{% extends "core/templates/index.jinja" %} {% block content %}

System Management

{% if error is defined %} {% include "core/templates/widgets/err_banner.jinja" %} {% endif %}


{% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[6] == "1" %}

User Search


{% endif %} {% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[5] == "1" %}

Shop search


{% endif %}
{% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[6] == "1" %}
{% for usr in usrlist %}
{{ usr.username if usr.username is not none else "No Name Set"}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[5] == "1" %}
{% for shop in shoplist %}
{{ shop.name if shop.name else "No Name Set"}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}


{% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[6] == "1" %}

Add User

Add Card

{% endif %} {% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[5] == "1" %}

Add Shop

Add Machine

{% endif %}
{% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[6] == "1" %}
{% if usradd is defined %}
Added user {{ usradd.username if usradd.username is not none else "with no name"}} with id {{usradd.id}} and password {{ usradd.password }}
{% endif %}
{% if cardadd is defined %}
Added {{ cardadd.access_code }} with id {{cardadd.id}} to user {{ cardadd.user }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if "{:08b}".format(sesh.permissions)[5] == "1" %}
{% if shopadd is defined %}
Added Shop {{ shopadd.id }}
{% endif %}
{% if cabadd is defined %}
Added Machine {{ cabadd.id }} with serial {{ cabadd.serial }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %}