].to = (char*)malloc(size / 2);
if (!hex_to_bin(from, bin_from, size)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "invalid hex string in patch %s[%d].from", name, j);
goto failed;
if (!hex_to_bin(to, bin_to, size)) {
snprintf(error, json_error_max, "invalid hex string in patch %s[%d].to", name, j);
goto failed;
patchset->patches[j].count = size / 2;
return true;
return false;
bool load_patches(patches_t* patches, char* path, char* error) {
patches->nopatchsets = 0;
json_value* parsed = load_json_from_file(path, error);
if (parsed == NULL) return false;
int loaded_patches = 0;
json_value** patches_json;
if (parsed->type == json_array) {
loaded_patches = parsed->u.array.length;
patches_json = parsed->u.array.values;
} else if (parsed->type == json_object) {
loaded_patches = 1;
patches_json = &parsed;
} else {
sprintf(error, "Patch file format error");
return false;
if (!parse_patches(patches, patches_json, loaded_patches, error)) return false;
return true;