import json from typing import List from starlette.routing import Route from starlette.responses import Response, RedirectResponse import yaml import jinja2 from os import path from starlette.requests import Request from core.frontend import FE_Base, UserSession from core.config import CoreConfig from titles.idac.database import IDACData from titles.idac.schema.profile import * from titles.idac.schema.item import * from titles.idac.config import IDACConfig from titles.idac.const import IDACConstants class IDACFrontend(FE_Base): def __init__( self, cfg: CoreConfig, environment: jinja2.Environment, cfg_dir: str ) -> None: super().__init__(cfg, environment) = IDACData(cfg) self.game_cfg = IDACConfig() if path.exists(f"{cfg_dir}/{IDACConstants.CONFIG_NAME}"): self.game_cfg.update( yaml.safe_load(open(f"{cfg_dir}/{IDACConstants.CONFIG_NAME}")) ) #self.nav_name = "頭文字D THE ARCADE" self.nav_name = "IDAC" # TODO: Add version list self.version = IDACConstants.VER_IDAC_SEASON_2 self.ticket_names = { 3: "car_dressup_points", 5: "avatar_points", 25: "full_tune_tickets", 34: "full_tune_fragments", } def get_routes(self) -> List[Route]: return [ Route("/", self.render_GET) ] async def generate_all_tables_json(self, user_id: int): json_export = {} idac_tables = { profile, config, avatar, rank, stock, theory, car, ticket, story, episode, difficulty, course, trial, challenge, theory_course, theory_partner, theory_running, vs_info, stamp, timetrial_event } for table in idac_tables: sql = select(table).where( table.c.user == user_id, ) # check if the table has a version column if "version" in table.c: sql = sql.where(table.c.version == self.version) # lol use the profile connection for items, dirty hack result = await data_list = result.fetchall() # add the list to the json export with the correct table name json_export[] = [] for data in data_list: tmp = data._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") json_export[].append(tmp) return json.dumps(json_export, indent=4, default=str, ensure_ascii=False) async def render_GET(self, request: Request) -> bytes: uri: str = request.url.path template = self.environment.get_template( "titles/idac/templates/idac_index.jinja" ) usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: usr_sesh = UserSession() user_id = usr_sesh.user_id # user_id = usr_sesh.user_id # profile export if uri.startswith("/game/idac/export"): if user_id == 0: return RedirectResponse(b"/game/idac", request) # set the file name, content type and size to download the json content = await self.generate_all_tables_json(user_id).encode("utf-8")"User {user_id} exported their IDAC data") return Response( content, 200, {'content-disposition': 'attachment; filename=idac_profile.json'}, "application/octet-stream" ) profile_data, tickets, rank = None, None, None if user_id > 0: profile_data = await, self.version) ticket_data = await rank = await, self.version) if ticket_data: tickets = { self.ticket_names[ticket["ticket_id"]]: ticket["ticket_cnt"] for ticket in ticket_data } return Response(template.render( title=f"{} | {self.nav_name}", game_list=self.environment.globals["game_list"], profile=profile_data, tickets=tickets, rank=rank, sesh=vars(usr_sesh), active_page="idac", ), media_type="text/html; charset=utf-16")