
4106 lines
153 KiB

generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "./generated/artemis"
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_AIME_URL")
model aime_card {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
access_code String @unique(map: "access_code") @db.VarChar(20)
created_date DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
last_login_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
is_locked Boolean? @default(false)
is_banned Boolean? @default(false)
idm String? @unique(map: "idm") @db.VarChar(16)
chip_id BigInt? @unique(map: "chip_id")
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "aime_card_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, access_code], map: "aime_card_uk")
model aime_user {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
username String? @unique(map: "username") @db.VarChar(25)
email String? @unique(map: "email") @db.VarChar(255)
password String? @db.VarChar(255)
permissions Int?
created_date DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
last_login_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
suspend_expire_time DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_card aime_card[]
aime_user_game_locks aime_user_game_locks[]
arcade_owner arcade_owner[]
chuni_item_character chuni_item_character[]
chuni_item_cmission chuni_item_cmission[]
chuni_item_cmission_progress chuni_item_cmission_progress[]
chuni_item_duel chuni_item_duel[]
chuni_item_favorite chuni_item_favorite[]
chuni_item_gacha chuni_item_gacha[]
chuni_item_item chuni_item_item[]
chuni_item_login_bonus chuni_item_login_bonus[]
chuni_item_map chuni_item_map[]
chuni_item_map_area chuni_item_map_area[]
chuni_item_matching chuni_item_matching[]
chuni_item_print_detail chuni_item_print_detail[]
chuni_item_print_state chuni_item_print_state[]
chuni_profile_activity chuni_profile_activity[]
chuni_profile_charge chuni_profile_charge[]
chuni_profile_data chuni_profile_data[]
chuni_profile_data_ex chuni_profile_data_ex[]
chuni_profile_emoney chuni_profile_emoney[]
chuni_profile_net_battle chuni_profile_net_battle?
chuni_profile_option chuni_profile_option?
chuni_profile_option_ex chuni_profile_option_ex?
chuni_profile_overpower chuni_profile_overpower[]
chuni_profile_rating chuni_profile_rating[]
chuni_profile_recent_rating chuni_profile_recent_rating?
chuni_profile_region chuni_profile_region[]
chuni_score_best chuni_score_best[]
chuni_score_course chuni_score_course[]
chuni_score_playlog chuni_score_playlog[]
cozynet_rival_codes cozynet_rival_codes?
cxb_playlog cxb_playlog[]
cxb_profile cxb_profile[]
cxb_ranking cxb_ranking[]
cxb_rev_energy cxb_rev_energy?
cxb_score cxb_score[]
diva_playlog diva_playlog[]
diva_profile diva_profile[]
diva_profile_customize_item diva_profile_customize_item[]
diva_profile_module diva_profile_module[]
diva_profile_pv_customize diva_profile_pv_customize[]
diva_profile_shop diva_profile_shop[]
diva_score diva_score[]
event_log event_log[]
idac_profile idac_profile[]
idac_profile_avatar idac_profile_avatar?
idac_profile_config idac_profile_config?
idac_profile_rank idac_profile_rank[]
idac_profile_stock idac_profile_stock[]
idac_profile_theory idac_profile_theory[]
idac_user_car idac_user_car[]
idac_user_challenge idac_user_challenge[]
idac_user_course idac_user_course[]
idac_user_stamp idac_user_stamp[]
idac_user_story idac_user_story[]
idac_user_story_episode idac_user_story_episode[]
idac_user_story_episode_difficulty idac_user_story_episode_difficulty[]
idac_user_theory_course idac_user_theory_course[]
idac_user_theory_partner idac_user_theory_partner[]
idac_user_theory_running idac_user_theory_running[]
idac_user_ticket idac_user_ticket[]
idac_user_time_trial idac_user_time_trial[]
idac_user_timetrial_event idac_user_timetrial_event[]
idac_user_vs_info idac_user_vs_info[]
mai2_item_card mai2_item_card[]
mai2_item_character mai2_item_character[]
mai2_item_charge mai2_item_charge[]
mai2_item_favorite mai2_item_favorite[]
mai2_item_favorite_music mai2_item_favorite_music[]
mai2_item_friend_season_ranking mai2_item_friend_season_ranking[]
mai2_item_item mai2_item_item[]
mai2_item_login_bonus mai2_item_login_bonus[]
mai2_item_map mai2_item_map[]
mai2_item_print_detail mai2_item_print_detail[]
mai2_playlog mai2_playlog[]
mai2_playlog_2p mai2_playlog_2p[]
mai2_profile_activity mai2_profile_activity[]
mai2_profile_consec_logins mai2_profile_consec_logins[]
mai2_profile_detail mai2_profile_detail[]
mai2_profile_extend mai2_profile_extend[]
mai2_profile_ghost mai2_profile_ghost[]
mai2_profile_option mai2_profile_option[]
mai2_profile_rating mai2_profile_rating[]
mai2_profile_region mai2_profile_region[]
mai2_score_best mai2_score_best[]
mai2_score_course mai2_score_course[]
mai2_user_rival_mai2_user_rival_rivalToaime_user mai2_user_rival[] @relation("mai2_user_rival_rivalToaime_user")
mai2_user_rival_mai2_user_rival_userToaime_user mai2_user_rival[] @relation("mai2_user_rival_userToaime_user")
maimai_playlog maimai_playlog[]
maimai_profile_boss maimai_profile_boss?
maimai_profile_detail maimai_profile_detail[]
maimai_profile_grade_status maimai_profile_grade_status[]
maimai_profile_option maimai_profile_option[]
maimai_profile_recent_rating maimai_profile_recent_rating?
maimai_profile_web_option maimai_profile_web_option[]
maimai_score_best maimai_score_best[]
ongeki_gp_log ongeki_gp_log[]
ongeki_profile_activity ongeki_profile_activity[]
ongeki_profile_data ongeki_profile_data[]
ongeki_profile_kop ongeki_profile_kop[]
ongeki_profile_option ongeki_profile_option?
ongeki_profile_rating ongeki_profile_rating[]
ongeki_profile_rating_log ongeki_profile_rating_log[]
ongeki_profile_recent_rating ongeki_profile_recent_rating?
