#include #include #include #include #include "hook/iobuf.h" #include "jvs/jvs-frame.h" #include "jvs/jvs-util.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" typedef HRESULT (*jvs_dispatch_fn_t)( void *ctx, struct const_iobuf *req, struct iobuf *resp); void jvs_crack_request( const void *bytes, size_t nbytes, struct iobuf *resp, uint8_t jvs_addr, jvs_dispatch_fn_t dispatch_fn, void *dispatch_ctx) { uint8_t req_bytes[128]; uint8_t resp_bytes[128]; struct iobuf decode; struct iobuf encode; struct const_iobuf segments; HRESULT hr; assert(bytes != NULL); assert(resp != NULL); assert(jvs_addr != 0x00 && (jvs_addr < 0x20 || jvs_addr == 0xFF)); assert(dispatch_fn != NULL); decode.bytes = req_bytes; decode.nbytes = sizeof(req_bytes); decode.pos = 0; hr = jvs_frame_decode(&decode, bytes, nbytes); if (FAILED(hr)) { return; } #if defined(LOG_JVS) dprintf("Decoded request:\n"); dump_iobuf(&decode); #endif if (req_bytes[0] != jvs_addr && req_bytes[0] != 0xFF) { return; } iobuf_flip(&segments, &decode); segments.pos = 2; encode.bytes = resp_bytes; encode.nbytes = sizeof(resp_bytes); encode.pos = 3; /* +1: Don't try to dispatch the trailing checksum byte */ hr = S_OK; /* I guess an empty request packet is technically valid? */ while (segments.pos + 1 < segments.nbytes) { hr = dispatch_fn(dispatch_ctx, &segments, &encode); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { /* Send an error in the overall status byte */ encode.pos = 3; resp_bytes[0] = 0x00; /* Dest addr (master) */ resp_bytes[1] = 0x02; /* Payload len: Status byte, checksum byte */ if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { resp_bytes[2] = 0x04; /* Status: "Overflow" */ } else { resp_bytes[2] = 0x02; /* Status: Encoutered unsupported command */ } } else if (encode.pos == 3) { /* Probably a reset, don't emit a response frame with empty payload */ return; } else { /* Send success response */ resp_bytes[0] = 0x00; /* Dest addr (master) */ resp_bytes[1] = encode.pos - 2 + 1; /* -2 header +1 checksum */ resp_bytes[2] = 0x01; /* Status: Success */ } #if defined(LOG_JVS) dprintf("Encoding response:\n"); dump_iobuf(&encode); #endif hr = jvs_frame_encode(resp, encode.bytes, encode.pos); if (FAILED(hr)) { dprintf("JVS Node: Response encode error: %x\n", (int) hr); } }