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2022-10-30 17:33:02 +00:00
#include "comdevice.h"
com_device_t* GetComDevice(HANDLE hFile) {
open_hook_t* pHData = GetDataForHandle(hFile, HDATA_FILE);
return pHData->hook->com_hook->com_device;
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BOOL DevGetCommState(HANDLE hFile, LPDCB lpDCB) { return TRUE; }
BOOL DevSetCommState(HANDLE hFile, LPDCB lpDCB) { return TRUE; }
BOOL DevGetCommTimeouts(HANDLE hFile, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts) { return TRUE; }
BOOL DevSetCommTimeouts(HANDLE hFile, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts) { return TRUE; }
BOOL DevSetupComm(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwInQueue, DWORD dwOutQueue) { return TRUE; }
BOOL DevPurgeComm(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags) {
if (dwFlags & PURGE_RXCLEAR) ringbuf_purge(&(GetComDevice(hFile)->out));
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return TRUE;
BOOL DevGetCommModemStatus(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpModemStatus) {
if (!lpModemStatus) return FALSE;
com_device_t* dev = GetComDevice(hFile);
if (!dev) return false;
*lpModemStatus = dev->modemStatus;
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return TRUE;
BOOL DevWaitCommEvent(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpEvtMask, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
WaitForSingleObject(GetComDevice(hFile)->dataOutReady, INFINITE);
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if (lpOverlapped != NULL) SetEvent(lpOverlapped->hEvent);
return TRUE;
BOOL DevClearCommError(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpErrors, LPCOMSTAT lpStat) {
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if (lpErrors != NULL) *lpErrors = 0;
if (lpStat != NULL) {
lpStat->fCtsHold = FALSE;
lpStat->fDsrHold = FALSE;
lpStat->fRlsdHold = FALSE;
lpStat->fXoffHold = FALSE;
lpStat->fXoffSent = FALSE;
lpStat->fEof = FALSE;
lpStat->fTxim = FALSE;
lpStat->fReserved = 0;
lpStat->cbInQue = ringbuf_available(&(GetComDevice(hFile)->out));
lpStat->cbOutQue = ringbuf_available(&(GetComDevice(hFile)->in));
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return TRUE;
BOOL DevWriteFile(file_context_t* ctx, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
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LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToWrite > 0xffff) return FALSE;
com_device_t* dev = GetComDevice(ctx->m_Handle);
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// Ignore overflow
ringbuf_write(&(dev->in), lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToWrite & 0xffff);
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if (lpNumberOfBytesWritten) *lpNumberOfBytesWritten = nNumberOfBytesToWrite;
return TRUE;
BOOL DevReadFile(file_context_t* ctx, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
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LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) {
if (nNumberOfBytesToRead > 0xffff) return FALSE;
com_device_t* comdev = GetComDevice(ctx->m_Handle);
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// Make sure we have at least one byte to return
// while (!ringbuf_available(&(comdev->out))) {
// WaitForSingleObject(comdev->event, INFINITE);
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// }
short read = ringbuf_read(&(comdev->out), lpBuffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead & 0xffff);
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if (lpNumberOfBytesRead) *lpNumberOfBytesRead = read;
if (lpOverlapped) {
lpOverlapped->InternalHigh = read;
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return TRUE;
short comdev_read_blocking(com_device_t* com, unsigned char* buffer, short bytes) {
while (comdev_available(com) < bytes) {
WaitForSingleObject(com->dataInReady, INFINITE);
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return ringbuf_read(&com->in, buffer, bytes);
short comdev_read(com_device_t* com, unsigned char* buffer, short bytes) {
return ringbuf_read(&com->in, buffer, bytes);
bool comdev_write(com_device_t* com, const unsigned char* buffer, short bytes) {
bool ret = ringbuf_write(&com->out, buffer, bytes);
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return ret;
short comdev_available(com_device_t* com) { return ringbuf_available(&com->in); }
BYTE comdev_peek(com_device_t* com) { return com->in.buffer[com->in.read]; }
// Read data from a com device, unescaping as we go
void comio_read(com_device_t* com, BYTE* data, BYTE len) {
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BYTE one_byte;
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for (; len; len--) {
comdev_read_blocking(com, &one_byte, 1);
if (one_byte == COMIO_MARK) {
comdev_read_blocking(com, &one_byte, 1);
*(data++) = one_byte;
// Write data to a com device, escaping as we go
void comio_write(com_device_t* com, BYTE* data, BYTE len) {
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BYTE one_byte;
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for (; len; len--) {
one_byte = *(data++);
if (one_byte == COMIO_MARK || one_byte == COMIO_SYNC) {
comdev_write(com, &mark, 1);
comdev_write(com, &one_byte, 1);
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unsigned char comio_next_req(com_device_t* com, comio_recv_head_t* head, BYTE* data) {
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BYTE one_byte;
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do {
if (comdev_available(com) < (sizeof *head + 1)) {
comdev_read(com, &one_byte, 1);
if (one_byte != COMIO_SYNC) {
2023-03-13 21:49:07 +00:00
log_error(plfComm, "Garbage on JVS: %02x", one_byte);
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} while (1);
comio_read(com, (LPBYTE)head, sizeof *head);
// TODO: Validate the sum? Do we care really?
