{% extends "sega.html" %} {% block title %}PCP{% endblock %} {% block body %}


What is PCP?

PCP is the protocol used for inter-process communication between services running on Ring* systems. I have no idea what it stands for; head-canon it as Process Command Protocol or whatever you want really. The official implementation is libpcp, which is statically linked in to binaries that make use of the protocll (and is itself dependent on amLib).

On paper, there are many things the format would at first appear to support, but is unable to due to the reference implementation in libpcp. Specification of this nature will be marked. Custom implementations should be liberal in what they receive, and conservative in what they transmit; marked specification are key areas of focus for this.

Protocol Specification

We consider two processes communicating: a server, and a consumer. A server need only be capable of processing at least one consumer concurrently, though implementations may desire the ability to do so.

When a server is ready to process a command, it transmits a single > byte to its connected consumer.

The consumer responds with a CRLF-terminated payload packet, containing the command.

The server then responds syncronously with a CRLF-terminated payload packet. If a data transfer is being a performed, this packet will contain port and size as paramaters.

In a server->consumer data transfer operation, the consumer connects to the provided port, and expects to receive size bytes of data. It then closes the connection to the data port and transmits a $ byte to the server to ackgnowledge receipt. The server will only process this ackgnowledgement after it has succesfully transmitted its data to a consumer.

The characteristics of a consumer->server transfer as as yet undocumented. I'll get round to it!

If the server is unable to process a request for any reason, it may respond with a single ?. This may be due to a non existant command being requested, or it may be due to an invalid packet.

Payload format

Payloads are a non-zero number of & delimited = seperated key-value pairs. i.e. key1=value2&key2=value2. Both the key and the value can contain any alphanumeric character, and any of the symbols ._-:@%/\{}. The value may alternatively be a single ?. Leading and trailing ampersands are illegal, as is more than one ampersand consecuitevely. Empty strings for either the key or value is likewise illegal.

Spaces (ascii 20h) and tabs (ascii 09h) are allowable whitespace. They may be present anywhere in the packet surrounding keys, values, any delimiter, or seperator, and will be ignored. They are not valid within a key or a value.

Comments begin and end with the # symbol. They may appear at any point in a packet, and the packet should be processed as if the comment is not there. The content of comments observe the same restrictions as keys and values. This notably includes no whitespace.

Format restrictions

Example communication

Communication from the server is marked in blue, and communication from the client is marked in red.


(Note an additional connection was made to :40107 before transmitting the $.)

libpcp bugs

When parsing requests, libpcp null-terminates ? values with an off-by-one error. This means if you transmit test=12345 followed by test=?, it will be parsed as if you had transmitted test=?2. This could actually be an issue with how I am inspecting the internal state; I will update/remove this spoilier once I've had a chance to dig deeper.

libpcp does not enforce ampersand placement, causing strange memory artifacts. Consumers MUST conform to the ampersand specification.

libpcp allows empty keys and values. The case of an empty key causes the pair to be keyed with an empty string, however an empty value causes it to contain a random value, reading from memory where the previous packet was decoded. In fact, the presence of a = is not validated either, likewise causing it to read undefined regions of memory. Consumers MUST always provide both the key and the value.

Using libpcp

I have reproduced a locally functioning standalone distribution of libpcp, warts and all. Eventually I will produce some basic docs for making use of the exported functions, and will hopefully be able to provide a download for a precompiled library. I'm still unsure if the source code will ever be made available however because it's a very true to the original reproduction, potentially problematically so!

If rather than implementing your own pcp you wish to use the libpcp, watch this space.

{% endblock %}