ongeki_profile_region ongeki_profile_region[]
ongeki_profile_rival_ongeki_profile_rival_userToaime_user ongeki_profile_rival[] @relation("ongeki_profile_rival_userToaime_user")
ongeki_profile_rival_ongeki_profile_rival_rivalUserIdToaime_user ongeki_profile_rival[] @relation("ongeki_profile_rival_rivalUserIdToaime_user")
ongeki_profile_training_room ongeki_profile_training_room[]
ongeki_score_best ongeki_score_best[]
ongeki_score_playlog ongeki_score_playlog[]
ongeki_score_tech_count ongeki_score_tech_count[]
ongeki_session_log ongeki_session_log[]
ongeki_tech_event_ranking ongeki_tech_event_ranking[]
ongeki_user_boss ongeki_user_boss[]
ongeki_user_card ongeki_user_card[]
ongeki_user_chapter ongeki_user_chapter[]
ongeki_user_character ongeki_user_character[]
ongeki_user_deck ongeki_user_deck[]
ongeki_user_event_music ongeki_user_event_music[]
ongeki_user_event_point ongeki_user_event_point[]
ongeki_user_gacha ongeki_user_gacha[]
ongeki_user_gacha_supply ongeki_user_gacha_supply[]
ongeki_user_item ongeki_user_item[]
ongeki_user_login_bonus ongeki_user_login_bonus[]
ongeki_user_memorychapter ongeki_user_memorychapter[]
ongeki_user_mission_point ongeki_user_mission_point[]
ongeki_user_music_item ongeki_user_music_item[]
ongeki_user_print_detail ongeki_user_print_detail[]
ongeki_user_scenerio ongeki_user_scenerio[]
ongeki_user_story ongeki_user_story[]
ongeki_user_tech_event ongeki_user_tech_event[]
ongeki_user_trade_item ongeki_user_trade_item[]
pokken_item pokken_item?
pokken_match_data pokken_match_data[]
pokken_pokemon_data pokken_pokemon_data[]
pokken_profile pokken_profile?
sao_end_sessions sao_end_sessions[]
sao_equipment_data sao_equipment_data[]
sao_hero_log_data sao_hero_log_data[]
sao_hero_party sao_hero_party[]
sao_item_data sao_item_data[]
sao_play_sessions sao_play_sessions[]
sao_player_quest sao_player_quest[]
sao_profile sao_profile?
wacca_bingo wacca_bingo?
wacca_favorite_song wacca_favorite_song[]
wacca_friend_wacca_friend_profile_senderToaime_user wacca_friend[] @relation("wacca_friend_profile_senderToaime_user")
wacca_friend_wacca_friend_profile_recieverToaime_user wacca_friend[] @relation("wacca_friend_profile_recieverToaime_user")
wacca_gate wacca_gate[]
wacca_item wacca_item[]
wacca_option wacca_option[]
wacca_profile wacca_profile[]
wacca_score_best wacca_score_best[]
wacca_score_playlog wacca_score_playlog[]
wacca_score_stageup wacca_score_stageup[]
wacca_song_unlock wacca_song_unlock[]
wacca_ticket wacca_ticket[]
wacca_trophy wacca_trophy[]
model alembic_version {
version_num String @id @db.VarChar(32)
model arcade {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
nickname String? @db.VarChar(255)
country String? @db.VarChar(3)
country_id Int?
state String? @db.VarChar(255)
city String? @db.VarChar(255)
region_id Int?
timezone String? @db.VarChar(255)
ip String? @db.VarChar(39)
arcade_owner_arcade_owner_arcadeToarcade arcade_owner[] @relation("arcade_owner_arcadeToarcade")
event_log_event_log_arcadeToarcade event_log[] @relation("event_log_arcadeToarcade")
machine_machine_arcadeToarcade machine[] @relation("machine_arcadeToarcade")
model arcade_owner {
user Int
arcade Int
permissions Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "arcade_owner_ibfk_1")
arcade_arcade_owner_arcadeToarcade arcade @relation("arcade_owner_arcadeToarcade", fields: [arcade], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "arcade_owner_ibfk_2")
@@id([user, arcade])
@@index([arcade], map: "arcade")
model chuni_item_character {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
characterId Int?
level Int?
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
isValid Boolean?
skillId Int?
isNewMark Boolean?
playCount Int?
friendshipExp Int?
assignIllust Int?
exMaxLv Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_character_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, characterId], map: "chuni_item_character_uk")
model chuni_item_cmission {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
missionId Int
point Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_cmission_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, missionId], map: "chuni_item_cmission_uk")
model chuni_item_cmission_progress {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
missionId Int
order Int?
stage Int?
progress Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_cmission_progress_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, missionId, order], map: "chuni_item_cmission_progress_uk")
model chuni_item_duel {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
duelId Int?
progress Int?
point Int?
isClear Boolean?
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
param3 Int?
param4 Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_duel_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, duelId], map: "chuni_item_duel_uk")
model chuni_item_favorite {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
favId Int
favKind Int @default(1)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_favorite_ibfk_1")
@@unique([version, user, favId], map: "chuni_item_favorite_uk")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_item_gacha {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
gachaId Int
totalGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
ceilingGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
dailyGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
fiveGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
elevenGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
dailyGachaDate DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_gacha_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, gachaId], map: "chuni_item_gacha_uk")
model chuni_item_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
itemId Int?
itemKind Int?
stock Int?
isValid Boolean?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, itemId, itemKind], map: "chuni_item_item_uk")
model chuni_item_login_bonus {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
presetId Int
bonusCount Int @default(0)
lastUpdateDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
isWatched Boolean? @default(false)
isFinished Boolean? @default(false)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_login_bonus_ibfk_1")
@@unique([version, user, presetId], map: "chuni_item_login_bonus_uk")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_item_map {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
mapId Int?
position Int?
isClear Boolean?
areaId Int?
routeNumber Int?
eventId Int?
rate Int?
statusCount Int?
isValid Boolean?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_map_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, mapId], map: "chuni_item_map_uk")
model chuni_item_map_area {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
mapAreaId Int?
rate Int?
isClear Boolean?
isLocked Boolean?
position Int?
statusCount Int?
remainGridCount Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_map_area_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, mapAreaId], map: "chuni_item_map_area_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model chuni_item_matching {
roomId Int
user Int
version Int
restMSec Int @default(60)
isFull Boolean @default(false)
matchingMemberInfoList String @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_matching_ibfk_1")
@@id([roomId, version])
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_item_print_detail {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
cardId Int
printDate DateTime @db.Timestamp(0)
serialId String @unique(map: "chuni_item_print_detail_uk") @db.VarChar(20)
placeId Int
clientId String @db.VarChar(11)
printerSerialId String @db.VarChar(20)
printOption1 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption2 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption3 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption4 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption5 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption6 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption7 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption8 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption9 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption10 Boolean? @default(false)
created String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_print_detail_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_item_print_state {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
hasCompleted Boolean @default(false)
limitDate DateTime @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
placeId Int?
cardId Int?
gachaId Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_item_print_state_ibfk_1")
@@unique([id, user], map: "chuni_item_print_state_uk")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_profile_activity {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
kind Int?
activityId Int?
sortNumber Int?
