2023-06-28 03:43:50 +00:00
echo "Don't run this unless you want new certs. Just use the ones already generated!"
echo "This script removes all cert files in the directory."
echo "Continue? Press enter!"
rm *.srl *.key *.csr *.crt *.pem *.ext *.pfx > /dev/null
# Generate Root Certificate and Key
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout root.key -x509 -days 3650 -out root.crt -subj "/C=JP/ST=A/L=A/CN=Taito Arcade Machine CA"
# Generate Second Certificate and Key
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout nesys.key -out nesys.crt -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key -subj "/C=JP/ST=A/L=A/CN=nesys" -days 3650
# Generate Last Certificate and Key
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout nesica1.key -out nesica1.crt -CA nesys.crt -CAkey nesys.key -subj "/C=JP/ST=A/L=A/CN=nesica1" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:cert.nesys.jp,DNS:cert3.nesys.jp,DNS:data.nesys.jp,DNS:proxy.nesys.jp,DNS:nesys.taito.co.jp,DNS:fjm170920zero.nesica.net" -days 3650
# Convert them to PFX for windows importing!
# Make sure to import them only to Local Machine Personal and Trusted Root authorities
openssl pkcs12 -export -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -nomac -inkey root.key -in root.crt -out root.pfx
openssl pkcs12 -export -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -nomac -inkey nesys.key -in nesys.crt -out nesys.pfx
openssl pkcs12 -export -certpbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -keypbe PBE-SHA1-3DES -nomac -inkey nesica1.key -in nesica1.crt -out nesica1.pfx
2023-09-24 02:27:23 +00:00