from twisted.web.http import Request from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET import json import inflection import yaml import string import logging, coloredlogs import zlib from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from os import path, mkdir from typing import Tuple from core.config import CoreConfig from core.utils import Utils from titles.mai2.config import Mai2Config from titles.mai2.const import Mai2Constants from titles.mai2.base import Mai2Base from titles.mai2.finale import Mai2Finale from titles.mai2.dx import Mai2DX from titles.mai2.dxplus import Mai2DXPlus from titles.mai2.splash import Mai2Splash from titles.mai2.splashplus import Mai2SplashPlus from titles.mai2.universe import Mai2Universe from titles.mai2.universeplus import Mai2UniversePlus from titles.mai2.festival import Mai2Festival class Mai2Servlet: def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str) -> None: self.core_cfg = core_cfg self.game_cfg = Mai2Config() if path.exists(f"{cfg_dir}/{Mai2Constants.CONFIG_NAME}"): self.game_cfg.update( yaml.safe_load(open(f"{cfg_dir}/{Mai2Constants.CONFIG_NAME}")) ) self.versions = [ Mai2Base, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Mai2Finale, Mai2DX, Mai2DXPlus, Mai2Splash, Mai2SplashPlus, Mai2Universe, Mai2UniversePlus, Mai2Festival, ] self.logger = logging.getLogger("mai2") if not hasattr(self.logger, "initted"): log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] Mai2 | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.core_cfg.server.log_dir, "mai2"), encoding="utf8", when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(self.game_cfg.server.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( level=self.game_cfg.server.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) self.logger.initted = True @classmethod def get_allnet_info( cls, game_code: str, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str ) -> Tuple[bool, str, str]: game_cfg = Mai2Config() if path.exists(f"{cfg_dir}/{Mai2Constants.CONFIG_NAME}"): game_cfg.update( yaml.safe_load(open(f"{cfg_dir}/{Mai2Constants.CONFIG_NAME}")) ) if not game_cfg.server.enable: return (False, "", "") if core_cfg.server.is_develop: return ( True, f"http://{core_cfg.title.hostname}:{core_cfg.title.port}/{game_code}/$v/", f"{core_cfg.title.hostname}", ) return ( True, f"http://{core_cfg.title.hostname}/{game_code}/$v/", f"{core_cfg.title.hostname}", ) def setup(self): if and self.game_cfg.uploads.photos_dir and not path.exists(self.game_cfg.uploads.photos_dir): try: mkdir(self.game_cfg.uploads.photos_dir) except Exception: self.logger.error(f"Failed to make photo upload directory at {self.game_cfg.uploads.photos_dir}") if self.game_cfg.uploads.movies and self.game_cfg.uploads.movies_dir and not path.exists(self.game_cfg.uploads.movies_dir): try: mkdir(self.game_cfg.uploads.movies_dir) except Exception: self.logger.error(f"Failed to make movie upload directory at {self.game_cfg.uploads.movies_dir}") def render_POST(self, request: Request, version: int, url_path: str) -> bytes: if url_path.lower() == "ping": return zlib.compress(b'{"returnCode": "1"}') elif url_path.startswith("api/movie/"):"Movie data: {url_path} - {request.content.getvalue()}") return b"" req_raw = request.content.getvalue() url = request.uri.decode() url_split = url_path.split("/") internal_ver = 0 endpoint = url_split[len(url_split) - 1] client_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) if request.uri.startswith(b"/SDEZ"): if version < 105: # 1.0 internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX elif version >= 105 and version < 110: # Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_PLUS elif version >= 110 and version < 115: # Splash internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_SPLASH elif version >= 115 and version < 120: # Splash Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_SPLASH_PLUS elif version >= 120 and version < 125: # Universe internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_UNIVERSE elif version >= 125 and version < 130: # Universe Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_UNIVERSE_PLUS elif version >= 130: # Festival internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_DX_FESTIVAL else: if version < 110: # 1.0 internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI elif version >= 110 and version < 120: # Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_PLUS elif version >= 120 and version < 130: # Green internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_GREEN elif version >= 130 and version < 140: # Green Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_GREEN_PLUS elif version >= 140 and version < 150: # Orange internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_ORANGE elif version >= 150 and version < 160: # Orange Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_ORANGE_PLUS elif version >= 160 and version < 170: # Pink internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_PINK elif version >= 170 and version < 180: # Pink Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_PINK_PLUS elif version >= 180 and version < 185: # Murasaki internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_MURASAKI elif version >= 185 and version < 190: # Murasaki Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_MURASAKI_PLUS elif version >= 190 and version < 195: # Milk internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_MILK elif version >= 195 and version < 197: # Milk Plus internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_MILK_PLUS elif version >= 197: # Finale internal_ver = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI_FINALE if request.getHeader('Mai-Encoding') is not None or request.getHeader('X-Mai-Encoding') is not None: # The has is some flavor of MD5 of the endpoint with a constant bolted onto the end of it. # See cake.dll's Obfuscator function for details. Hopefully most DLL edits will remove # these two(?) headers to not cause issues, but given the general quality of SEGA data... enc_ver = request.getHeader('Mai-Encoding') if enc_ver is None: enc_ver = request.getHeader('X-Mai-Encoding') self.logger.debug(f"Encryption v{enc_ver} - User-Agent: {request.getHeader('User-Agent')}") try: unzip = zlib.decompress(req_raw) except zlib.error as e: self.logger.error( f"Failed to decompress v{version} {endpoint} request -> {e}" ) return zlib.compress(b'{"stat": "0"}') req_data = json.loads(unzip)"v{version} {endpoint} request from {client_ip}") self.logger.debug(req_data) func_to_find = "handle_" + inflection.underscore(endpoint) + "_request" handler_cls = self.versions[internal_ver](self.core_cfg, self.game_cfg) if not hasattr(handler_cls, func_to_find): self.logger.warning(f"Unhandled v{version} request {endpoint}") resp = {"returnCode": 1} else: try: handler = getattr(handler_cls, func_to_find) resp = handler(req_data) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error handling v{version} method {endpoint} - {e}") return zlib.compress(b'{"stat": "0"}') if resp == None: resp = {"returnCode": 1} self.logger.debug(f"Response {resp}") return zlib.compress(json.dumps(resp, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")) def render_GET(self, request: Request, version: int, url_path: str) -> bytes:"v{version} GET {url_path}") url_split = url_path.split("/") if (url_split[0] == "api" and url_split[1] == "movie") or url_split[0] == "movie": if url_split[2] == "moviestart": return json.dumps({"moviestart":{"status":"OK"}}).encode() else: request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" if url_split[0] == "old": if url_split[1] == "ping":"v{version} old server ping") return zlib.compress(b"ok") elif url_split[1].startswith("userdata"):"v{version} old server userdata inquire") return zlib.compress(b"{}") elif url_split[1].startswith("friend"):"v{version} old server friend inquire") return zlib.compress(b"{}") else: request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" elif url_split[0] == "usbdl": if url_split[1] == "CONNECTIONTEST":"v{version} usbdl server test") return b"" elif self.game_cfg.deliver.udbdl_enable and path.exists(f"{self.game_cfg.deliver.content_folder}/usb/{url_split[-1]}"): with open(f"{self.game_cfg.deliver.content_folder}/usb/{url_split[-1]}", 'rb') as f: return else: request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" elif url_split[0] == "deliver": file = url_split[len(url_split) - 1]"v{version} {file} deliver inquire") if self.game_cfg.deliver.enable and path.exists(f"{self.game_cfg.deliver.content_folder}/{file}"): with open(f"{self.game_cfg.deliver.content_folder}/deliver/{url_split[-1]}", 'rb') as f: return else: request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" else: return zlib.compress(b"{}")