
346 lines
13 KiB

#include "drive.h"
typedef struct {
size_t disk;
size_t partition;
} find_index_t;
disk_volume_t* incrementFindIndex(HANDLE hFindVolume) {
find_index_t* find_index = GetDataForHandle(hFindVolume, HDATA_FIND_VOLUME);
if (find_index == NULL) return NULL;
while (1) {
if (find_index->disk >= MAX_DISKS || AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Disk == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Installed) {
find_index->partition = 0;
if (find_index->partition > 3) {
if (AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Disk
->m_Extended[find_index->partition - 4]
.m_PartitionNumber == 0) {
find_index->partition = 0;
return &(AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Disk
->m_Extended[(find_index->partition++) - 4]
if (AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Disk
.m_PartitionNumber == 0) {
find_index->partition = 4;
return &(AVAILABLE_DISKS[find_index->disk].m_Disk->m_Partitions[find_index->partition++].m_Volume);
BOOL WINAPI FakeFindNextVolumeW(HANDLE hFindVolume, LPWSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORD cchBufferLength) {
disk_volume_t* volume = incrementFindIndex(hFindVolume);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
wcscpy_s(lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength, volume->m_FilenameW);
wcscat_s(lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength, L"\\");
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeFindNextVolumeA(HANDLE hFindVolume, LPSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORD cchBufferLength) {
disk_volume_t* volume = incrementFindIndex(hFindVolume);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
strcpy_s(lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength, volume->m_FilenameA);
strcat_s(lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength, "\\");
return TRUE;
HANDLE WINAPI FakeFindFirstVolumeW(LPWSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORD cchBufferLength) {
find_index_t* find_index = malloc(sizeof(find_index_t));
find_index->disk = 0;
find_index->partition = 0;
HANDLE handle = GetDummyHandle();
SetDataForHandle(handle, HDATA_FIND_VOLUME, find_index, TRUE);
FakeFindNextVolumeW(handle, lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength);
return handle;
HANDLE WINAPI FakeFindFirstVolumeA(LPSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORD cchBufferLength) {
find_index_t* find_index = malloc(sizeof(find_index_t));
find_index->disk = 0;
find_index->partition = 0;
HANDLE handle = GetDummyHandle();
SetDataForHandle(handle, HDATA_FIND_VOLUME, find_index, TRUE);
FakeFindNextVolumeA(handle, lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength);
return handle;
BOOL WINAPI FakeFindVolumeClose(HANDLE hFindVolume) {
if (RemoveDataForHandle(hFindVolume, HDATA_FIND_VOLUME)) return _CloseHandle(hFindVolume);
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeGetVolumeInformationA(LPCSTR lpRootPathName, LPSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer,
DWORD nVolumeNameSize, LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber,
LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength, LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags,
LPSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer, DWORD nFileSystemNameSize) {
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpRootPathName, VOL_MATCH_ALL);
log_game(plfDrive, "GetVolumeInformationA(%s) = %p", lpRootPathName, volume);
if (volume == NULL) return FALSE;
if (lpVolumeSerialNumber) *lpVolumeSerialNumber = volume->m_pDrive->m_SerialNumber;
// TODO: Ripped from a RingEdge. Make these part of our emulation.
if (lpFileSystemFlags) *lpFileSystemFlags = 0x700ff;
if (lpMaximumComponentLength) *lpMaximumComponentLength = 255;
// TODO: This isn't even true for non-NTFS partitions
if (lpFileSystemNameBuffer) strncpy_s(lpFileSystemNameBuffer, nFileSystemNameSize, "NTFS", 5);
if (lpVolumeNameBuffer && nVolumeNameSize) {
if (volume->m_Name)
strcpy_s(lpVolumeNameBuffer, nVolumeNameSize, volume->m_Name);
lpVolumeNameBuffer[0] = '\0';
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeSetVolumeLabelA(LPCSTR lpRootPathName, LPCSTR lpVolumeName) {
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpRootPathName, VOL_MATCH_ALL);
if (volume == NULL) return FALSE;
if (lpVolumeName) {
size_t len = strlen(lpVolumeName);
// By default volume names are pointers to constants!