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
param3 Int?
param4 Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_activity_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, kind, activityId], map: "chuni_profile_activity_uk")
model chuni_profile_charge {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
chargeId Int?
stock Int?
purchaseDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
validDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
paramDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_charge_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chargeId], map: "chuni_profile_charge_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model chuni_profile_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
exp Int?
level Int?
point Int?
frameId Int?
isMaimai Boolean?
trophyId Int?
userName String? @db.VarChar(25)
isWebJoin Boolean?
playCount Int?
lastGameId String? @db.VarChar(25)
totalPoint BigInt?
characterId Int?
firstGameId String? @db.VarChar(25)
friendCount Int?
lastPlaceId Int?
nameplateId Int?
totalMapNum Int?
lastAllNetId Int?
lastClientId String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastRegionId Int?
playerRating Int?
totalHiScore Int?
webLimitDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
firstPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
highestRating Int?
lastPlaceName String? @db.VarChar(25)
multiWinCount Int?
acceptResCount Int?
lastRegionName String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
multiPlayCount Int?
firstRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
requestResCount Int?
successResCount Int?
eventWatchedDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
firstDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
reincarnationNum Int?
playedTutorialBit Int?
totalBasicHighScore Int?
totalExpertHighScore Int?
totalMasterHighScore Int?
totalRepertoireCount Int?
firstTutorialCancelNum Int?
totalAdvancedHighScore Int?
masterTutorialCancelNum Int?
ext1 Int?
ext2 Int?
ext3 Int?
ext4 Int?
ext5 Int?
ext6 Int?
ext7 Int?
ext8 Int?
ext9 Int?
ext10 Int?
extStr1 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extStr2 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extLong1 Int?
extLong2 Int?
mapIconId Int?
compatibleCmVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
medal Int?
voiceId Int?
teamId Int?
eliteRankPoint Int? @default(0)
stockedGridCount Int? @default(0)
netBattleLoseCount Int? @default(0)
netBattleHostErrCnt Int? @default(0)
netBattle4thCount Int? @default(0)
overPowerRate Int? @default(0)
battleRewardStatus Int? @default(0)
netBattle1stCount Int? @default(0)
charaIllustId Int? @default(0)
userNameEx String? @default("") @db.VarChar(8)
netBattleWinCount Int? @default(0)
netBattleCorrection Int? @default(0)
classEmblemMedal Int? @default(0)
overPowerPoint Int? @default(0)
netBattleErrCnt Int? @default(0)
battleRankId Int? @default(0)
netBattle3rdCount Int? @default(0)
netBattleConsecutiveWinCount Int? @default(0)
overPowerLowerRank Int? @default(0)
classEmblemBase Int? @default(0)
battleRankPoint Int? @default(0)
netBattle2ndCount Int? @default(0)
totalUltimaHighScore Int? @default(0)
skillId Int? @default(0)
lastCountryCode String? @default("JPN") @db.VarChar(5)
isNetBattleHost Boolean? @default(false)
battleRewardCount Int? @default(0)
battleRewardIndex Int? @default(0)
netBattlePlayCount Int? @default(0)
exMapLoopCount Int? @default(0)
netBattleEndState Int? @default(0)
rankUpChallengeResults String? @db.LongText
avatarBack Int? @default(0)
avatarFace Int? @default(0)
avatarPoint Int? @default(0)
avatarItem Int? @default(0)
avatarWear Int? @default(0)
avatarFront Int? @default(0)
avatarSkin Int? @default(0)
avatarHead Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_data_ibfk_1")
chuni_profile_team chuni_profile_team? @relation(fields: [teamId], references: [id], onUpdate: SetNull, map: "chuni_profile_data_ibfk_2")
@@unique([user, version], map: "chuni_profile_profile_uk")
@@index([teamId], map: "teamId")
model chuni_profile_data_ex {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
ext1 Int?
ext2 Int?
ext3 Int?
ext4 Int?
ext5 Int?
ext6 Int?
ext7 Int?
ext8 Int?
ext9 Int?
ext10 Int?
ext11 Int?
ext12 Int?
ext13 Int?
ext14 Int?
ext15 Int?
ext16 Int?
ext17 Int?
ext18 Int?
ext19 Int?
ext20 Int?
medal Int?
extStr1 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extStr2 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extStr3 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extStr4 String? @db.VarChar(255)
extStr5 String? @db.VarChar(255)
voiceId Int?
extLong1 Int?
extLong2 Int?
extLong3 Int?
extLong4 Int?
extLong5 Int?
mapIconId Int?
compatibleCmVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_data_ex_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "chuni_profile_data_ex_uk")
model chuni_profile_emoney {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
ext1 Int?
ext2 Int?
ext3 Int?
type Int?
emoneyBrand Int?
emoneyCredit Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_emoney_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, emoneyBrand], map: "chuni_profile_emoney_uk")
model chuni_profile_net_battle {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "user")
isRankUpChallengeFailed Boolean?
highestBattleRankId Int?
battleIconId Int?
battleIconNum Int?
avatarEffectPoint Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_net_battle_ibfk_1")
model chuni_profile_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "chuni_profile_option_uk")
speed Int?
bgInfo Int?
rating Int?
privacy Int?
judgePos Int?
matching Int?
guideLine Int?
headphone Int?
optionSet Int?
fieldColor Int?
guideSound Int?
successAir Int?
successTap Int?
judgeAttack Int?
playerLevel Int?
soundEffect Int?
judgeJustice Int?
successExTap Int?
successFlick Int?
successSkill Int?
successSlideHold Int?
successTapTimbre Int?
ext1 Int?
ext2 Int?
ext3 Int?
ext4 Int?
ext5 Int?
ext6 Int?
ext7 Int?
ext8 Int?
ext9 Int?
ext10 Int?
categoryDetail Int? @default(0)
judgeTimingOffset_120 Int? @default(0)
resultVoiceShort Int? @default(0)
judgeAppendSe Int? @default(0)
judgeCritical Int? @default(0)
trackSkip Int? @default(0)
selectMusicFilterLv Int? @default(0)
sortMusicFilterLv Int? @default(0)
sortMusicGenre Int? @default(0)
speed_120 Int? @default(0)
judgeTimingOffset Int? @default(0)
mirrorFumen Int? @default(0)
playTimingOffset_120 Int? @default(0)
hardJudge Int? @default(0)
notesThickness Int? @default(0)
fieldWallPosition Int? @default(0)
playTimingOffset Int? @default(0)
fieldWallPosition_120 Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_option_ibfk_1")
model chuni_profile_option_ex {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "chuni_profile_option_ex_uk")
ext1 Int?
ext2 Int?
ext3 Int?
ext4 Int?
ext5 Int?
ext6 Int?
ext7 Int?
ext8 Int?
ext9 Int?
ext10 Int?
ext11 Int?
ext12 Int?
ext13 Int?
ext14 Int?
ext15 Int?
ext16 Int?
ext17 Int?
ext18 Int?
ext19 Int?
ext20 Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_option_ex_ibfk_1")
model chuni_profile_overpower {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
genreId Int?
difficulty Int?
rate Int?
point Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_overpower_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, genreId, difficulty], map: "chuni_profile_emoney_uk")
model chuni_profile_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
type String @db.VarChar(255)
index Int
musicId Int?
