from typing import Dict, List, Optional from import BaseData, metadata from sqlalchemy import ( Column, Table, UniqueConstraint, and_, update, ) from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert from sqlalchemy.engine import Row from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select from sqlalchemy.types import JSON, TIMESTAMP, Integer, String car = Table( "idac_user_car", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("car_id", Integer), Column("style_car_id", Integer), Column("color", Integer), Column("bureau", Integer), Column("kana", Integer), Column("s_no", Integer), Column("l_no", Integer), Column("car_flag", Integer), Column("tune_point", Integer), Column("tune_level", Integer, server_default="1"), Column("tune_parts", Integer), Column("infinity_tune", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("online_vs_win", Integer, server_default="0"), Column( "pickup_seq", Integer, server_default="1" ), # the order in which the car was picked up Column( "purchase_seq", Integer, server_default="1" ), # the order in which the car was purchased Column("color_stock_list", String(32)), Column("color_stock_new_list", String(32)), Column("parts_stock_list", String(48)), Column("parts_stock_new_list", String(48)), Column("parts_set_equip_list", String(48)), Column("parts_list", JSON), Column("equip_parts_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("total_car_parts_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("story_use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("timetrial_use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("vs_use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("net_vs_use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("theory_use_count", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("car_mileage", Integer, server_default="0"), UniqueConstraint("user", "version", "style_car_id", name="idac_user_car_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) ticket = Table( "idac_user_ticket", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("ticket_id", Integer), Column("ticket_cnt", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "ticket_id", name="idac_user_ticket_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) story = Table( "idac_user_story", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("story_type", Integer), Column("chapter", Integer), Column("loop_count", Integer, server_default="1"), UniqueConstraint("user", "chapter", name="idac_user_story_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) episode = Table( "idac_user_story_episode", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("chapter", Integer), Column("episode", Integer), Column("play_status", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "chapter", "episode", name="idac_user_story_episode_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) difficulty = Table( "idac_user_story_episode_difficulty", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("episode", Integer), Column("difficulty", Integer), Column("play_count", Integer), Column("clear_count", Integer), Column("play_status", Integer), Column("play_score", Integer), UniqueConstraint( "user", "episode", "difficulty", name="idac_user_story_episode_difficulty_uk" ), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) course = Table( "idac_user_course", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("run_counts", Integer, server_default="1"), Column("skill_level_exp", Integer, server_default="0"), UniqueConstraint("user", "course_id", name="idac_user_course_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) trial = Table( "idac_user_time_trial", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("style_car_id", Integer), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("eval_id", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("goal_time", Integer), Column("section_time_1", Integer), Column("section_time_2", Integer), Column("section_time_3", Integer), Column("section_time_4", Integer), Column("mission", Integer), Column("play_dt", TIMESTAMP,, UniqueConstraint( "user", "version", "course_id", "style_car_id", name="idac_user_time_trial_uk" ), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) challenge = Table( "idac_user_challenge", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("vs_type", Integer), Column("play_difficulty", Integer), Column("cleared_difficulty", Integer), Column("story_type", Integer), Column("play_count", Integer, server_default="1"), Column("weak_difficulty", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("eval_id", Integer), Column("advantage", Integer), Column("sec1_advantage_avg", Integer), Column("sec2_advantage_avg", Integer), Column("sec3_advantage_avg", Integer), Column("sec4_advantage_avg", Integer), Column("nearby_advantage_rate", Integer), Column("win_flag", Integer), Column("result", Integer), Column("record", Integer), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("last_play_course_id", Integer), Column("style_car_id", Integer), Column("course_day", Integer), UniqueConstraint( "user", "vs_type", "play_difficulty", name="idac_user_challenge_uk" ), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) theory_course = Table( "idac_user_theory_course", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("max_victory_grade", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("run_count", Integer, server_default="1"), Column("powerhouse_lv", Integer), Column("powerhouse_exp", Integer), Column("played_powerhouse_lv", Integer), Column("update_dt", TIMESTAMP,, UniqueConstraint("user", "course_id", name="idac_user_theory_course_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) theory_partner = Table( "idac_user_theory_partner", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("partner_id", Integer), Column("fellowship_lv", Integer), Column("fellowship_exp", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "partner_id", name="idac_user_theory_partner_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) theory_running = Table( "idac_user_theory_running", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("attack", Integer), Column("defense", Integer), Column("safety", Integer), Column("runaway", Integer), Column("trick_flag", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "course_id", name="idac_user_theory_running_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) vs_info = Table( "idac_user_vs_info", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")), Column("group_key", String(25)), Column("win_flg", Integer), Column("style_car_id", Integer), Column("course_id", Integer), Column("course_day", Integer), Column("players_num", Integer), Column("winning", Integer), Column("advantage_1", Integer), Column("advantage_2", Integer), Column("advantage_3", Integer), Column("advantage_4", Integer), Column("select_course_id", Integer), Column("select_course_day", Integer), Column("select_course_random", Integer), Column("matching_success_sec", Integer), Column("boost_flag", Integer), Column("vs_history", Integer), Column("break_count", Integer), Column("break_penalty_flag", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "group_key", name="idac_user_vs_info_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) stamp = Table( "idac_user_stamp", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column( "user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade"), nullable=False, ), Column("m_stamp_event_id", Integer), Column("select_flag", Integer), Column("stamp_masu", Integer), Column("daily_bonus", Integer), Column("weekly_bonus", Integer), Column("weekday_bonus", Integer), Column("weekend_bonus", Integer), Column("total_bonus", Integer), Column("day_total_bonus", Integer), Column("store_battle_bonus", Integer), Column("story_bonus", Integer), Column("online_battle_bonus", Integer), Column("timetrial_bonus", Integer), Column("fasteststreetlegaltheory_bonus", Integer), Column("collaboration_bonus", Integer), Column("add_bonus_daily_flag_1", Integer), Column("add_bonus_daily_flag_2", Integer), Column("add_bonus_daily_flag_3", Integer), Column("create_date_daily", TIMESTAMP,, Column("create_date_weekly", TIMESTAMP,, UniqueConstraint("user", "m_stamp_event_id", name="idac_user_stamp_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) timetrial_event = Table( "idac_user_timetrial_event", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column( "user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade"), nullable=False, ), Column("timetrial_event_id", Integer), Column("point", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "timetrial_event_id", name="idac_user_timetrial_event_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) class IDACItemData(BaseData): async def get_random_user_car( self, aime_id: int, version: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = ( select(car) .where(and_(car.c.user == aime_id, car.c.version == version)) .order_by(func.rand()) .limit(1) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_random_car(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(car).where(car.c.version == version).order_by(func.rand()).limit(1) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_car( self, aime_id: int, version: int, style_car_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(car).where( and_( car.c.user == aime_id, car.c.version == version, car.c.style_car_id == style_car_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_cars( self, version: int, aime_id: int, only_pickup: bool = False ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: if only_pickup: sql = select(car).where( and_( car.c.user == aime_id, car.c.version == version, car.c.pickup_seq != 0, ) ) else: sql = select(car).where( and_(car.c.user == aime_id, car.c.version == version) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_ticket(self, aime_id: int, ticket_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(ticket).where( ticket.c.user == aime_id, ticket.c.ticket_id == ticket_id ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_tickets(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(ticket).where(ticket.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_story(self, aime_id: int, chapter_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(story).where( and_(story.c.user == aime_id, story.c.chapter == chapter_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_stories(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(story).where(story.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_story_episodes( self, aime_id: int, chapter_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(episode).where( and_(episode.c.user == aime_id, episode.c.chapter == chapter_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_story_episode(self, aime_id: int, episode_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(episode).where( and_(episode.c.user == aime_id, episode.c.episode == episode_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_story_episode_difficulties( self, aime_id: int, episode_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(difficulty).where( and_(difficulty.c.user == aime_id, difficulty.c.episode == episode_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_courses(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(course).where(course.