if (volume->m_NameIsOnHeap)
realloc(volume->m_Name, len + 1);
else {
volume->m_Name = malloc(len + 1);
volume->m_NameIsOnHeap = TRUE;
memcpy(volume->m_Name, lpVolumeName, len);
} else {
volume->m_Name = NULL;
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(LPCSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint, LPSTR lpszVolumeName,
DWORD cchBufferLength) {
log_trace(plfDrive, "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA(%s)", lpszVolumeMountPoint);
disk_volume_t* volume =
getVolumeByPath(lpszVolumeMountPoint, VOL_MATCH_PATH | VOL_MATCH_DOS_DEVICE);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
strcpy_s(lpszVolumeName, cchBufferLength, volume->m_FilenameA);
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA(LPCSTR lpszVolumeName, LPCH lpszVolumePathNames,
DWORD cchBufferLength, PDWORD lpcchReturnLength) {
log_trace(plfDrive, "FakeGetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA(%s)", lpszVolumeName);
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpszVolumeName, VOL_MATCH_GUID);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (volume->m_MountPoint) {
// TODO: Handle the situation where the buffer is too small
*lpcchReturnLength =
sprintf_s(lpszVolumePathNames, cchBufferLength, "\\\\.\\%c:", volume->m_MountPoint);
if (*lpcchReturnLength != cchBufferLength) {
lpszVolumePathNames[*lpcchReturnLength] = '\0';
} else {
*lpcchReturnLength = 0;
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeDeleteVolumeMountPointA(LPCSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint) {
log_trace(plfDrive, "DeleteVolumeMountPointA(%s)", lpszVolumeMountPoint);
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpszVolumeMountPoint, VOL_MATCH_PATH);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
volume->m_MountPoint = '\0';
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeSetVolumeMountPointA(LPCSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint, LPCSTR lpszVolumeName) {
log_trace(plfDrive, "SetVolumeMountPointA(%s)", lpszVolumeMountPoint);
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpszVolumeName, VOL_MATCH_GUID);
if (volume == NULL) {
return FALSE;
char cMountPoint;
DWORD nScan;
if (sscanf_s(lpszVolumeMountPoint, "\\\\.\\%c:%n", &cMountPoint, 1, &nScan) == 1 &&
nScan == 6) {
log_info(plfDrive, "Mounting %s at %c:\\", volume->m_Name, cMountPoint);
volume->m_MountPoint = cMountPoint;
return TRUE;
if (sscanf_s(lpszVolumeMountPoint, "%c:\\%n", &cMountPoint, 1, &nScan) == 1 && nScan == 3) {
log_info(plfDrive, "Mounting %s at %c:\\", volume->m_Name, cMountPoint);
volume->m_MountPoint = cMountPoint;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
DWORD WINAPI FakeQueryDosDeviceA(LPCSTR lpDeviceName, LPSTR lpTargetPath, DWORD ucchMax) {
log_warning(plfDrive, "QueryDosDeviceA(%s, -, %d)", lpDeviceName, ucchMax);
if (lpDeviceName != NULL) {
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpDeviceName, VOL_MATCH_DOS_DEVICE);
if (volume == NULL) {
return 0;
size_t mountLen = wcslen(volume->m_DeviceName);
if (ucchMax < mountLen + 1) {
return 0;
sprintf_s(lpTargetPath, ucchMax, "\\Device\\%ls", volume->m_DeviceName);
return ucchMax;
return 0;
const wchar_t* DUMMY_USB_RM =
DWORD WINAPI FakeQueryDosDeviceW(LPCWSTR lpDeviceName, LPWSTR lpTargetPath, DWORD ucchMax) {
log_warning(plfDrive, "QueryDosDeviceW(%ls, -, %d)", lpDeviceName, ucchMax);
if (lpDeviceName != NULL) {
if (wcscmp(lpTargetPath, DUMMY_USB_RM) == 0) {
swprintf_s(lpTargetPath, ucchMax, L"\\Device\\Harddisk69");
return ucchMax;
char deviceName[MAX_PATH];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpDeviceName, wcslen(lpDeviceName), deviceName,
_countof(deviceName), NULL, NULL);
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(deviceName, VOL_MATCH_DOS_DEVICE);
if (volume == NULL) {
swprintf_s(lpTargetPath, ucchMax, L"\\Device\\Ttest");
return 0;
size_t mountLen = wcslen(volume->m_DeviceName);
if (ucchMax < mountLen + 1) {
return 0;
swprintf_s(lpTargetPath, ucchMax, L"\\Device\\%ls", volume->m_DeviceName);
return ucchMax;
} else {
// ! We cannot do this, because some programs lie in ucchMax!!
// ZeroMemory(lpTargetPath, ucchMax);
// TODO: This, properly!!
size_t nbytes = swprintf_s(lpTargetPath, ucchMax, DUMMY_USB_RM);
lpTargetPath[nbytes] = '\0';
lpTargetPath[nbytes + 1] = '\0';
return 0;
// TODO:
BOOL WINAPI FakeDefineDosDeviceW(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpDeviceName, LPCWSTR lpTargetPath) {
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FakeSetVolumeMountPointW(LPCWSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint, LPCWSTR lpszVolumeName) {
return TRUE;
MCIERROR WINAPI Fake_mciSendStringA(LPCTSTR lpszCommand, LPTSTR lpszReturnString, UINT cchReturn,
HANDLE hwndCallback) {
if (strcmp(lpszCommand, "open cdaudio") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcmp(lpszCommand, "set cdaudio door open") == 0) {
log_game(plfDrive, "mci:Cupholder opened!");
return 0;
if (strcmp(lpszCommand, "status cdaudio media present") == 0) {
if (lpszReturnString) {
if (TRUE)
strcpy_s(lpszReturnString, cchReturn, "true");
strcpy_s(lpszReturnString, cchReturn, "false");
return 0;
if (strcmp(lpszCommand, "close cdaudio") == 0) {
return 0;
UINT WINAPI FakeGetDriveTypeA(LPCSTR lpRootPathName) {
log_trace(plfDrive, "GetDriveTypeA(%s)", lpRootPathName);
disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpRootPathName, VOL_MATCH_PATH | VOL_MATCH_DOS_DEVICE);
if (volume == NULL) {
// If we aren't faking this drive, check if we're allowing fall-through
char gameDrive = char_lower(GetGamedataDrive());
if (strlen(lpRootPathName) >= 2 && char_lower(lpRootPathName[0]) == gameDrive &&
lpRootPathName[1] == ':') {
// return DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR;
// We could do the above, but for now, we're just going to pass through to the real API.
return TrueGetDriveTypeA(lpRootPathName);
switch (volume->m_pDrive->m_DiskType) {
case DiskType_CdRom:
case DiskType_HardDisk:
case DiskType_Flash:
case DiskType_Floppy:
BOOL WINAPI FakeGetDiskFreeSpaceExA(LPCSTR lpDirectoryName,
PULARGE_INTEGER lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller,
PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
PULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes) {
// disk_volume_t* volume = getVolumeByPath(lpDirectoryName, VOL_MATCH_ALL);
// if (volume == NULL) {
// return FALSE;
// }
// We're going to be remapping the drive to ./mice/dev/, so the free bytes are whatever the current
// real drive has free. No point claiming we have more than we do!
return TrueGetDiskFreeSpaceExA(NULL, lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller, lpTotalNumberOfBytes,