difficultId Int?
romVersionCode Int?
score Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_rating_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, type, index], map: "chuni_profile_rating_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model chuni_profile_recent_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "chuni_profile_recent_rating_uk")
recentRating String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_recent_rating_ibfk_1")
model chuni_profile_region {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
regionId Int?
playCount Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_profile_region_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, regionId], map: "chuni_profile_region_uk")
model chuni_profile_team {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
teamName String? @db.VarChar(255)
teamPoint Int?
chuni_profile_data chuni_profile_data[]
model chuni_score_best {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
musicId Int?
level Int?
playCount Int?
scoreMax Int?
resRequestCount Int?
resAcceptCount Int?
resSuccessCount Int?
missCount Int?
maxComboCount Int?
isFullCombo Boolean?
isAllJustice Boolean?
isSuccess Int?
fullChain Int?
maxChain Int?
scoreRank Int?
isLock Boolean?
ext1 Int?
theoryCount Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_score_best_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId, level], map: "chuni_score_best_uk")
model chuni_score_course {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
courseId Int?
classId Int?
playCount Int?
scoreMax Int?
isFullCombo Boolean?
isAllJustice Boolean?
isSuccess Boolean?
scoreRank Int?
eventId Int?
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
param3 Int?
param4 Int?
isClear Boolean?
theoryCount Int?
orderId Int?
playerRating Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_score_course_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, courseId], map: "chuni_score_course_uk")
model chuni_score_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
orderId Int?
sortNumber Int?
placeId Int?
playDate String? @db.VarChar(20)
userPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(20)
musicId Int?
level Int?
customId Int?
playedUserId1 Int?
playedUserId2 Int?
playedUserId3 Int?
playedUserName1 String? @db.VarChar(20)
playedUserName2 String? @db.VarChar(20)
playedUserName3 String? @db.VarChar(20)
playedMusicLevel1 Int?
playedMusicLevel2 Int?
playedMusicLevel3 Int?
playedCustom1 Int?
playedCustom2 Int?
playedCustom3 Int?
track Int?
score Int?
rank Int?
maxCombo Int?
maxChain Int?
rateTap Int?
rateHold Int?
rateSlide Int?
rateAir Int?
rateFlick Int?
judgeGuilty Int?
judgeAttack Int?
judgeJustice Int?
judgeCritical Int?
eventId Int?
playerRating Int?
isNewRecord Boolean?
isFullCombo Boolean?
fullChainKind Int?
isAllJustice Boolean?
isContinue Boolean?
isFreeToPlay Boolean?
characterId Int?
skillId Int?
playKind Int?
isClear Int? @db.TinyInt
skillLevel Int?
skillEffect Int?
placeName String? @db.VarChar(255)
isMaimai Boolean?
commonId Int?
charaIllustId Int?
romVersion String? @db.VarChar(255)
judgeHeaven Int?
regionId Int?
machineType Int?
ticketId Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_score_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model chuni_static_avatar {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
avatarAccessoryId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
category Int?
iconPath String? @db.VarChar(255)
texturePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, avatarAccessoryId], map: "chuni_static_avatar_uk")
model chuni_static_cards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
cardId Int
charaName String @db.VarChar(255)
charaId Int
presentName String @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int? @default(2)
labelType Int
difType Int
miss Int
combo Int
chain Int
skillName String @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, cardId], map: "chuni_static_cards_uk")
model chuni_static_charge {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
chargeId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
expirationDays Int?
consumeType Int?
sellingAppeal Boolean?
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, chargeId], map: "chuni_static_charge_uk")
model chuni_static_events {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
eventId Int?
type Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
startDate DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, eventId], map: "chuni_static_events_uk")
model chuni_static_gacha_cards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
gachaId Int
cardId Int
rarity Int
weight Int? @default(1)
isPickup Boolean? @default(false)
@@unique([gachaId, cardId], map: "chuni_static_gacha_cards_uk")
model chuni_static_gachas {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
gachaId Int
gachaName String @db.VarChar(255)
type Int @default(0)
kind Int @default(0)
isCeiling Boolean? @default(false)
ceilingCnt Int? @default(10)
changeRateCnt1 Int? @default(0)
changeRateCnt2 Int? @default(0)
startDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
endDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeStartDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeEndDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
@@unique([version, gachaId, gachaName], map: "chuni_static_gachas_uk")
model chuni_static_login_bonus {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
presetId Int
loginBonusId Int
loginBonusName String @db.VarChar(255)
presentId Int
presentName String @db.VarChar(255)
itemNum Int
needLoginDayCount Int
loginBonusCategoryType Int
chuni_static_login_bonus_preset chuni_static_login_bonus_preset @relation(fields: [presetId, version], references: [presetId, version], onDelete: Cascade, map: "chuni_static_login_bonus_ibfk_1")
@@unique([version, presetId, loginBonusId], map: "chuni_static_login_bonus_uk")
@@index([presetId, version], map: "chuni_static_login_bonus_ibfk_1")
model chuni_static_login_bonus_preset {
presetId Int
version Int
presetName String @db.VarChar(255)
isEnabled Boolean? @default(true)
chuni_static_login_bonus chuni_static_login_bonus[]
@@id([presetId, version])
model chuni_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
songId Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
artist String? @db.VarChar(255)
level Float? @db.Float
genre String? @db.VarChar(255)
jacketPath String? @db.VarChar(255)
worldsEndTag String? @db.VarChar(7)
@@unique([version, songId, chartId], map: "chuni_static_music_uk")
model cozynet_artemisapi_sessions {
session_id String @id @db.VarChar(128)
expires Int @db.UnsignedInt
data String? @db.MediumText
model cozynet_chuni_static_accessory {
id Int @id
str String? @db.VarChar(255)
imagePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
sortName String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
netOpenName String? @db.VarChar(255)
rareType String? @db.VarChar(255)
model cozynet_chuni_static_mapicon {
id Int @id
str String? @db.VarChar(255)
imagePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
sortName String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
netOpenName String? @db.VarChar(255)
rareType String? @db.VarChar(255)
model cozynet_chuni_static_nameplate {
id Int @id
str String? @db.VarChar(255)
imagePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
sortName String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
netOpenName String? @db.VarChar(255)
rareType String? @db.VarChar(255)
model cozynet_chuni_static_systemvoice {
id Int @id
str String? @db.VarChar(255)
imagePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
sortName String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
netOpenName String? @db.VarChar(255)
rareType String? @db.VarChar(255)
model cozynet_chuni_static_trophies {
id Int @id
str String? @db.VarChar(255)
imagePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
sortName String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
netOpenName String? @db.VarChar(255)
rareType String? @db.VarChar(255)
model cozynet_rival_codes {
id Int @id
rival_code Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cozynet_rival_codes_ibfk_1")
model cxb_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
song_mcode String? @db.VarChar(7)
chart_id Int?
score Int?
