
188 lines
5.2 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include "_devices.h"
Packet format:
String packets:
[0]: commandNum > 16 ? 0x81 : 0x01
[...]: string. does not contain null.
[n]: commandNum > 16 ? 0x8d : 0x0d
Binary packets:
[0]: 0x55
[7]: Sum of ([1] through [6]) + 0xAA
Type(0) packets:
[0]: 0x80 | (if 0x40 set, arg2 = 0x80, else arg2 = 0)
[1]: arg0 & 0x7f
[2]: (arg0 >> 7) & 0x7f
[3]: arg1 & 0x7f
[4]: (arg1 >> 7) & 0x7f
Type(2) packets:
[0]: 0x40 | (if 0x02 set, arg2 = 0, else arg2 = 0x80)
[1]: arg0 & 0x3f
[2]: (arg0 >> 6) & 0x3f
[3]: arg1 & 0x3f
[4]: (arg1 >> 6) & 0x3f
[5]: ???
Binary packets:
// String packets (this seems.. like an impossible contradiction!?):
// [0]: 0x01
// [1]: 0x0d
// [0]: 0x55
// [1]: 0x54
// [...?] -> Buffer length reset to 2. Do these matter?
// [9] 0x55
// [10] 0x54
// --- OR ---
[0]: 0x55
[1]: 0x54
[2]: if low two bits set (& 3), [7] contains arg2, else arg2=0
[3]: arg0 & 0xff
[4]: arg0 >> 8
[5]: arg1 & 0xff
[6]: arg1 >> 8
[7]: arg2
[9]: Sum of ([1] through [8]) + 0xAA
--- OR ---
Whatever (005c1edb) is doing
From the looks of it, 0x41 is some sort of continuation byte,
every 10 bytes.
FQF[02x: arg0] = 11 (set frequency?)
FQF00 = 12 (get frequency?)
.5A[02x: touch panel effect][02x: ??] = 16 (set config?)
First command received:
= Screen command 8
Second command sent:
= Screen command 16
= ".5A0001"
But the last four digits are replaced with "%02X%02X"
2E 35 41 46 46 30 30
static inline void response_ok(com_device_t* lpDev, char* szResponse) {
int nBytes = szResponse ? strlen(szResponse) : 0;
if (nBytes > 8) nBytes = 8;
BYTE buffer[10];
buffer[0] = 0x01;
if (nBytes) memcpy(&buffer[1], szResponse, nBytes);
buffer[nBytes + 1] = 0x0d;
comdev_write(lpDev, buffer, (nBytes + 2) & 0xffff);
static inline void response_two_short(com_device_t* lpDev, SHORT arg0, SHORT arg1) {
BYTE buffer[5];
buffer[0] = 0x80;
buffer[1] = arg0 & 0x7f;
buffer[2] = (arg0 >> 7) & 0x7f;
buffer[3] = arg1 & 0x7f;
buffer[4] = (arg1 >> 7) & 0x7f;
comdev_write(lpDev, buffer, 5);
static BYTE command_do[4] = {
static DWORD WINAPI ser_gacchu_guts_screen(com_device_t* dev) {
BYTE bHead;
BYTE buffer[256];
puts("Gacchu screen start");
while (1) {
comdev_read_blocking(dev, &bHead, 1);
if (bHead == 0x55) {
log_error(plfGacchuGuts, "Screen binary!");
comdev_read_blocking(dev, buffer, 7);
if (bHead != 0x01 && bHead != 0x81) {
log_error(plfGacchuGuts, "Screen babble: %02x", bHead);
WORD index = 0;
BYTE tail = bHead == 0x01 ? 0x0D : 0x8D;
do {
comdev_read_blocking(dev, &buffer[index++], 1);
} while (index < _countof(buffer) && buffer[index - 1] != tail);
// comdev_read_blocking(dev, buffer, nBytes);
// comdev_read_blocking(dev, &tail, 1);
// Done and working (hopefully!)
if (index == 2 && memcmp(buffer, "Z", 1) == 0) {
response_ok(dev, "0");
// Not working :(
else if (index == 6 && memcmp(buffer, "FQF", 3) == 0) {
BYTE value = 0;
_snscanf_s((const char*)&buffer[3], 2, "%02hhX", &value);
if (value == 0) {
log_game(plfGacchuGuts, "Got FQF00 command. What now...?");
response_ok(dev, " ");
} else {
log_game(plfGacchuGuts, "Got FQF[%02x] command. What now...?", value);
response_ok(dev, "0"); // Meant to do " " vs "0" I think?
else if (index == 8 && memcmp(buffer, ".5A", 3) == 0) {
log_game(plfGacchuGuts, "Got .5A command. What now...?");
uVar9 = (arg0 * 1024) / (0x4000 - 1)
// At a guess, this is getting the display resolution.
response_two_short(dev, 1024, 768);
else if (index == 5 && memcmp(buffer, command_do, 4) == 0) {
log_game(plfGacchuGuts, "Got D0 command. What now...?");
response_ok(dev, "0"); // Probably wrong
} else {
log_error(plfGacchuGuts, "%ls: Got Gacchu screen: %02x(%d):[%02x]%.*s\n",
dev->com->wName, bHead, index, buffer[0], index - 1, buffer);
log_error(plfGacchuGuts, "%ls: Got Gacchu bytes: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
dev->com->wName, buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3], buffer[4]);
void install_gacchu_guts_screen() { register_device("gacchu_guts_screen", ser_gacchu_guts_screen); }