
66 lines
2.8 KiB

#ifndef SECTION
#define SECTION(s, comment)
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER(comment)
#define ENDSECTION(s)
HEADER("The main config file for micetools")
SECTION(mice, "General mice settings")
CFG_int(mice, log_level, 4, "1 = Game\n2 = Error\n3 = Warning\n4 = Info\n5 = Misc\n6 = Trace")
CFG_bool(mice, log_to_file, false, "Also log out to log_file")
CFG_str(mice, log_file, "log.txt", "The file to log to if log_to_file is enabled")
CFG_bool(mice, apply_patches, true, "Load and apply patches from patches_file at runtime")
CFG_str(mice, patches_file, "patches.json", "The file to read patches from")
SECTION(launcher, "These options are only used during initial bootstrapping")
CFG_str(launcher, game_binary, "", "Override binary detection")
CFG_bool(launcher, wait_for_debugger, false, "Wait for a debugger to attach when starting")
CFG_int(launcher, startup_delay, 0, "Pause during startup")
CFG_str(launcher, mice_dll, "mice86.dll", "The path to mice's DLL")
CFG_str(launcher, inject, "", "Extra DLLs to inject during boot")
SECTION(devices, "Specify COM ports for devices to attach, comma seperated")
CFG_str(devices, aime_bd, "2", "AIME reader board")
CFG_str(devices, touch_bd, "3", "maimai touch screen")
CFG_str(devices, led_bd, "5,6,7,8", "maimai led boards")
SECTION(drivers, "Enable or disable drivers. Disabling any is not recommended.")
CFG_bool(drivers, columba, true, "Columba memory driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxsram, true, "SRAM driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxsuperio, true, "SuperIO driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxjvs, true, "JVS driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxhwreset, true, "System reboot driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxsmbus, true, "SMBus driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, mxparallel, true, "Parallel port driver")
CFG_bool(drivers, platform, true, "amPlatform driver")
SECTION(hooks, "Enable or disable hooks. Disabling any is not recommended.")
CFG_bool(hooks, logging, true, "Hooks logging functions and the eventlog to capture game logs")
CFG_bool(hooks, gui, true, "Required for overlays to work")
CFG_bool(hooks, setupapi, true, "Required for SRAM")
CFG_bool(hooks, commio, true, "Emulates COM devices")
CFG_bool(hooks, io, true, "Hooks all file IO operations, including driver communication")
CFG_bool(hooks, processes, true, "Controls process spawning to re-hook children")
CFG_bool(hooks, network, true, "Provides a virtual network environment for the game")
CFG_bool(hooks, time, true, "Some binaries try to change the system time; this handles that")
CFG_bool(hooks, registry, true, "")
CFG_bool(hooks, drives, true, "Provides an emulation layer for the physical game SSD")
#undef CFG_str
#undef CFG_int
#undef CFG_bool
#undef CFG_hex
#undef SECTION
#undef HEADER