
80 lines
2.8 KiB

// Declare a global variable to store the JSON data
var constData;
function evaluateRank(evalId) {
if (evalId >= 1 && evalId <= 4) {
return "Rookie";
} else if (evalId >= 5 && evalId <= 8) {
return "Regular";
} else if (evalId >= 9 && evalId <= 12) {
return "Specialist";
} else if (evalId >= 13 && evalId <= 16) {
return "Expert";
} else if (evalId >= 17 && evalId <= 20) {
return "Pro";
} else if (evalId >= 21 && evalId <= 24) {
return "Master";
} else if (evalId == 25) {
return "Master+";
} else {
return "Invalid";
function formatGoalTime(milliseconds) {
// Convert the milliseconds to a time string
var minutes = Math.floor(milliseconds / 60000);
var seconds = Math.floor((milliseconds % 60000) / 1000);
milliseconds %= 1000;
return `${parseInt(minutes)}'${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}"${milliseconds.toString().padStart(3, '0')}`;
// Function to get style_name for a given style_car_id
function getCarName(style_car_id) {
// Find the car with the matching style_car_id
var foundCar = (style) {
return style.style_car_id === style_car_id;
// Return the style_name if found, otherwise return Unknown
return foundCar ? foundCar.style_name : "Unknown car";
$(document).ready(function () {
// Make an AJAX request to load the JSON file
url: "/game/idac/ranking/const.get",
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
// Check if the 'course' array exists in the JSON data
if (data && data.course) {
// Assign the JSON data to the global variable
constData = data;
// Get the select element
var selectElement = $("#course-select");
// Remove the Loading text
// Loop through the 'course' array and add options to the select
$.each(constData.course, function (index, course) {
var option = '<option value="' + course.course_id + '"' + (index === 0 ? 'selected' : '') + '>' + course.course_name + '</option>';
// Simulate a change event on page load with the default value (0)
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// Print the error message as an option element
$("#course-select").html("<option value='0' selected disabled>" + textStatus + "</option>");
console.error("Error loading JSON file:", textStatus, errorThrown);