[General] ## Whether to enable score submissions # Setting type: Boolean # Default value: true Enable = true ## Timeout for score submission in seconds # Setting type: Int32 # Default value: 30 NetworkTimeout = 30 ## Folder for storing imports that failed due to network errors. ## Leave empty to disable # Setting type: String # Default value: FailedImportsFolder = [Keys] ## Kamaitachi API keys to use for score submissions, in the format ## of ` = `. The `default` key is used as fallback ## if an access code does not have an API key set, and can be removed. # Setting type: String # Default value: default = [Tachi] ## Tachi instance base URL # Setting type: String # Default value: https://kamai.tachi.ac BaseUrl = https://kamai.tachi.ac ## Tachi score import endpoint # Setting type: String # Default value: /ir/direct-manual/import Import = /ir/direct-manual/import