clear Int?
flawless Int?
super Int?
cool Int?
fast Int?
fast2 Int?
slow Int?
slow2 Int?
fail Int?
combo Int?
date_scored DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
grade Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cxb_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model cxb_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
index Int
data String @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cxb_profile_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, index], map: "cxb_profile_uk")
model cxb_ranking {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
rev_id Int?
song_id Int?
score Int?
clear Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cxb_ranking_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, rev_id], map: "cxb_ranking_uk")
model cxb_rev_energy {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "cxb_rev_energy_uk")
energy Int @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cxb_rev_energy_ibfk_1")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model cxb_score {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
game_version Int?
song_mcode String? @db.VarChar(7)
song_index Int?
data String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "cxb_score_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, song_mcode, song_index], map: "cxb_score_uk")
model cxb_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
songId String? @db.VarChar(255)
index Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
artist String? @db.VarChar(255)
category String? @db.VarChar(255)
level Float? @db.Float
@@unique([version, songId, chartId, index], map: "cxb_static_music_uk")
model diva_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int?
pv_id Int?
difficulty Int?
edition Int?
score Int?
atn_pnt Int?
clr_kind Int?
sort_kind Int?
cool Int?
fine Int?
safe Int?
sad Int?
worst Int?
max_combo Int?
date_scored DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "diva_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model diva_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
player_name String @db.VarChar(10)
lv_str String @default("Dab on 'em") @db.VarChar(24)
lv_num Int @default(0)
lv_pnt Int @default(0)
vcld_pts Int @default(0)
hp_vol Int @default(100)
btn_se_vol Int @default(100)
btn_se_vol2 Int @default(100)
sldr_se_vol2 Int @default(100)
sort_kind Int @default(2)
use_pv_mdl_eqp Boolean @default(true)
use_mdl_pri Boolean @default(false)
use_pv_skn_eqp Boolean @default(false)
use_pv_btn_se_eqp Boolean @default(true)
use_pv_sld_se_eqp Boolean @default(false)
use_pv_chn_sld_se_eqp Boolean @default(false)
use_pv_sldr_tch_se_eqp Boolean @default(false)
btn_se_eqp Int @default(-1)
sld_se_eqp Int @default(-1)
chn_sld_se_eqp Int @default(-1)
sldr_tch_se_eqp Int @default(-1)
nxt_pv_id Int @default(708)
nxt_dffclty Int @default(2)
nxt_edtn Int @default(0)
cnp_cid Int @default(-1)
cnp_val Int @default(-1)
cnp_rr Int @default(-1)
cnp_sp String @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
dsp_clr_brdr Int @default(7)
dsp_intrm_rnk Int @default(1)
dsp_clr_sts Int @default(1)
rgo_sts Int @default(1)
lv_efct_id Int @default(0)
lv_plt_id Int @default(1)
skn_eqp Int @default(0)
passwd_stat Int @default(0)
passwd String @default("**********") @db.VarChar(12)
my_qst_id String? @default("-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1") @db.VarChar(128)
my_qst_sts String? @default("-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1") @db.VarChar(128)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "diva_profile_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "diva_profile_uk")
model diva_profile_customize_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
item_id Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "diva_profile_customize_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, item_id], map: "diva_profile_customize_item_uk")
model diva_profile_module {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
module_id Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "diva_profile_module_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, module_id], map: "diva_profile_module_uk")
model diva_profile_pv_customize {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
pv_id Int
mdl_eqp_ary String? @default("-999,-999,-999") @db.VarChar(14)
c_itm_eqp_ary String? @default("-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999,-999") @db.VarChar(59)
ms_itm_flg_ary String? @default("-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1") @db.VarChar(59)
skin Int? @default(-1)
btn_se Int? @default(-1)
sld_se Int? @default(-1)
chsld_se Int? @default(-1)
sldtch_se Int? @default(-1)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "diva_profile_pv_customize_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, pv_id], map: "diva_profile_pv_customize_uk")
model diva_profile_shop {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
mdl_eqp_ary String? @db.VarChar(32)
c_itm_eqp_ary String? @db.VarChar(59)
ms_itm_flg_ary String? @db.VarChar(59)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "diva_profile_shop_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "diva_profile_shop_uk")
model diva_score {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int?
pv_id Int?
difficulty Int?
edition Int?
score Int?
atn_pnt Int?
clr_kind Int?
sort_kind Int?
cool Int?
fine Int?
safe Int?
sad Int?
worst Int?
max_combo Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "diva_score_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, pv_id, difficulty, edition], map: "diva_score_uk")
model diva_static_items {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
itemId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
type Int?
points Int?
unknown_0 Int?
start_date String? @db.VarChar(255)
end_date String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, itemId], map: "diva_static_items_uk")
model diva_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
songId Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
vocaloid_arranger String? @db.VarChar(255)
pv_illustrator String? @db.VarChar(255)
lyrics String? @db.VarChar(255)
bg_music String? @db.VarChar(255)
level Float? @db.Float
bpm Int?
date String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, songId, chartId], map: "diva_static_music_uk")
model diva_static_quests {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
questId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
quest_enable Boolean? @default(true)
kind Int?
unknown_0 Int?
unknown_1 Int?
unknown_2 Int?
quest_order Int?
start_datetime String? @db.VarChar(255)
end_datetime String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, questId], map: "diva_static_quests_uk")
model diva_static_shop {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
shopId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
type Int?
points Int?
unknown_0 Int?
start_date String? @db.VarChar(255)
end_date String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, shopId], map: "diva_static_shop_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model event_log {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
system String @db.VarChar(255)
type String @db.VarChar(255)
severity Int
message String @db.VarChar(1000)
details String @db.LongText
when_logged DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
user Int?
arcade Int?
machine Int?
ip String? @db.TinyText
game String? @db.TinyText
version String? @db.TinyText
machine_event_log_machineTomachine machine? @relation("event_log_machineTomachine", fields: [machine], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "event_log_ibfk_1")
arcade_event_log_arcadeToarcade arcade? @relation("event_log_arcadeToarcade", fields: [arcade], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "event_log_ibfk_2")
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "event_log_ibfk_3")
@@index([arcade], map: "arcade")
@@index([machine], map: "machine")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model idac_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
username String? @db.VarChar(8)
country Int?
store Int?
team_id Int? @default(0)
total_play Int? @default(0)
daily_play Int? @default(0)
day_play Int? @default(0)
mileage Int? @default(0)
asset_version Int? @default(1)
last_play_date DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
mytitle_id Int? @default(0)
mytitle_efffect_id Int? @default(0)
sticker_id Int? @default(0)
sticker_effect_id Int? @default(0)
papercup_id Int? @default(0)
tachometer_id Int? @default(0)
aura_id Int? @default(0)
aura_color_id Int? @default(0)
aura_line_id Int? @default(0)
bgm_id Int? @default(0)
keyholder_id Int? @default(0)
start_menu_bg_id Int? @default(0)
use_car_id Int? @default(1)
use_style_car_id Int? @default(1)
bothwin_count Int? @default(0)
bothwin_score Int? @default(0)
subcard_count Int? @default(0)
vs_history Int? @default(0)
stamp_key_assign_0 Int?
