
427 lines
18 KiB

#include "drive.h"
BOOL WINAPI pd_DeviceIoControl(file_context_t* ctx, DWORD dwIoControlCode, LPVOID lpInBuffer,
DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize,
LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
physical_disk_t* pd = (physical_disk_t*)ctx->m_HookData;
if (pd == NULL) {
log_error(plfDrive, "ioctl:ctx->m_HookData NULL; expected a physical drive!");
return FALSE;
log_trace(plfDrive, "DeviceIOControl %08x", dwIoControlCode);
ZeroMemory(lpOutBuffer, nOutBufferSize);
switch (dwIoControlCode) {
if (pd->m_BusType != BusTypeAta) return FALSE;
BYTE command = ata->CurrentTaskFile[6];
if (command == 0xEC) {
// TODO: One day re-visit this if amPlatformGetStorageInfo is used elsewhere
// (PIDENTIFY_DEVICE_DATA)((LPBYTE)lpOutBuffer + sizeof *ata +
// ata->DataBufferOffset - 5);
// // ZeroMemory(identifyData, sizeof *identifyData);
// // TODO: Is there any point worth spoofing anything else?
// strcpy_s((char*)identifyData->ModelNumber, sizeof identifyData->ModelNumber,
// "VDrive");
// strcpy_s((char*)identifyData->SerialNumber, sizeof identifyData->SerialNumber,
// identifyData->NumSectorsPerTrack = 0x4243;
*lpBytesReturned = nOutBufferSize;
return TRUE;
* C1: ssd.hostproof; Used by mxkeychip
* C2: ssh.proof; Used by mxkeychip and factorytest
if (command != 0xC1 && command != 0xC2) {
log_error(plfDrive, "PD0:Unimplemented ATA command: %02x", command);
return FALSE;
BYTE data = ata->CurrentTaskFile[0];
switch (data) {
// These are used un UnlockSection1, 2, and 3 in mxstorage!
case 0x11: // mxkSsdHostProofSet (step == 0)
// Game -> ATA | 128 bytes: random from N2
case 0x12: // mxkSsdHostProofGet (step == 0)
// ATA -> GAME | 128 bytes: (guess) readback of 0x11
case 0x21: // mxkSsdHostProofSet (step == 1)
// Game -> ATA | 128 bytes: random from N2
case 0x22: // mxkSsdHostProofGet (step == 1)
// ATA -> GAME | 128 bytes: (guess) readback of 0x21
case 0x31: // mxkSsdHostProofSeed
// ATA -> Game | 80 bytes: seed
case 0x32: // mxkSsdHostProofChallenge
// Game -> ATA | 80 bytes: the seed, encrypted by N2 with S-Key
// It looks like mxkeychip never actually checks the response buffer,
// as long as the ioctl succeeds! Saves us a lot of work here!
// TODO: factorytest.exe _does_ check this!
return TRUE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Unimeplemented ATA %02X command: %02x", command, data);
return FALSE;
pLi->Length.QuadPart = SSD.m_TotalSize * (long long)SSD.m_BlockSize;
*lpBytesReturned = sizeof *pLi;
return TRUE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Unimplemented ioctl: %08x", dwIoControlCode);
return FALSE;
BOOL pd_ReadFile(file_context_t* ctx, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
physical_disk_t* pd = (physical_disk_t*)ctx->m_HookData;
if (pd == NULL) {
log_error(plfDrive, "read:ctx->m_HookData NULL; expected a physical drive!");
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "PhysicalDrive%d: Read %d @ %llx", pd->m_DriveNumber, nNumberOfBytesToRead,
// ! WARNING: This ReadFile implementation is currently limited to aligned
// ! reads. Given the main purpose of this function is to allow reading
// ! the partition information, this doesn't currently pose an issue.
DWORD ptrLBA = (ctx->m_Pointer.QuadPart / (long long)pd->m_BlockSize) & 0xffffffff;
// MBR header
if (ptrLBA == 0) {
mbr_t* mbr = (mbr_t*)lpBuffer;
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead < sizeof *mbr) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for master boot record!");
return FALSE;
memset(mbr, 0, sizeof *mbr);
mbr->sig[0] = 0x55;
mbr->sig[1] = 0xAA;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (pd->m_Partitions[i].m_Size == 0) break;
mbr->partitions[i].status =
(pd->m_BootPartition == i + 1) ? MBR_FLAG_BOOTABLE : MBR_FLAG_NONE;
mbr->partitions[i].type = pd->m_Partitions[i].m_Filesystem;
mbr->partitions[i].lba = pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA;
mbr->partitions[i].sectors = pd->m_Partitions[i].m_Size;
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = sizeof *mbr;
return TRUE;
if (ptrLBA <= MBR_LBA_GAP) {
// Read within the 63 extra tracks
log_error(plfDrive, "Read failed");
return FALSE;
// MBR partitions
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber == 0) break;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA + pd->m_Partitions[i].m_Size) {
DWORD readOffset = ptrLBA - pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA;
if (pd->m_Partitions[i].m_ReadFunc == NULL) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted read in %d/%d at block offset %08x; No read function",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = pd->m_Partitions[i].m_ReadFunc(readOffset, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead,
if (!ret) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted read in %d/%d at block offset %08x; Read rejected",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "Read at %d/%d+%d", pd->m_DriveNumber,
pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return TRUE;
// Extended partitions
for (size_t i = 0; pd->m_Extended[i].m_Size; i++) {
// Extended header
DWORD headerLBA = pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA - EXT_HEADER_GAP;
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA) {
mbr_t* mbr = (mbr_t*)lpBuffer;
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead < sizeof *mbr) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for an extended boot record!");
return FALSE;
memset(mbr, 0, sizeof *mbr);
mbr->sig[0] = 0x55;
mbr->sig[1] = 0xAA;
mbr->partitions[0].status = MBR_FLAG_NONE;
mbr->partitions[0].type = pd->m_Extended[i].m_Filesystem;
mbr->partitions[0].lba = EXT_HEADER_GAP;
mbr->partitions[0].sectors = pd->m_Extended[i].m_Size;
if (pd->m_Extended[i + 1].m_Size) {
mbr->partitions[1].status = MBR_FLAG_NONE;
// ! mxinstaller expects to see CHS here, then uses the LBA values
mbr->partitions[1].type = MBR_FS_EXT_CHS;
mbr->partitions[1].lba =
pd->m_Extended[i + 1].m_PhysicalLBA - pd->m_Extended[0].m_PhysicalLBA;
mbr->partitions[1].sectors = pd->m_Extended[i + 1].m_Size + EXT_HEADER_GAP;
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = sizeof *mbr;
return TRUE;
if (i == 0 && pd->m_HasSegaboot) {
// SEGA Partition Description
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SPD_OFFSET) {
spd_t* spd = (spd_t*)lpBuffer;
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead < sizeof *spd) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SPD!");
return FALSE;
spd->version = SPD_VERSION;
for (size_t j = 0; pd->m_Extended[j].m_Size; j++) {
spd->slots[j].block_size = pd->m_BlockSize & 0xFFFF;
spd->slots[j].block_count = pd->m_Extended[j].m_Size;
spd->slots[j].slot_content = pd->m_Extended[j].m_SPDContent;
spd->slots[j].uk1 = pd->m_Extended[j].m_Filesystem == MBR_FS_FAT16 ? 0 : 1;
spd->crc = amiCrc32RCalc(sizeof *spd - 4, &(spd->version), 0);
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = sizeof *spd;
return TRUE;
// SEGA Boot Record 0 and 1. The two are a redundant copy of each other
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SBR0_OFFSET) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead < sizeof SegaBootRecord0) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SBR0!");
return FALSE;
memcpy(lpBuffer, &SegaBootRecord0, sizeof SegaBootRecord0);
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = sizeof SegaBootRecord0;
return TRUE;
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SBR1_OFFSET) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead < sizeof SegaBootRecord1) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SBR1!");
return FALSE;
memcpy(lpBuffer, &SegaBootRecord1, sizeof SegaBootRecord1);
*lpNumberOfBytesRead = sizeof SegaBootRecord1;
return TRUE;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA - EXT_HEADER_GAP &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA) {
// Read within the 63 extra tracks
log_error(plfDrive, "Read failed");
return FALSE;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA + pd->m_Extended[i].m_Size) {
DWORD readOffset = ptrLBA - pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA;
if (pd->m_Extended[i].m_ReadFunc == NULL) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted read in %d/%d at block offset %08x; No read function",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = pd->m_Extended[i].m_ReadFunc(readOffset, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead,