comio_read(com, data, head->length);
unsigned char sum;
comio_read(com, &sum, 1);
2023-02-10 04:22:16 +00:00
return sum;
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2022-12-24 03:04:04 +00:00
void comio_reply(com_device_t* com, comio_recv_head_t* req, BYTE status, BYTE len, BYTE* data) {
BYTE one_byte;
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one_byte = COMIO_SYNC;
comdev_write(com, &one_byte, 1);
comio_resp_head_t resp = {
.frame_length = len + sizeof resp,
.src = req->dst,
.seq = req->seq,
.status = status,
.op = req->op,
.length = len,
// Header
comio_write(com, (LPBYTE)&resp, sizeof resp);
// Payload
if (len) // If len == 0, we allow data to be null
comio_write(com, data, len);
// Checksum
one_byte = 0;
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for (BYTE i = 0; i < sizeof resp; i++) one_byte += ((LPBYTE)&resp)[i];
for (BYTE i = 0; i < len; i++) one_byte += data[i];
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comio_write(com, &one_byte, 1);
2023-03-13 21:49:07 +00:00
BOOL attach_com_device(BYTE port, FnComDeviceThread* thread) {
if (port < 1 || port > NUM_COM_PORTS) {
log_error(plfComm, "Requested COM%hhu but that is out of range!", port);
return FALSE;
com_device_t* com = com_devices[port - 1];
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if (com->thread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (port == RESERVED_JVS_COM_PORT) return FALSE;
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// No need to change what's assigned!
if (com->thread_worker == thread) return TRUE;
log_warning(plfComm, "COM%hhu is already attached!", port);
TerminateThread(com->thread, (DWORD)-1);
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com->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread, com, 0, NULL);
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com->thread_worker = thread;
return TRUE;
void detach_com_device(BYTE port) {
// If the port is out of range, there's guaranteeably nothing attached
if (port < 1 || port > NUM_COM_PORTS) return;
if (port == RESERVED_JVS_COM_PORT) return;
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com_device_t* com = com_devices[port - 1];
if (!com->thread) return;
TerminateThread(com->thread, (DWORD)-1);
void detach_all_com_devices(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COM_PORTS; i++) {
if (i == RESERVED_JVS_COM_PORT - 1) continue;
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if (com_devices[i]->thread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
TerminateThread(com_devices[i]->thread, (DWORD)-1);
com_devices[i]->thread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
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com_device_t* new_com_device(BYTE port) {
com_device_t* com_device = (com_device_t*)malloc(sizeof *com_device);
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com_hook_t* com = new_com_hook(port);
file_hook_t* file = new_file_hook(com->wName);
file->com_hook = com;
com->com_device = com_device;
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file->altFilename = com->wDosName;
com_device->com = com;
com_device->file = file;
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com->GetCommState = DevGetCommState;
com->SetCommState = DevSetCommState;
com->GetCommTimeouts = DevGetCommTimeouts;
com->SetCommTimeouts = DevSetCommTimeouts;
com->SetupComm = DevSetupComm;
com->PurgeComm = DevPurgeComm;
com->GetCommModemStatus = DevGetCommModemStatus;
com->WaitCommEvent = DevWaitCommEvent;
com->ClearCommError = DevClearCommError;
file->ReadFile = DevReadFile;
file->WriteFile = DevWriteFile;
com_device->dataOutReady = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, com_device->com->wName);
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com_device->thread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
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return com_device;
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2023-03-13 21:49:07 +00:00
void init_com_devices(void) {
for (BYTE i = 0; i < NUM_COM_PORTS; i++) {
com_devices[i] = new_com_device(i + 1);