stamp_key_assign_1 Int?
stamp_key_assign_2 Int?
stamp_key_assign_3 Int?
name_change_category Int? @default(0)
factory_disp Int? @default(0)
create_date DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
cash Int? @default(0)
dressup_point Int? @default(0)
avatar_point Int? @default(0)
total_cash Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "idac_profile_uk")
model idac_profile_avatar {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "idac_profile_avatar_uk")
sex Int?
face Int?
eye Int?
mouth Int?
hair Int?
glasses Int?
face_accessory Int?
body Int?
body_accessory Int?
behind Int?
bg Int?
effect Int?
special Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_avatar_ibfk_1")
model idac_profile_config {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "idac_profile_config_uk")
config_id Int?
steering_intensity Int?
transmission_type Int?
default_viewpoint Int?
favorite_bgm Int?
bgm_volume Int?
se_volume Int?
master_volume Int?
store_battle_policy Int?
battle_onomatope_display Int?
cornering_guide Int?
minimap Int?
line_guide Int?
ghost Int?
race_exit Int?
result_skip Int?
stamp_select_skip Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_config_ibfk_1")
model idac_profile_rank {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
story_rank_exp Int? @default(0)
story_rank Int? @default(1)
time_trial_rank_exp Int? @default(0)
time_trial_rank Int? @default(1)
online_battle_rank_exp Int? @default(0)
online_battle_rank Int? @default(1)
store_battle_rank_exp Int? @default(0)
store_battle_rank Int? @default(1)
theory_exp Int? @default(0)
theory_rank Int? @default(1)
pride_group_id Int? @default(0)
pride_point Int? @default(0)
grade_exp Int? @default(0)
grade Int? @default(1)
grade_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
story_rank_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
time_trial_rank_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
online_battle_rank_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
store_battle_rank_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
theory_rank_reward_dist Int? @default(0)
max_attained_online_battle_rank Int? @default(1)
max_attained_pride_point Int? @default(0)
is_last_max Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_rank_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "idac_profile_rank_uk")
model idac_profile_stock {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
mytitle_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(1024)
mytitle_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(1024)
avatar_face_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_face_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_eye_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_eye_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_hair_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_hair_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_body_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_body_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_mouth_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_mouth_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_glasses_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_glasses_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_face_accessory_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_face_accessory_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_body_accessory_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_body_accessory_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_behind_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_behind_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_bg_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_bg_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_effect_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_effect_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_special_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
avatar_special_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
stamp_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
stamp_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
keyholder_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(256)
keyholder_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(256)
papercup_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
papercup_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
tachometer_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
tachometer_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_color_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_color_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_line_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aura_line_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
bgm_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
bgm_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
dx_color_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
dx_color_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
start_menu_bg_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
start_menu_bg_new_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
under_neon_list String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_stock_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "idac_profile_stock_uk")
model idac_profile_theory {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
play_count Int? @default(0)
play_count_multi Int? @default(0)
partner_id Int?
partner_progress Int?
partner_progress_score Int?
practice_start_rank Int? @default(0)
general_flag Int? @default(0)
vs_history Int? @default(0)
vs_history_multi Int? @default(0)
win_count Int? @default(0)
win_count_multi Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_profile_theory_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "idac_profile_theory_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model idac_user_car {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
version Int
car_id Int?
style_car_id Int?
color Int?
bureau Int?
kana Int?
s_no Int?
l_no Int?
car_flag Int?
tune_point Int?
tune_level Int? @default(1)
tune_parts Int?
infinity_tune Int? @default(0)
online_vs_win Int? @default(0)
pickup_seq Int? @default(1)
purchase_seq Int? @default(1)
color_stock_list String? @db.VarChar(32)
color_stock_new_list String? @db.VarChar(32)
parts_stock_list String? @db.VarChar(48)
parts_stock_new_list String? @db.VarChar(48)
parts_set_equip_list String? @db.VarChar(48)
parts_list String? @db.LongText
equip_parts_count Int? @default(0)
total_car_parts_count Int? @default(0)
use_count Int? @default(0)
story_use_count Int? @default(0)
timetrial_use_count Int? @default(0)
vs_use_count Int? @default(0)
net_vs_use_count Int? @default(0)
theory_use_count Int? @default(0)
car_mileage Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_car_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, style_car_id], map: "idac_user_car_uk")
model idac_user_challenge {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
vs_type Int?
play_difficulty Int?
cleared_difficulty Int?
story_type Int?
play_count Int? @default(1)
weak_difficulty Int? @default(0)
eval_id Int?
advantage Int?
sec1_advantage_avg Int?
sec2_advantage_avg Int?
sec3_advantage_avg Int?
sec4_advantage_avg Int?
nearby_advantage_rate Int?
win_flag Int?
result Int?
record Int?
course_id Int?
last_play_course_id Int?
style_car_id Int?
course_day Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_challenge_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, vs_type, play_difficulty], map: "idac_user_challenge_uk")
model idac_user_course {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
course_id Int?
run_counts Int? @default(1)
skill_level_exp Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_course_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, course_id], map: "idac_user_course_uk")
model idac_user_stamp {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
m_stamp_event_id Int?
select_flag Int?
stamp_masu Int?
daily_bonus Int?
weekly_bonus Int?
weekday_bonus Int?
weekend_bonus Int?
total_bonus Int?
day_total_bonus Int?
store_battle_bonus Int?
story_bonus Int?
online_battle_bonus Int?
timetrial_bonus Int?
fasteststreetlegaltheory_bonus Int?
collaboration_bonus Int?
add_bonus_daily_flag_1 Int?
add_bonus_daily_flag_2 Int?
add_bonus_daily_flag_3 Int?
create_date_daily DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
create_date_weekly DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_stamp_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, m_stamp_event_id], map: "idac_user_stamp_uk")
model idac_user_story {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
story_type Int?
chapter Int?
loop_count Int? @default(1)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_story_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chapter], map: "idac_user_story_uk")
model idac_user_story_episode {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
chapter Int?
episode Int?
play_status Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_story_episode_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chapter, episode], map: "idac_user_story_episode_uk")
model idac_user_story_episode_difficulty {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
episode Int?
difficulty Int?
play_count Int?
clear_count Int?
play_status Int?
play_score Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_story_episode_difficulty_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, episode, difficulty], map: "idac_user_story_episode_difficulty_uk")
model idac_user_theory_course {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
course_id Int?
max_victory_grade Int? @default(0)
run_count Int? @default(1)
powerhouse_lv Int?
powerhouse_exp Int?
played_powerhouse_lv Int?
