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# Scripts
These supporting scripts are used to convert game assets and import information into the database.
### Installing Dependencies
1. Create a virtualenv by running `py -m venv venv`
2. Run `.\venv\scripts\activate`
3. Install dependencies by running `pip install -r requirements.txt`
4. Before running any script, make sure the virtualenv is activated by running `.\venv\scripts\activate`
# Asset Extractor
Usage: `py [options] <game> [game_options]`
### Prerequisites
You must specify the path to these executables inside `paths.yaml` if they are not already on your path.
1. [`ffmpeg`](
2. [`vgmstream-cli`](
### Asset Configs
You can customize the file extension and ffmpeg arguments of generated files through an `assets.yaml` file. Some existing assets configs have already been provided. Read the comment in the first line of the file to decide which one you want to use.
### Options
These options must be specified before the `game` argument
| Flag | Description | Default |
| `--config` | Asset config file | `` |
| `--paths` | Paths config file | `paths.yaml` |
| `--processes` | Number of processes to use when converting | Number of cores on your system |
| `-o, --output, --out-dir, --output-dir` | Output directory | `../public/assets` |
| `-n, --no-overwrite` | If set, don't overwrite existing files. (Note: if the script is terminated early, it may leave broken assets that need to be deleted if this flag is set) | (Unset) |
| `--no-music` | If set, don't generate music files | (Unset) |
| `--no-audio` | If set, don't generate other audio files (system voice, etc) | (Unset) |
| `--no-jackets` | If set, don't generate jacket images | (Unset) |
| `--no-images` | If set, don't generate other images (avatar images, etc) | (Unset) |
## Chunithm Extractor
Usage: `py [options] chuni --data-dir DATA_DIR --opt-dir OPT_DIR`
### Options
These options must be specified after `chuni`
| Flag | Description |
| `--data-dir` | Path to data directory, containing A000 (required) |
| `--opt-dir` | Path to options directory, containing A001, etc. (required) |
#### Example Usage
`py -n --config chuni --data-dir C:\chuni\app\data --opt-dir C:\chuni\option`
# Database Importer
Usage: `py [options] <game> [game_options]`
The database importer requires the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable to be set, which can be set in an `.env` file in the format `DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:pass@host:port/db_name` (see the `--env` option)
### **Important**: your default database encoding must be unicode
You can change the encoding by running `ALTER DATABASE aime CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;`
# **WARNING: Back up your database**
I am not responsible for misconfigurations that lead to database issues. **You should back up your database before making any changes to it.**
### Options
These options must be specified before the `game` argument
| Flag | Description | Default |
| `--env, -e` | Path to `.env` file to load `DATABASE_URL` variable from | `../.env.local` |
## Chunithm Importer
Usage: `py [options] chuni --data-dir DATA_DIR --opt-dir OPT_DIR`
### Options
These options must be specified after `chuni`
| Flag | Description |
| `--data-dir` | Path to data directory, containing A000 (required) |
| `--opt-dir` | Path to options directory, containing A001, etc. (required) |
#### Example Usage
`py -e ../.env.local chuni --data-dir C:\chuni\app\data --opt-dir C:\chuni\option`