from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union import logging, coloredlogs from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from twisted.web.http import Request from datetime import datetime import pytz import base64 import zlib from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Hash import SHA from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 from time import strptime from os import path import urllib.parse from core.config import CoreConfig from core.utils import Utils from import Data from core.const import * class AllnetServlet: def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_folder: str): super().__init__() self.config = core_cfg self.config_folder = cfg_folder = Data(core_cfg) self.uri_registry: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] = {} self.logger = logging.getLogger("allnet") if not hasattr(self.logger, "initialized"): log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] Allnet | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.config.server.log_dir, "allnet"), when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(core_cfg.allnet.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( level=core_cfg.allnet.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) self.logger.initialized = True plugins = Utils.get_all_titles() if len(plugins) == 0: self.logger.error("No games detected!") for _, mod in plugins.items(): if hasattr(mod, "index") and hasattr(mod.index, "get_allnet_info"): for code in mod.game_codes: enabled, uri, host = mod.index.get_allnet_info( code, self.config, self.config_folder ) if enabled: self.uri_registry[code] = (uri, host) f"Serving {len(self.uri_registry)} game codes port {core_cfg.allnet.port}" ) def handle_poweron(self, request: Request, _: Dict): request_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) try: req_dict = self.allnet_req_to_dict(request.content.getvalue()) if req_dict is None: raise AllnetRequestException() req = AllnetPowerOnRequest(req_dict[0]) # Validate the request. Currently we only validate the fields we plan on using if not req.game_id or not req.ver or not req.serial or not req.ip or not req.firm_ver or not req.boot_ver: raise AllnetRequestException( f"Bad auth request params from {request_ip} - {vars(req)}" ) except AllnetRequestException as e: if e.message != "": self.logger.error(e) return b"" if req.format_ver == 3: resp = AllnetPowerOnResponse3(req.token) elif req.format_ver == 2: resp = AllnetPowerOnResponse2() else: resp = AllnetPowerOnResponse() self.logger.debug(f"Allnet request: {vars(req)}") if req.game_id not in self.uri_registry: if not self.config.server.is_develop: msg = f"Unrecognised game {req.game_id} attempted allnet auth from {request_ip}." "allnet", "ALLNET_AUTH_UNKNOWN_GAME", logging.WARN, msg ) self.logger.warn(msg) resp.stat = -1 resp_dict = {k: v for k, v in vars(resp).items() if v is not None} return (urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(resp_dict)) + "\n").encode("utf-8") else: f"Allowed unknown game {req.game_id} v{req.ver} to authenticate from {request_ip} due to 'is_develop' being enabled. S/N: {req.serial}" ) resp.uri = f"http://{self.config.title.hostname}:{self.config.title.port}/{req.game_id}/{req.ver.replace('.', '')}/" = f"{self.config.title.hostname}:{self.config.title.port}" resp_dict = {k: v for k, v in vars(resp).items() if v is not None} resp_str = urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(resp_dict)) self.logger.debug(f"Allnet response: {resp_str}") return (resp_str + "\n").encode("utf-8") resp.uri, = self.uri_registry[req.game_id] machine = if machine is None and not self.config.server.allow_unregistered_serials: msg = f"Unrecognised serial {req.serial} attempted allnet auth from {request_ip}." "allnet", "ALLNET_AUTH_UNKNOWN_SERIAL", logging.WARN, msg ) self.logger.warn(msg) resp.stat = -2 resp_dict = {k: v for k, v in vars(resp).items() if v is not None} return (urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(resp_dict)) + "\n").encode("utf-8") if machine is not None: arcade =["arcade"]) country = ( arcade["country"] if machine["country"] is None else machine["country"] ) if country is None: country = AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value = country resp.place_id = arcade["id"] resp.allnet_id = machine["id"] = arcade["name"] if arcade["name"] is not None else "" resp.nickname = arcade["nickname"] if arcade["nickname"] is not None else "" resp.region0 = ( arcade["region_id"] if arcade["region_id"] is not None else AllnetJapanRegionId.AICHI.value ) resp.region_name0 = ( arcade["country"] if arcade["country"] is not None else AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value ) resp.region_name1 = ( arcade["state"] if arcade["state"] is not None else ) resp.region_name2 = arcade["city"] if arcade["city"] is not None else "" resp.client_timezone = ( arcade["timezone"] if arcade["timezone"] is not None else "+0900" ) int_ver = req.ver.replace(".", "") resp.uri = resp.uri.replace("$v", int_ver) ="$v", int_ver) msg = f"{req.serial} authenticated from {request_ip}: {req.game_id} v{req.ver}""allnet", "ALLNET_AUTH_SUCCESS", logging.INFO, msg) resp_dict = {k: v for k, v in vars(resp).items() if v is not None} resp_str = urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(resp_dict)) self.logger.debug(f"Allnet response: {resp_dict}") resp_str += "\n" return resp_str.encode("utf-8") def handle_dlorder(self, request: Request, _: Dict): request_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) try: req_dict = self.allnet_req_to_dict(request.content.getvalue()) if req_dict is None: raise AllnetRequestException() req = AllnetDownloadOrderRequest(req_dict[0]) # Validate the request. Currently we only validate the fields we plan on using if not req.game_id or not req.ver or not req.serial: raise AllnetRequestException( f"Bad download request params from {request_ip} - {vars(req)}" ) except AllnetRequestException as e: if e.message != "": self.logger.error(e) return b"" f"DownloadOrder from {request_ip} -> {req.game_id} v{req.ver} serial {req.serial}" ) resp = AllnetDownloadOrderResponse() if ( not self.config.allnet.allow_online_updates or not self.config.allnet.update_cfg_folder ): return urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(vars(resp))) + "\n" else: # TODO: Keychip check if path.exists( f"{self.config.allnet.update_cfg_folder}/{req.game_id}-{req.ver.replace('.', '')}-app.ini" ): resp.uri = f"http://{self.config.title.hostname}:{self.config.title.port}/dl/ini/{req.game_id}-{req.ver.replace('.', '')}-app.ini" if path.exists( f"{self.config.allnet.update_cfg_folder}/{req.game_id}-{req.ver.replace('.', '')}-opt.ini" ): resp.uri += f"|http://{self.config.title.hostname}:{self.config.title.port}/dl/ini/{req.game_id}-{req.ver.replace('.', '')}-opt.ini" self.logger.debug(f"Sending download uri {resp.uri}")"allnet", "DLORDER_REQ_SUCCESS", logging.INFO, f"{Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} requested DL Order for {req.serial} {req.game_id} v{req.ver}") return urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(vars(resp))) + "\n" def handle_dlorder_ini(self, request: Request, match: Dict) -> bytes: if "file" not in match: return b"" req_file = match["file"].replace("%0A", "") if path.exists(f"{self.config.allnet.update_cfg_folder}/{req_file}"):"Request for DL INI file {req_file} from {Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} successful")"allnet", "DLORDER_INI_SENT", logging.INFO, f"{Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} successfully recieved {req_file}") return open( f"{self.config.allnet.update_cfg_folder}/{req_file}", "rb" ).read()"DL INI File {req_file} not found") return b"" def handle_dlorder_report(self, request: Request, match: Dict) -> bytes: f"DLI Report from {Utils.get_ip_addr(request)}: {request.content.getvalue()}" ) return b"" def handle_loaderstaterecorder(self, request: Request, match: Dict) -> bytes: req_data = request.content.getvalue() sections = req_data.decode("utf-8").split("\r\n") req_dict = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(sections[0])) serial: Union[str, None] = req_dict.get("serial", None) num_files_to_dl: Union[str, None] = req_dict.get("nb_ftd", None) num_files_dld: Union[str, None] = req_dict.get("nb_dld", None) dl_state: Union[str, None] = req_dict.get("dld_st", None) ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) if serial is None or num_files_dld is None or num_files_to_dl is None or dl_state is None: return "NG".encode()"LoaderStateRecorder Request from {ip} {serial}: {num_files_dld}/{num_files_to_dl} Files download (State: {dl_state})") return "OK".encode() def handle_alive(self, request: Request, match: Dict) -> bytes: return "OK".encode() def handle_billing_request(self, request: Request, _: Dict): req_dict = self.billing_req_to_dict(request.content.getvalue()) request_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) if req_dict is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to parse request {request.content.getvalue()}") return b"" self.logger.debug(f"request {req_dict}") rsa = RSA.import_key(open(self.config.billing.signing_key, "rb").read()) signer = digest = try: kc_playlimit = int(req_dict[0]["playlimit"]) kc_nearfull = int(req_dict[0]["nearfull"]) kc_billigtype = int(req_dict[0]["billingtype"]) kc_playcount = int(req_dict[0]["playcnt"]) kc_serial: str = req_dict[0]["keychipid"] kc_game: str = req_dict[0]["gameid"] kc_date = strptime(req_dict[0]["date"], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") kc_serial_bytes = kc_serial.encode() except KeyError as e: return f"result=5&linelimit=&message={e} field is missing".encode() machine = if machine is None and not self.config.server.allow_unregistered_serials: msg = f"Unrecognised serial {kc_serial} attempted billing checkin from {request_ip} for game {kc_game}." "allnet", "BILLING_CHECKIN_NG_SERIAL", logging.WARN, msg ) self.logger.warn(msg) resp = BillingResponse("", "", "", "") resp.result = "1" return self.dict_to_http_form_string([vars(resp)]) msg = ( f"Billing checkin from {request_ip}: game {kc_game} keychip {kc_serial} playcount " f"{kc_playcount} billing_type {kc_billigtype} nearfull {kc_nearfull} playlimit {kc_playlimit}" )"billing", "BILLING_CHECKIN_OK", logging.INFO, msg) while kc_playcount > kc_playlimit: kc_playlimit += 1024 kc_nearfull += 1024 playlimit = kc_playlimit nearfull = kc_nearfull + (kc_billigtype * 0x00010000) digest.update(playlimit.to_bytes(4, "little") + kc_serial_bytes) playlimit_sig = signer.sign(digest).hex() digest = digest.update(nearfull.to_bytes(4, "little") + kc_serial_bytes) nearfull_sig = signer.sign(digest).hex() # TODO: playhistory resp = BillingResponse(playlimit, playlimit_sig, nearfull, nearfull_sig) resp_str = self.dict_to_http_form_string([vars(resp)]) if resp_str is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to parse response {vars(resp)}") self.logger.debug(f"response {vars(resp)}") return resp_str.encode("utf-8") def handle_naomitest(self, request: Request, _: Dict) -> bytes:"Ping from {Utils.get_ip_addr(request)}") return b"naomi ok" def billing_req_to_dict(self, data: bytes): """ Parses an billing request string into a python dictionary """ try: decomp = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) unzipped = decomp.decompress(data) sections = unzipped.decode("ascii").split("\r\n") ret = [] for x in sections: ret.append(dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(x))) return ret except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"billing_req_to_dict: {e} while parsing {data}") return None def allnet_req_to_dict(self, data: str) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Parses an allnet request string into a python dictionary """ try: zipped = base64.b64decode(data) unzipped = zlib.decompress(zipped) sections = unzipped.decode("utf-8").split("\r\n") ret = [] for x in sections: ret.append(dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(x))) return ret except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"allnet_req_to_dict: {e} while parsing {data}") return None def dict_to_http_form_string( self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]], crlf: bool = True, trailing_newline: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Takes a python dictionary and parses it into an allnet response string """ try: urlencode = "" for item in data: for k, v in item.items(): if k is None or v is None: continue urlencode += f"{k}={v}&" if crlf: urlencode = urlencode[:-1] + "\r\n" else: urlencode = urlencode[:-1] + "\n" if not trailing_newline: if crlf: urlencode = urlencode[:-2] else: urlencode = urlencode[:-1] return urlencode except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"dict_to_http_form_string: {e} while parsing {data}") return None class AllnetPowerOnRequest: def __init__(self, req: Dict) -> None: if req is None: raise AllnetRequestException("Request processing failed") self.game_id: str = req.get("game_id", None) self.ver: str = req.get("ver", None) self.serial: str = req.get("serial", None) self.ip: str = req.get("ip", None) self.firm_ver: str = req.get("firm_ver", None) self.boot_ver: str = req.get("boot_ver", None) self.encode: str = req.get("encode", "EUC-JP") self.hops = int(req.get("hops", "-1")) self.format_ver = float(req.get("format_ver", "1.00")) self.token: str = req.get("token", "0") class AllnetPowerOnResponse: def __init__(self) -> None: self.stat = 1 self.uri = "" = "" self.place_id = "123" = "ARTEMiS" self.nickname = "ARTEMiS" self.region0 = "1" self.region_name0 = "W" self.region_name1 = "" self.region_name2 = "" self.region_name3 = "" self.setting = "1" self.year = self.month = = self.hour = self.minute = self.second = class AllnetPowerOnResponse3(AllnetPowerOnResponse): def __init__(self, token) -> None: super().__init__() # Added in v3 = "JPN" self.allnet_id = "123" self.client_timezone = "+0900" self.utc_time ="UTC")).strftime( "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" ) self.res_ver = "3" self.token = token # Removed in v3 self.year = None self.month = None = None self.hour = None self.minute = None self.second = None class AllnetPowerOnResponse2(AllnetPowerOnResponse): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() # Added in v2 = "JPN" self.timezone = "+09:00" self.res_class = "PowerOnResponseV2" class AllnetDownloadOrderRequest: def __init__(self, req: Dict) -> None: self.game_id = req.get("game_id", "") self.ver = req.get("ver", "") self.serial = req.get("serial", "") self.encode = req.get("encode", "") class AllnetDownloadOrderResponse: def __init__(self, stat: int = 1, serial: str = "", uri: str = "") -> None: self.stat = stat self.serial = serial self.uri = uri class BillingResponse: def __init__( self, playlimit: str = "", playlimit_sig: str = "", nearfull: str = "", nearfull_sig: str = "", playhistory: str = "000000/0:000000/0:000000/0", ) -> None: self.result = "0" self.waitime = "100" self.linelimit = "1" self.message = "" self.playlimit = playlimit self.playlimitsig = playlimit_sig self.protocolver = "1.000" self.nearfull = nearfull self.nearfullsig = nearfull_sig self.fixlogincnt = "0" self.fixinterval = "5" self.playhistory = playhistory # playhistory -> YYYYMM/C:... # YYYY -> 4 digit year, MM -> 2 digit month, C -> Playcount during that period class AllnetRequestException(Exception): def __init__(self, message="") -> None: self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)