update_dt DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_theory_course_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, course_id], map: "idac_user_theory_course_uk")
model idac_user_theory_partner {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
partner_id Int?
fellowship_lv Int?
fellowship_exp Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_theory_partner_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, partner_id], map: "idac_user_theory_partner_uk")
model idac_user_theory_running {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
course_id Int?
attack Int?
defense Int?
safety Int?
runaway Int?
trick_flag Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_theory_running_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, course_id], map: "idac_user_theory_running_uk")
model idac_user_ticket {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
ticket_id Int?
ticket_cnt Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_ticket_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, ticket_id], map: "idac_user_ticket_uk")
model idac_user_time_trial {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
version Int
style_car_id Int?
course_id Int?
eval_id Int? @default(0)
goal_time Int?
section_time_1 Int?
section_time_2 Int?
section_time_3 Int?
section_time_4 Int?
mission Int?
play_dt DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_time_trial_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, course_id, style_car_id], map: "idac_user_time_trial_uk")
model idac_user_timetrial_event {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
timetrial_event_id Int?
point Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_timetrial_event_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, timetrial_event_id], map: "idac_user_timetrial_event_uk")
model idac_user_vs_info {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
group_key String? @db.VarChar(25)
win_flg Int?
style_car_id Int?
course_id Int?
course_day Int?
players_num Int?
winning Int?
advantage_1 Int?
advantage_2 Int?
advantage_3 Int?
advantage_4 Int?
select_course_id Int?
select_course_day Int?
select_course_random Int?
matching_success_sec Int?
boost_flag Int?
vs_history Int?
break_count Int?
break_penalty_flag Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "idac_user_vs_info_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, group_key], map: "idac_user_vs_info_uk")
model machine {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
arcade Int
serial String @db.VarChar(15)
board String? @db.VarChar(15)
game String? @db.VarChar(4)
country String? @db.VarChar(3)
timezone String? @db.VarChar(255)
ota_enable Boolean?
memo String? @db.VarChar(255)
is_cab Boolean?
data String? @db.LongText
event_log_event_log_machineTomachine event_log[] @relation("event_log_machineTomachine")
arcade_machine_arcadeToarcade arcade @relation("machine_arcadeToarcade", fields: [arcade], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "machine_ibfk_1")
@@index([arcade], map: "arcade")
model mai2_item_card {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
cardId Int?
cardTypeId Int?
charaId Int?
mapId Int?
startDate DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
endDate DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_card_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, cardId, cardTypeId], map: "mai2_item_card_uk")
model mai2_item_character {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
characterId Int?
level Int?
awakening Int?
useCount Int?
point Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_character_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, characterId], map: "mai2_item_character_uk")
model mai2_item_charge {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
chargeId Int?
stock Int?
purchaseDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
validDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_charge_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chargeId], map: "mai2_item_charge_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_item_favorite {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
itemKind Int?
itemIdList String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_favorite_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, itemKind], map: "mai2_item_favorite_uk")
model mai2_item_friend_season_ranking {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
seasonId Int?
point Int?
rank Int?
rewardGet Boolean?
userName String? @db.VarChar(8)
recordDate DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_friend_season_ranking_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, seasonId, userName], map: "mai2_item_friend_season_ranking_uk")
model mai2_item_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
itemId Int?
itemKind Int?
stock Int?
isValid Boolean?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, itemId, itemKind], map: "mai2_item_item_uk")
model mai2_item_login_bonus {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
bonusId Int?
point Int?
isCurrent Boolean?
isComplete Boolean?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_login_bonus_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, bonusId], map: "mai2_item_login_bonus_uk")
model mai2_item_map {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
mapId Int?
distance Int?
isLock Boolean?
isClear Boolean?
isComplete Boolean?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_map_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, mapId], map: "mai2_item_map_uk")
model mai2_item_print_detail {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
orderId Int?
printNumber Int?
printDate DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
serialId String? @db.VarChar(20)
placeId Int?
clientId String? @db.VarChar(11)
printerSerialId String? @db.VarChar(20)
cardRomVersion Int?
isHolograph Boolean? @default(true)
printOption1 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption2 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption3 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption4 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption5 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption6 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption7 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption8 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption9 Boolean? @default(false)
printOption10 Boolean? @default(false)
created String? @default("") @db.VarChar(255)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_print_detail_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, serialId], map: "mai2_item_print_detail_uk")
model mai2_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
userId BigInt?
orderId Int?
playlogId BigInt?
version Int?
placeId Int?
placeName String? @db.VarChar(255)
loginDate BigInt?
playDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
userPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
type Int?
musicId Int?
level Int?
trackNo Int?
vsMode Int?
vsUserName String? @db.VarChar(255)
vsStatus Int?
vsUserRating Int?
vsUserAchievement Int?
vsUserGradeRank Int?
vsRank Int?
playerNum Int?
playedUserId1 BigInt?
playedUserName1 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedMusicLevel1 Int?
playedUserId2 BigInt?
playedUserName2 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedMusicLevel2 Int?
playedUserId3 BigInt?
playedUserName3 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedMusicLevel3 Int?
characterId1 Int?
characterLevel1 Int?
characterAwakening1 Int?
characterId2 Int?
characterLevel2 Int?
characterAwakening2 Int?
characterId3 Int?
characterLevel3 Int?
characterAwakening3 Int?
characterId4 Int?
characterLevel4 Int?
characterAwakening4 Int?
characterId5 Int?
characterLevel5 Int?
characterAwakening5 Int?
achievement Int?
deluxscore Int?
scoreRank Int?
maxCombo Int?
totalCombo Int?
maxSync Int?
totalSync Int?
tapCriticalPerfect Int?
tapPerfect Int?
tapGreat Int?
tapGood Int?
tapMiss Int?
holdCriticalPerfect Int?
holdPerfect Int?
holdGreat Int?
holdGood Int?
holdMiss Int?
slideCriticalPerfect Int?
slidePerfect Int?
slideGreat Int?
slideGood Int?
slideMiss Int?
touchCriticalPerfect Int?
touchPerfect Int?
touchGreat Int?
touchGood Int?
touchMiss Int?
breakCriticalPerfect Int?
breakPerfect Int?
breakGreat Int?
breakGood Int?
breakMiss Int?
isTap Boolean?
isHold Boolean?
isSlide Boolean?
isTouch Boolean?
isBreak Boolean?
isCriticalDisp Boolean?
isFastLateDisp Boolean?
fastCount Int?
lateCount Int?
isAchieveNewRecord Boolean?
isDeluxscoreNewRecord Boolean?
comboStatus Int?
syncStatus Int?
isClear Boolean?
beforeRating Int?
afterRating Int?
beforeGrade Int?
afterGrade Int?
afterGradeRank Int?
beforeDeluxRating Int?
afterDeluxRating Int?
isPlayTutorial Boolean?
isEventMode Boolean?
isFreedomMode Boolean?
playMode Int?
isNewFree Boolean?
extNum1 Int?
extNum2 Int?
extNum4 Int? @default(0)
extBool1 Boolean?
trialPlayAchievement Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model mai2_profile_activity {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
kind Int?
activityId Int?
