# Installing ARTEMiS on Windows This gude assumes a fresh install of Windows 10. Please be aware that due to the lack of memcache and the general woes of running a server on windows, this is only recomended for local setups or small hosting-for-the-homies type servers. ## Install prerequisits ### Python - Python versions from 3.7 to 3.11 work with artemis. We recomend 3.11 - https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.7/python-3.11.7-amd64.exe - Install using whatever options best suit your environment, making sure that the python executable is on path, such that you can open CMD and type `python --version` and see the version of python you have installed. - If you already have a working version of python involved, skip this step ### MariaDB - It is always recomended to use MariaDB over MySQL because oracle is a terrible company. - While the latest release of v10 is recomended as it is an LTS release, v11 should work fine. - https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/mariadb//mariadb-10.11.6/winx64-packages/mariadb-10.11.6-winx64.msi - REMEMBER YOUR ROOT PASSWORD SO YOU CAN LOG IN INF FUTURE STEPS ### Git - While technically optional, it is strongly recomended to obtain artemis via git clone instead of just downloading it - https://git-scm.com/download/win - Recomended to use notepad++ as the default editor (if you have it installed), other then that default settings should be fine ### Optional: GUI database viewer - Having a GUI database editor is recomended but not required - MariaDB will try to install HeidiSQL, but we recomend dbeaver - https://dbeaver.io/download/ ## Obtain ARTEMiS ### Via git (recomended) - `git clone https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis.git` via cmd in whatever folder you want to store artemis at - can switch to develop for latest changes via `git checkout develop` ### Via http download - Download [here](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis/archive/master.zip) - Develop branch can be found [here](https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/Hay1tsme/artemis/archive/develop.zip) - Extract the zip file somewhere ## Database setup - Log into your server as root, either via GUI (recomended) or CMD - Create the `aime` user, replace `` with a password you choose. Remember it! ``` CREATE USER 'aime'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; CREATE DATABASE aime; GRANT Alter,Create,Delete,Drop,Index,Insert,References,Select,Update ON aime.* TO 'aime'@'localhost'; ``` - If you create it via a GUI, make sure you grant all the above permissions. ## Create a venv - Python virtual environments are a good way to manage packages and make dealing with pyhton and pip easier - `python -m pip venv venv` - `venv\Scripts\activate.bat` to activate the venv whenever you need to insteract with artemis - All the rest of the steps assume you're venv is activated ## Install pip modules - `pip install -r requirements.txt` ## Setup configuration - Create a new `config` folder and copy the files in `example_config` over - edit `core.yaml` - Put the password you created for the aime user into the `database` section - Put in the aimedb key (YOU DO NOT GENERATE THIS KEY, FIND IT SOMEWHERE) - Set your hostname to be whatever hostname or ip address games can reach your server at (Many games reject localhost and - Optional: generate base64-encoded secrets for aimedb and frontend - See [config.md](docs/config.md) for a full list of options - edit `idz.yaml` - If you don't plan on anyone using your server to play InitialD Zero, it is best to disable it to cut down on console spam on boot. - Edit other game yamls - Add keys, set hostnames, ports, etc. Depends on the game. See [game_specific_info](docs/game_specific_info.md) ## Create Database Tables - `python dbutils.py create` ## Firewall - If you're planning on serving games not on your PC, open at least ports 80, 8443, and 22345 in windows firewall - Also set `listen_address` to either your local ip to serve on your LAN, or `` for all interfaces, to accept connections from other places. ## Start ARTEMiS - `python index.py`