# WACCA Launcher Allows you to run multiple versions of WACCA from the same drive. ## Configuration You'll want a directory structure something like this: ``` WACCA/ ├── WACCALauncher.exe ├── wacca.ini └── Versions/ ├── WACCA/ │ ├── bin/ │ └── ... ├── WACCA S ├── Lily ├── Lily R ├── Reverse ├── Offline └── Omega Supermix Deluxe ``` Each version must have segatools already configured, with a `start.bat` file present. You'll want to create a `wacca.ini` file next to the launcher that looks something like this: ``` [general] default_ver = reverse [versions] wacca = C:\WACCA\Versions\WACCA wacca_s = C:\WACCA\Versions\WACCA S lily = C:\WACCA\Versions\Lily lily_r = C:\WACCA\Versions\Lily R reverse = C:\WACCA\Versions\Reverse offline = C:\WACCA\Versions\Offline ``` Versions can be omitted, but all paths provided must be valid. If you have a custom version of the game you wish to launch, you may do so by adding `num_customs = 1` under `[general]`, and then adding a block at the end of the file that looks something like this: ``` [custom_1] name = WACCA Omega Supermix Deluxe path = C:\WACCA\Versions\Omega Supermix Deluxe type = reverse ``` `type` must match one of the versions listed above, it will likely be `reverse` unless specified. ## Usage When you start the launcher, you will be presented with a loading prompt. You may press `TEST` or Esc to open the configuration menu. This menu allows you to change the default startup version, as well as launch a version manually. This menu is controlled in the same way you would navigate the in-game test menu. If you do not interfere with the loading prompt, the selected default version will be launched within 5 seconds. ## Auto-launch You can configure your cab to start the launcher instead of explorer.exe when you log in. **This should only be done on a cab. You have been warned.** If you've installed the launcher in the suggested location of `C:\WACCA`, you can run `SetShell.reg` to reconfigure your registry accordingly. If you have not installed the launcher in the suggested location, you will need to edit the registry file before you apply it. **This is important, if the path is invalid, you may get softlocked on a black screen at next boot!** ## Notice This code was never intended to be public, as such, it is a bit of a dumpster fire. If you want to help make the code a little less awful, issues and pull requests are welcome. ## License [MIT License](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)