A shittily written patch finder hacked together with [Reloaded.Memory.Sigscan](https://github.com/Reloaded-Project/Reloaded.Memory.SigScan). Originally written for CHUNITHM, hence the name, but can be used with pretty much anything as long as you have the signatures. Does not do any patch validation for now. ## Usage ```sh ./CHUNITHM-Patch-Finder [PATH TO PATTERNS] ``` If a patterns file is not specified, the program defaults to finding a file named `[file].yaml` under its `Patterns` directory. The output is in a format compatible with [BemaniPatcher](https://github.com/mon/BemaniPatcher). [How to find signatures](https://reloaded-project.github.io/Reloaded-II/CheatSheet/SignatureScanning/)