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_course(self, aime_id: int, course_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(course).where( and_(course.c.user == aime_id, course.c.course_id == course_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_time_trial_courses(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(trial.c.course_id).where(trial.c.version == version).distinct() result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_time_trial_user_best_time_by_course_car( self, version: int, aime_id: int, course_id: int, style_car_id: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(trial).where( and_( trial.c.user == aime_id, trial.c.version == version, trial.c.course_id == course_id, trial.c.style_car_id == style_car_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_time_trial_user_best_courses( self, version: int, aime_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: # get for a given aime_id the best time for each course subquery = ( select( trial.c.version, func.min(trial.c.goal_time).label("min_goal_time"), trial.c.course_id, ) .where(and_(trial.c.version == version, trial.c.user == aime_id)) .group_by(trial.c.course_id) .subquery() ) # now get the full row for each best time sql = select(trial).where( and_( trial.c.version == subquery.c.version, trial.c.goal_time == subquery.c.min_goal_time, trial.c.course_id == subquery.c.course_id, trial.c.user == aime_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_time_trial_best_cars_by_course( self, version: int, course_id: int, aime_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: subquery = select( trial.c.version, func.min(trial.c.goal_time).label("min_goal_time"), trial.c.style_car_id, ).where( and_( trial.c.version == version, trial.c.course_id == course_id, ) ) if aime_id is not None: subquery = subquery.where(trial.c.user == aime_id) subquery = subquery.group_by(trial.c.style_car_id).subquery() sql = select(trial).where( and_( trial.c.version == subquery.c.version, trial.c.goal_time == subquery.c.min_goal_time, trial.c.style_car_id == subquery.c.style_car_id, trial.c.course_id == course_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_time_trial_ranking_by_course( self, version: int, course_id: int, style_car_id: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 10, ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: # get the top 10 ranking by goal_time for a given course which is grouped by user subquery = select( trial.c.version, trial.c.user, func.min(trial.c.goal_time).label("min_goal_time"), ).where(and_(trial.c.version == version, trial.c.course_id == course_id)) # if wantd filter only by style_car_id if style_car_id is not None: subquery = subquery.where(trial.c.style_car_id == style_car_id) subquery = subquery.group_by(trial.c.user).subquery() sql = ( select(trial) .where( and_( trial.c.version == subquery.c.version, trial.c.user == subquery.c.user, trial.c.goal_time == subquery.c.min_goal_time, ), ) .order_by(trial.c.goal_time) ) # limit the result if needed if limit is not None: sql = sql.limit(limit) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_time_trial_best_ranking_by_course( self, version: int, aime_id: int, course_id: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = ( select(trial) .where( and_( trial.c.version == version, trial.c.user == aime_id, trial.c.course_id == course_id, ), ) .order_by(trial.c.goal_time) .limit(1) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_challenge( self, aime_id: int, vs_type: int, play_difficulty: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(challenge).where( and_( challenge.c.user == aime_id, challenge.c.vs_type == vs_type, challenge.c.play_difficulty == play_difficulty, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_challenges(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(challenge).where(challenge.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_best_challenges_by_vs_type( self, aime_id: int, story_type: int = 4 ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: subquery = ( select( challenge.c.story_type, challenge.c.user, challenge.c.vs_type, func.max(challenge.c.play_difficulty).label("last_play_lv"), ) .where( and_(challenge.c.user == aime_id, challenge.c.story_type == story_type) ) .group_by(challenge.c.vs_type) ) sql = ( select( challenge.c.story_type, challenge.c.vs_type, challenge.c.cleared_difficulty.label("max_clear_lv"), challenge.c.play_difficulty.label("last_play_lv"), challenge.c.course_id, challenge.c.play_count, ) .where( and_( challenge.c.user == subquery.c.user, challenge.c.vs_type == subquery.c.vs_type, challenge.c.play_difficulty == subquery.c.last_play_lv, ), ) .order_by(challenge.c.vs_type) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_theory_courses(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(theory_course).where(theory_course.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_theory_course_by_powerhouse_lv( self, aime_id: int, course_id: int, powerhouse_lv: int, count: int = 3 ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = ( select(theory_course) .where( and_( theory_course.c.user != aime_id, theory_course.c.course_id == course_id, theory_course.c.powerhouse_lv == powerhouse_lv, ) ) .order_by(func.rand()) .limit(count) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_theory_course( self, aime_id: int, course_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(theory_course).where( and_( theory_course.c.user == aime_id, theory_course.c.course_id == course_id ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_theory_partners(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(theory_partner).where(theory_partner.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_theory_running(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(theory_running).where(theory_running.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_theory_running_by_course( self, aime_id: int, course_id: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(theory_running).where( and_( theory_running.c.user == aime_id, theory_running.c.course_id == course_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_vs_infos(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(vs_info).where(vs_info.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_stamps(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(stamp).where( and_( stamp.c.user == aime_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_timetrial_event( self, aime_id: int, timetrial_event_id: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(timetrial_event).where( and_( timetrial_event.c.user == aime_id, timetrial_event.c.timetrial_event_id == timetrial_event_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def put_car( self, aime_id: int, version: int, car_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: car_data["user"] = aime_id car_data["version"] = version sql = insert(car).values(**car_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**car_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_car: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_ticket(self, aime_id: int, ticket_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: ticket_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(ticket).values(**ticket_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**ticket_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_ticket: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_story(self, aime_id: int, story_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: story_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(story).values(**story_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**story_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_story: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_story_episode_play_status( self, aime_id: int, chapter_id: int, play_status: int = 1 ) -> Optional[int]: sql = ( update(episode) .where(and_(episode.c.user == aime_id, episode.c.chapter == chapter_id)) .values(play_status=play_status) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: self.logger.warn( f"put_story_episode_play_status: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def put_story_episode( self, aime_id: int, chapter_id: int, episode_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: episode_data["user"] = aime_id episode_data["chapter"] = chapter_id sql = insert(episode).values(**episode_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**episode_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_story_episode: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_story_episode_difficulty( self, aime_id: int, episode_id: int, difficulty_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: difficulty_data["user"] = aime_id difficulty_data["episode"] = episode_id sql = insert(difficulty).values(**difficulty_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**difficulty_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn( f"put_story_episode_difficulty: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def put_course(self, aime_id: int, course_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: course_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(course).values(**course_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**course_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_course: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_time_trial( self, version: int, aime_id: int, time_trial_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: time_trial_data["user"] = aime_id time_trial_data["version"] = version sql = insert(trial).values(**time_trial_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**time_trial_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_time_trial: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_challenge(self, aime_id: int, challenge_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: challenge_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(challenge).values(**challenge_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**challenge_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_challenge: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_theory_course( self, aime_id: int, theory_course_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: theory_course_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(theory_course).values(**theory_course_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**theory_course_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_theory_course: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_theory_partner( self, aime_id: int, theory_partner_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: theory_partner_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(theory_partner).values(**theory_partner_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**theory_partner_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn( f"put_theory_partner: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def put_theory_running( self, aime_id: int, theory_running_data: Dict ) -> Optional[int]: theory_running_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(theory_running).values(**theory_running_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**theory_running_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn( f"put_theory_running: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def put_vs_info(self, aime_id: int, vs_info_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: vs_info_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(vs_info).values(**vs_info_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**vs_info_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"put_vs_info: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_stamp(self, aime_id: int, stamp_data: Dict) -> Optional[int]: stamp_data["user"] = aime_id sql = insert(stamp).values(**stamp_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**stamp_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn(f"putstamp: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def put_timetrial_event( self, aime_id: int, time_trial_event_id: int, point: int ) -> Optional[int]: timetrial_event_data = { "user": aime_id, "timetrial_event_id": time_trial_event_id, "point": point, } sql = insert(timetrial_event).values(**timetrial_event_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**timetrial_event_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warn( f"put_timetrial_event: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid