from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from typing import Any, Dict import logging from core.config import CoreConfig from titles.mai2.const import Mai2Constants from titles.mai2.config import Mai2Config from titles.mai2.database import Mai2Data class Mai2Base: def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: Mai2Config) -> None: self.core_config = cfg self.game_config = game_cfg self.version = Mai2Constants.VER_MAIMAI = Mai2Data(cfg) self.logger = logging.getLogger("mai2") if self.core_config.server.is_develop and self.core_config.title.port > 0: self.old_server = f"http://{self.core_config.title.hostname}:{self.core_config.title.port}/SDEY/100/" else: self.old_server = f"http://{self.core_config.title.hostname}/SDEY/100/" def handle_get_game_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict): # TODO: See if making this epoch 0 breaks things reboot_start = date.strftime( + timedelta(hours=3), Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) reboot_end = date.strftime( + timedelta(hours=4), Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) return { "gameSetting": { "isMaintenance": "false", "requestInterval": 10, "rebootStartTime": reboot_start, "rebootEndTime": reboot_end, "movieUploadLimit": 10000, "movieStatus": 0, "movieServerUri": "", "deliverServerUri": "", "oldServerUri": self.old_server, "usbDlServerUri": "", "rebootInterval": 0, }, "isAouAccession": "true", } def handle_get_game_ranking_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "gameRankingList": []} def handle_get_game_tournament_info_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: # TODO: Tournament support return {"length": 0, "gameTournamentInfoList": []} def handle_get_game_event_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: events = events_lst = [] if events is None: self.logger.warn("No enabled events, did you run the reader?") return {"type": data["type"], "length": 0, "gameEventList": []} for event in events: events_lst.append( { "type": event["type"], "id": event["eventId"], # actually use the startDate from the import so it # properly shows all the events when new ones are imported "startDate": datetime.strftime( event["startDate"], f"{Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT}.0" ), "endDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00.0", } ) return { "type": data["type"], "length": len(events_lst), "gameEventList": events_lst, } def handle_get_game_ng_music_id_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "musicIdList": []} def handle_get_game_charge_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: game_charge_list =, 1) if game_charge_list is None: return {"length": 0, "gameChargeList": []} charge_list = [] for i, charge in enumerate(game_charge_list): charge_list.append( { "orderId": i, "chargeId": charge["ticketId"], "price": charge["price"], "startDate": "2017-12-05 07:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00.0", } ) return {"length": len(charge_list), "gameChargeList": charge_list} def handle_upsert_client_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientSettingApi"} def handle_upsert_client_upload_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientUploadApi"} def handle_upsert_client_bookkeeping_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientBookkeepingApi"} def handle_upsert_client_testmode_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientTestmodeApi"} def handle_get_user_preview_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: p =["userId"], self.version) o =["userId"], self.version) if p is None or o is None: return {} # Register profile = p._asdict() option = o._asdict() return { "userId": data["userId"], "userName": profile["userName"], "isLogin": False, "lastGameId": profile["lastGameId"], "lastDataVersion": profile["lastDataVersion"], "lastRomVersion": profile["lastRomVersion"], "lastLoginDate": profile["lastLoginDate"], "lastPlayDate": profile["lastPlayDate"], "playerRating": profile["playerRating"], "nameplateId": 0, # Unused "iconId": profile["iconId"], "trophyId": 0, # Unused "partnerId": profile["partnerId"], "frameId": profile["frameId"], "dispRate": option[ "dispRate" ], # 0: all/begin, 1: disprate, 2: dispDan, 3: hide, 4: end "totalAwake": profile["totalAwake"], "isNetMember": profile["isNetMember"], "dailyBonusDate": profile["dailyBonusDate"], "headPhoneVolume": option["headPhoneVolume"], "isInherit": False, # Not sure what this is or does?? "banState": profile["banState"] if profile["banState"] is not None else 0, # New with uni+ } def handle_user_login_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: profile =["userId"], self.version) if profile is not None: lastLoginDate = profile["lastLoginDate"] loginCt = profile["playCount"] if "regionId" in data:["userId"], data["regionId"]) else: loginCt = 0 lastLoginDate = "2017-12-05 07:00:00.0" return { "returnCode": 1, "lastLoginDate": lastLoginDate, "loginCount": loginCt, "consecutiveLoginCount": 0, # We don't really have a way to track this... "loginId": loginCt, # Used with the playlog! } def handle_upload_user_playlog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_id = data["userId"] playlog = data["userPlaylog"], playlog) return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UploadUserPlaylogApi"} def handle_upsert_user_chargelog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_id = data["userId"] charge = data["userCharge"] # remove the ".0" from the date string, festival only? charge["purchaseDate"] = charge["purchaseDate"].replace(".0", "") user_id, charge["chargeId"], charge["stock"], datetime.strptime(charge["purchaseDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT), datetime.strptime(charge["validDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT), ) return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertUserChargelogApi"} def handle_upsert_user_all_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_id = data["userId"] upsert = data["upsertUserAll"] if "userData" in upsert and len(upsert["userData"]) > 0: upsert["userData"][0]["isNetMember"] = 1 upsert["userData"][0].pop("accessCode") user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0] ) if "userExtend" in upsert and len(upsert["userExtend"]) > 0: user_id, self.version, upsert["userExtend"][0] ) if "userGhost" in upsert: for ghost in upsert["userGhost"]:, self.version, ghost) if "userOption" in upsert and len(upsert["userOption"]) > 0: user_id, self.version, upsert["userOption"][0] ) if "userRatingList" in upsert and len(upsert["userRatingList"]) > 0: user_id, self.version, upsert["userRatingList"][0] ) if "userActivityList" in upsert and len(upsert["userActivityList"]) > 0: for k, v in upsert["userActivityList"][0].items(): for act in v:, act) if "userChargeList" in upsert and len(upsert["userChargeList"]) > 0: for charge in upsert["userChargeList"]: # remove the ".0" from the date string, festival only? charge["purchaseDate"] = charge["purchaseDate"].replace(".0", "") user_id, charge["chargeId"], charge["stock"], datetime.strptime( charge["purchaseDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ), datetime.strptime( charge["validDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ), ) if "userCharacterList" in upsert and len(upsert["userCharacterList"]) > 0: for char in upsert["userCharacterList"]: user_id, char["characterId"], char["level"], char["awakening"], char["useCount"], ) if "userItemList" in upsert and len(upsert["userItemList"]) > 0: for item in upsert["userItemList"]: user_id, int(item["itemKind"]), item["itemId"], item["stock"], item["isValid"], ) if "userLoginBonusList" in upsert and len(upsert["userLoginBonusList"]) > 0: for login_bonus in upsert["userLoginBonusList"]: user_id, login_bonus["bonusId"], login_bonus["point"], login_bonus["isCurrent"], login_bonus["isComplete"], ) if "userMapList" in upsert and len(upsert["userMapList"]) > 0: for map in upsert["userMapList"]: user_id, map["mapId"], map["distance"], map["isLock"], map["isClear"], map["isComplete"], ) if "userMusicDetailList" in upsert and len(upsert["userMusicDetailList"]) > 0: for music in upsert["userMusicDetailList"]:, music) if "userCourseList" in upsert and len(upsert["userCourseList"]) > 0: for course in upsert["userCourseList"]:, course) if "userFavoriteList" in upsert and len(upsert["userFavoriteList"]) > 0: for fav in upsert["userFavoriteList"]:, fav["kind"], fav["itemIdList"]) if ( "userFriendSeasonRankingList" in upsert and len(upsert["userFriendSeasonRankingList"]) > 0 ): for fsr in upsert["userFriendSeasonRankingList"]: fsr["recordDate"] = ( datetime.strptime( fsr["recordDate"], f"{Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT}.0" ), ), fsr) return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertUserAllApi"} def handle_user_logout_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1} def handle_get_user_data_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: profile =["userId"], self.version) if profile is None: return profile_dict = profile._asdict() profile_dict.pop("id") profile_dict.pop("user") profile_dict.pop("version") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userData": profile_dict} def handle_get_user_extend_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: extend =["userId"], self.version) if extend is None: return extend_dict = extend._asdict() extend_dict.pop("id") extend_dict.pop("user") extend_dict.pop("version") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userExtend": extend_dict} def handle_get_user_option_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: options =["userId"], self.version) if options is None: return options_dict = options._asdict() options_dict.pop("id") options_dict.pop("user") options_dict.pop("version") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userOption": options_dict} def handle_get_user_card_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_cards =["userId"]) if user_cards is None: return {"userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userCardList": []} max_ct = data["maxCount"] next_idx = data["nextIndex"] start_idx = next_idx end_idx = max_ct + start_idx if len(user_cards[start_idx:]) > max_ct: next_idx += max_ct else: next_idx = 0 card_list = [] for card in user_cards: tmp = card._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") tmp["startDate"] = datetime.strftime( tmp["startDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) tmp["endDate"] = datetime.strftime( tmp["endDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) card_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_idx, "userCardList": card_list[start_idx:end_idx], } def handle_get_user_charge_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_charges =["userId"]) if user_charges is None: return {"userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userChargeList": []} user_charge_list = [] for charge in user_charges: tmp = charge._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") tmp["purchaseDate"] = datetime.strftime( tmp["purchaseDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) tmp["validDate"] = datetime.strftime( tmp["validDate"], Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) user_charge_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(user_charge_list), "userChargeList": user_charge_list, } def handle_get_user_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: kind = int(data["nextIndex"] / 10000000000) next_idx = int(data["nextIndex"] % 10000000000) user_item_list =["userId"], kind) items: list[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for i in range(next_idx, len(user_item_list)): tmp = user_item_list[i]._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") items.append(tmp) if len(items) >= int(data["maxCount"]): break xout = kind * 10000000000 + next_idx + len(items) if len(items) < int(data["maxCount"]): next_idx = 0 else: next_idx = xout return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_idx, "itemKind": kind, "userItemList": items, } def handle_get_user_character_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: characters =["userId"]) chara_list = [] for chara in characters: tmp = chara._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") chara_list.append(tmp) return {"userId": data["userId"], "userCharacterList": chara_list} def handle_get_user_favorite_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: favorites =["userId"], data["itemKind"]) if favorites is None: return userFavs = [] for fav in favorites: userFavs.append( { "userId": data["userId"], "itemKind": fav["itemKind"], "itemIdList": fav["itemIdList"], } ) return {"userId": data["userId"], "userFavoriteData": userFavs} def handle_get_user_ghost_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: ghost =["userId"], self.version) if ghost is None: return ghost_dict = ghost._asdict() ghost_dict.pop("user") ghost_dict.pop("id") ghost_dict.pop("version_int") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userGhost": ghost_dict} def handle_get_user_rating_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: rating =["userId"], self.version) if rating is None: return rating_dict = rating._asdict() rating_dict.pop("user") rating_dict.pop("id") rating_dict.pop("version") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userRating": rating_dict} def handle_get_user_activity_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ kind 1 is playlist, kind 2 is music list """ playlist =["userId"], 1) musiclist =["userId"], 2) if playlist is None or musiclist is None: return plst = [] mlst = [] for play in playlist: tmp = play._asdict() tmp["id"] = tmp["activityId"] tmp.pop("activityId") tmp.pop("user") plst.append(tmp) for music in musiclist: tmp = music._asdict() tmp["id"] = tmp["activityId"] tmp.pop("activityId") tmp.pop("user") mlst.append(tmp) return {"userActivity": {"playList": plst, "musicList": mlst}} def handle_get_user_course_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_courses =["userId"]) if user_courses is None: return {"userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userCourseList": []} course_list = [] for course in user_courses: tmp = course._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") course_list.append(tmp) return {"userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userCourseList": course_list} def handle_get_user_portrait_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: # No support for custom pfps return {"length": 0, "userPortraitList": []} def handle_get_user_friend_season_ranking_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: friend_season_ranking =["userId"]) if friend_season_ranking is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userFriendSeasonRankingList": [], } friend_season_ranking_list = [] next_idx = int(data["nextIndex"]) max_ct = int(data["maxCount"]) for x in range(next_idx, len(friend_season_ranking)): tmp = friend_season_ranking[x]._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") tmp["recordDate"] = datetime.strftime( tmp["recordDate"], f"{Mai2Constants.DATE_TIME_FORMAT}.0" ) friend_season_ranking_list.append(tmp) if len(friend_season_ranking_list) >= max_ct: break if len(friend_season_ranking) >= next_idx + max_ct: next_idx += max_ct else: next_idx = 0 return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_idx, "userFriendSeasonRankingList": friend_season_ranking_list, } def handle_get_user_map_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: maps =["userId"]) if maps is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userMapList": [], } map_list = [] next_idx = int(data["nextIndex"]) max_ct = int(data["maxCount"]) for x in range(next_idx, len(maps)): tmp = maps[x]._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") map_list.append(tmp) if len(map_list) >= max_ct: break if len(maps) >= next_idx + max_ct: next_idx += max_ct else: next_idx = 0 return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_idx, "userMapList": map_list, } def handle_get_user_login_bonus_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: login_bonuses =["userId"]) if login_bonuses is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": 0, "userLoginBonusList": [], } login_bonus_list = [] next_idx = int(data["nextIndex"]) max_ct = int(data["maxCount"]) for x in range(next_idx, len(login_bonuses)): tmp = login_bonuses[x]._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") login_bonus_list.append(tmp) if len(login_bonus_list) >= max_ct: break if len(login_bonuses) >= next_idx + max_ct: next_idx += max_ct else: next_idx = 0 return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_idx, "userLoginBonusList": login_bonus_list, } def handle_get_user_region_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userRegionList": []} def handle_get_user_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: songs =["userId"]) music_detail_list = [] next_index = 0 if songs is not None: for song in songs: tmp = song._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") music_detail_list.append(tmp) if len(music_detail_list) == data["maxCount"]: next_index = data["maxCount"] + data["nextIndex"] break return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": next_index, "userMusicList": [{"userMusicDetailList": music_detail_list}], }