if (!ret) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted read in %d/%d at block offset %08x; Read rejected",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "Read at %d/%d+%d", pd->m_DriveNumber,
pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, readOffset);
return TRUE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Read failed");
return FALSE;
BOOL pd_WriteFile(file_context_t* ctx, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
*lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0;
physical_disk_t* pd = (physical_disk_t*)ctx->m_HookData;
if (pd == NULL) {
log_error(plfDrive, "write:ctx->m_HookData NULL; expected a physical drive!");
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "PhysicalDrive%d: Write %d @ %llx", pd->m_DriveNumber, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
// for (DWORD i = 0; i < nNumberOfBytesToWrite; i += 32) {
// for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
// printf("%02x ", ((BYTE*)lpBuffer)[i + j]);
// }
// puts("");
// }
// *lpNumberOfBytesWritten = nNumberOfBytesToWrite;
// return TRUE;
// ! WARNING: This WriteFile implementation is currently limited to aligned
// ! reads. Given the main purpose of this function is to allow reading
// ! the partition information, this doesn't currently pose an issue.
DWORD ptrLBA = (ctx->m_Pointer.QuadPart / (long long)pd->m_BlockSize) & 0xffffffff;
// Writes to the MBR header or slack are blocked
if (ptrLBA <= MBR_LBA_GAP) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Write rejected");
return FALSE;
// MBR partitions
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber == 0) break;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA + pd->m_Partitions[i].m_Size) {
DWORD writeOffset = ptrLBA - pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PhysicalLBA;
if (pd->m_Partitions[i].m_WriteFunc == NULL) {
"Attempted write in %d/%d at block offset %08x; No write function",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = pd->m_Partitions[i].m_WriteFunc(writeOffset, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
if (!ret) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted write in %d/%d at block offset %08x; Write rejected",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "Write at %d/%d+%d", pd->m_DriveNumber,
pd->m_Partitions[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return TRUE;
// Extended partitions
for (size_t i = 0; pd->m_Extended[i].m_Size; i++) {
// Extended header
DWORD headerLBA = pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA - EXT_HEADER_GAP;
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Write to extended header rejected");
return FALSE;
if (i == 0 && pd->m_HasSegaboot) {
// SEGA Partition Description
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SPD_OFFSET) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToWrite < sizeof(spd_t)) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SPD!");
return FALSE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Failed to open %s", SPD_PATH);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = _WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
lpNumberOfBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
return ret;
// SEGA Boot Records
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SBR0_OFFSET) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToWrite < sizeof(sbr_t)) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SBR!");
return FALSE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Failed to open %s", SBR0_PATH);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = _WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
lpNumberOfBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
return ret;
if (ptrLBA == headerLBA + SBR1_OFFSET) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToWrite < sizeof(sbr_t)) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Buffer too small for SBR!");
return FALSE;
log_error(plfDrive, "Failed to open %s", SBR1_PATH);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = _WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
lpNumberOfBytesWritten, lpOverlapped);
return ret;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA - EXT_HEADER_GAP &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA) {
// Write within the 63 extra tracks
log_error(plfDrive, "Write failed");
return FALSE;
if (ptrLBA >= pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA &&
ptrLBA < pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA + pd->m_Extended[i].m_Size) {
DWORD writeOffset = ptrLBA - pd->m_Extended[i].m_PhysicalLBA;
if (pd->m_Extended[i].m_WriteFunc == NULL) {
"Attempted write in %d/%d at block offset %08x; No write function",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return FALSE;
BOOL ret = pd->m_Extended[i].m_WriteFunc(writeOffset, lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
if (!ret) {
log_error(plfDrive, "Attempted write in %d/%d at block offset %08x; Write rejected",
pd->m_DriveNumber, pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return FALSE;
log_misc(plfDrive, "Write at %d/%d+%d", pd->m_DriveNumber,
pd->m_Extended[i].m_PartitionNumber, writeOffset);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;