from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol import logging, coloredlogs from Crypto.Cipher import AES import struct from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Type from twisted.web import server, resource from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints from twisted.web.http import Request from routes import Mapper import random from os import walk import importlib from core.config import CoreConfig from .database import IDZData from .config import IDZConfig from .const import IDZConstants from .handlers import IDZHandlerBase HANDLER_MAP: List[Dict] class IDZKey: def __init__(self, n, d, e, hashN: int) -> None: self.N = n self.d = d self.e = e self.hashN = hashN class IDZUserDBProtocol(Protocol): def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: IDZConfig, keys: List[IDZKey], handlers: List[Dict]) -> None: self.logger = logging.getLogger('idz') self.core_config = core_cfg self.game_config = game_cfg self.rsa_keys = keys self.handlers = handlers self.static_key = bytes.fromhex(self.game_config.server.aes_key) self.version = None self.version_internal = None self.skip_next = False def append_padding(self, data: bytes): """Appends 0s to the end of the data until it's at the correct size""" length = struct.unpack_from(" None: self.logger.debug(f"{self.transport.getPeer().host} Connected") base = 0 for i in range(len(self.static_key) - 1): shift = 8 * i byte = self.static_key[i] base |= byte << shift rsa_key = random.choice(self.rsa_keys) key_enc: int = pow(base, rsa_key.e, rsa_key.N) result = key_enc.to_bytes(0x40, "little") + struct.pack(" None: self.logger.debug( f"{self.transport.getPeer().host} Disconnected - {reason.value}" ) def dataReceived(self, data: bytes) -> None: self.logger.debug(f"Receive data {data.hex()}") crypt =, AES.MODE_ECB) data_dec = crypt.decrypt(data) self.logger.debug(f"Decrypt data {data_dec.hex()}") magic = struct.unpack_from(" None: self.core_config = cfg self.game_config = game_cfg self.keys = keys self.handlers = handlers def buildProtocol(self, addr): return IDZUserDBProtocol(self.core_config, self.game_config, self.keys, self.handlers) class IDZUserDBWeb(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: IDZConfig): super().__init__() self.isLeaf = True self.core_config = core_cfg self.game_config = game_cfg self.logger = logging.getLogger('idz') def render_POST(self, request: Request) -> bytes:"IDZUserDBWeb POST from {request.getClientAddress().host} to {request.uri} with data {request.content.getvalue()}") return b"" def render_GET(self, request: Request) -> bytes:"IDZUserDBWeb GET from {request.getClientAddress().host} to {request.uri}") return b""