
135 lines
5.7 KiB

#pragma once
// Ported to C from
// https://github.com/ocornut/imgui_club/blob/master/imgui_memory_editor/imgui_memory_editor.h
#include <float.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "cimgui.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define _PRISizeT "I"
#define ImSnprintf _snprintf
#define _PRISizeT "z"
#define ImSnprintf snprintf
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning( \
disable : 4996) // warning C4996: 'sprintf': This function or variable may be unsafe.
typedef enum DataFormat_ {
DataFormat_Bin = 0,
DataFormat_Dec = 1,
DataFormat_Hex = 2,
} DataFormat;
typedef struct UserData_ {
char CurrentBufOverwrite[3]; // Input
int CursorPos; // Output
} UserData;
// FIXME: We should have a way to retrieve the text edit cursor position
// more easily in the API, this is rather tedious. This is such a ugly mess
// we may be better off not using InputText() at all here.
static int UserData_Callback(ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data);
typedef struct MemoryEditor_ {
// Settings
bool Open; // = true // set to false when DrawWindow() was closed. ignore if not using
// DrawWindow().
bool ReadOnly; // = false // disable any editing.
int Cols; // = 16 // number of columns to display.
bool OptShowOptions; // = true // display options button/context menu. when disabled, options
// will be locked unless you provide your own UI for them.
OptShowDataPreview; // = false // display a footer previewing the decimal/binary/hex/float
// representation of the currently selected bytes.
bool OptShowHexII; // = false // display values in HexII representation instead of regular
// hexadecimal: hide null/zero bytes, ascii values as ".X".
bool OptShowAscii; // = true // display ASCII representation on the right side.
bool OptGreyOutZeroes; // = true // display null/zero bytes using the TextDisabled color.
bool OptUpperCaseHex; // = true // display hexadecimal values as "FF" instead of "ff".
int OptMidColsCount; // = 8 // set to 0 to disable extra spacing between every mid-cols.
int OptAddrDigitsCount; // = 0 // number of addr digits to display (default calculated
// based on maximum displayed addr).
float OptFooterExtraHeight; // = 0 // space to reserve at the bottom of the widget to add
// custom widgets
ImU32 HighlightColor; // // background color of highlighted bytes.
ImU8 (*ReadFn)(const ImU8* data, size_t off); // = 0 // optional handler to read bytes.
void (*WriteFn)(ImU8* data, size_t off,
ImU8 d); // = 0 // optional handler to write bytes.
bool (*HighlightFn)(const ImU8* data,
size_t off); //= 0 // optional handler to return Highlight property
//(to support non-contiguous highlighting).
// [Internal State]
bool ContentsWidthChanged;
size_t DataPreviewAddr;
size_t DataEditingAddr;
bool DataEditingTakeFocus;
char DataInputBuf[32];
char AddrInputBuf[32];
size_t GotoAddr;
size_t HighlightMin, HighlightMax;
int PreviewEndianess;
ImGuiDataType PreviewDataType;
} MemoryEditor;
void MemoryEditor_Init(MemoryEditor* editor);
void MemoryEditor_GotoAddrAndHighlight(MemoryEditor* editor, size_t addr_min, size_t addr_max);
typedef struct Sizes_ {
int AddrDigitsCount;
float LineHeight;
float GlyphWidth;
float HexCellWidth;
float SpacingBetweenMidCols;
float PosHexStart;
float PosHexEnd;
float PosAsciiStart;
float PosAsciiEnd;
float WindowWidth;
} Sizes;
void MemoryEditor_CalcSizes(MemoryEditor* editor, Sizes* s, size_t mem_size,
size_t base_display_addr);
// Standalone Memory Editor window
void MemoryEditor_DrawWindow(MemoryEditor* editor, const char* title, void* mem_data,
size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr);
// Memory Editor contents only
void MemoryEditor_DrawContents(MemoryEditor* editor, void* mem_data_void, size_t mem_size,
size_t base_display_addr);
void MemoryEditor_DrawOptionsLine(MemoryEditor* editor, const Sizes* s, void* mem_data,
size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr);
void MemoryEditor_DrawPreviewLine(MemoryEditor* editor, const Sizes* s, void* mem_data_void,
size_t mem_size, size_t base_display_addr);
// Utilities for Data Preview
const char* MemoryEditor_DataTypeGetDesc(ImGuiDataType data_type);
size_t MemoryEditor_DataTypeGetSize(ImGuiDataType data_type);
const char* MemoryEditor_DataFormatGetDesc(DataFormat data_format);
bool MemoryEditor_IsBigEndian(void);
static void* MemoryEditor_EndianessCopyBigEndian(void* _dst, void* _src, size_t s,
int is_little_endian);
static void* MemoryEditor_EndianessCopyLittleEndian(void* _dst, void* _src, size_t s,
int is_little_endian);
void* MemoryEditor_EndianessCopy(MemoryEditor* editor, void* dst, void* src, size_t size);
const char* MemoryEditor_FormatBinary(const uint8_t* buf, int width);
// [Internal]
void MemoryEditor_DrawPreviewData(MemoryEditor* editor, size_t addr, const ImU8* mem_data,
size_t mem_size, ImGuiDataType data_type, DataFormat data_format,
char* out_buf, size_t out_buf_size);