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
param3 Int?
param4 Int?
sortNumber Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_activity_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, kind, activityId], map: "mai2_profile_activity_uk")
model mai2_profile_consec_logins {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
logins Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_consec_logins_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "mai2_profile_consec_logins_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_profile_detail {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
userName String? @db.VarChar(25)
isNetMember Int?
iconId Int?
plateId Int?
titleId Int?
partnerId Int?
frameId Int?
selectMapId Int?
totalAwake Int?
gradeRating Int?
musicRating Int?
playerRating Int?
highestRating Int?
gradeRank Int?
classRank Int?
courseRank Int?
charaSlot String? @db.LongText
charaLockSlot String? @db.LongText
contentBit BigInt?
playCount Int?
currentPlayCount Int?
renameCredit Int?
mapStock Int?
eventWatchedDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastGameId String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastLoginDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastPairLoginDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastTrialPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastPlayCredit Int?
lastPlayMode Int?
lastPlaceId Int?
lastPlaceName String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastAllNetId Int?
lastRegionId Int?
lastRegionName String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastClientId String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastCountryCode String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastSelectEMoney Int?
lastSelectTicket Int?
lastSelectCourse Int?
lastCountCourse Int?
firstGameId String? @db.VarChar(25)
firstRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
firstDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
firstPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
compatibleCmVersion String? @db.VarChar(25)
dailyBonusDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
dailyCourseBonusDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
playVsCount Int?
playSyncCount Int?
winCount Int?
helpCount Int?
comboCount Int?
totalDeluxscore BigInt?
totalBasicDeluxscore BigInt?
totalAdvancedDeluxscore BigInt?
totalExpertDeluxscore BigInt?
totalMasterDeluxscore BigInt?
totalReMasterDeluxscore BigInt?
totalSync Int?
totalBasicSync Int?
totalAdvancedSync Int?
totalExpertSync Int?
totalMasterSync Int?
totalReMasterSync Int?
totalAchievement BigInt?
totalBasicAchievement BigInt?
totalAdvancedAchievement BigInt?
totalExpertAchievement BigInt?
totalMasterAchievement BigInt?
totalReMasterAchievement BigInt?
playerOldRating BigInt?
playerNewRating BigInt?
dateTime BigInt?
banState Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_detail_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "mai2_profile_detail_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_profile_extend {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
selectMusicId Int?
selectDifficultyId Int?
categoryIndex Int?
musicIndex Int?
extraFlag Int?
selectScoreType Int?
extendContentBit BigInt?
isPhotoAgree Boolean?
isGotoCodeRead Boolean?
selectResultDetails Boolean?
selectResultScoreViewType Int?
sortCategorySetting Int?
sortMusicSetting Int?
selectedCardList String? @db.LongText
encountMapNpcList String? @db.LongText
playStatusSetting Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_extend_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "mai2_profile_extend_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_profile_ghost {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version_int Int
name String? @db.VarChar(25)
iconId Int?
plateId Int?
titleId Int?
rate Int?
udemaeRate Int?
courseRank Int?
classRank Int?
classValue Int?
playDatetime String? @db.VarChar(25)
shopId Int?
regionCode Int?
typeId Int?
musicId Int?
difficulty Int?
version Int?
resultBitList String? @db.LongText
resultNum Int?
achievement Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_ghost_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, musicId, difficulty], map: "mai2_profile_ghost_uk")
model mai2_profile_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
selectMusicId Int?
optionKind Int?
noteSpeed Int?
slideSpeed Int?
touchSpeed Int?
tapDesign Int?
tapSe Int? @default(0)
holdDesign Int?
slideDesign Int?
starType Int?
outlineDesign Int?
noteSize Int?
slideSize Int?
touchSize Int?
starRotate Int?
dispCenter Int?
outFrameType Int?
dispChain Int?
dispRate Int?
dispBar Int?
touchEffect Int?
submonitorAnimation Int?
submonitorAchive Int?
submonitorAppeal Int?
matching Int?
trackSkip Int?
brightness Int?
mirrorMode Int?
dispJudge Int?
dispJudgePos Int?
dispJudgeTouchPos Int?
adjustTiming Int?
judgeTiming Int?
ansVolume Int?
tapHoldVolume Int?
criticalSe Int?
breakSe Int?
breakVolume Int?
exSe Int?
exVolume Int?
slideSe Int?
slideVolume Int?
breakSlideVolume Int?
touchVolume Int?
touchHoldVolume Int?
damageSeVolume Int?
headPhoneVolume Int?
sortTab Int?
sortMusic Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_option_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "mai2_profile_option_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_profile_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
rating Int?
ratingList String? @db.LongText
newRatingList String? @db.LongText
nextRatingList String? @db.LongText
nextNewRatingList String? @db.LongText
udemae String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_rating_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "mai2_profile_rating_uk")
model mai2_profile_region {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
regionId Int?
playCount Int? @default(1)
created String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_profile_region_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, regionId], map: "mai2_profile_region_uk")
model mai2_score_best {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
musicId Int?
level Int?
playCount Int?
achievement Int?
comboStatus Int?
syncStatus Int?
deluxscoreMax Int?
scoreRank Int?
extNum1 Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_score_best_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId, level], map: "mai2_score_best_uk")
model mai2_score_course {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
courseId Int?
isLastClear Boolean?
totalRestlife Int?
totalAchievement Int?
totalDeluxscore Int?
playCount Int?
clearDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
bestAchievement Int?
bestAchievementDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
bestDeluxscore Int?
bestDeluxscoreDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_score_course_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, courseId], map: "mai2_score_best_uk")
model mai2_static_cards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
cardId Int
cardName String @db.VarChar(255)
startDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
endDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeStartDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeEndDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, cardId, cardName], map: "mai2_static_cards_uk")
model mai2_static_event {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
eventId Int?
type Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
startDate DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, eventId, type], map: "mai2_static_event_uk")
model mai2_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
songId Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
artist String? @db.VarChar(255)
genre String? @db.VarChar(255)
bpm Int?
addedVersion String? @db.VarChar(255)
difficulty Float? @db.Float
noteDesigner String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([songId, chartId, version], map: "mai2_static_music_uk")
model mai2_static_ticket {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
ticketId Int?
kind Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
price Int? @default(1)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
@@unique([version, ticketId], map: "mai2_static_ticket_uk")
model maimai_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int?
orderId Int?
sortNumber Int?
placeId Int?
placeName String? @db.VarChar(255)
country String? @db.VarChar(255)
regionId Int?
playDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
userPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
musicId Int?
level Int?
gameMode Int?
rivalNum Int?
track Int?
eventId Int?
isFreeToPlay Boolean?
playerRating Int?
playedUserId1 Int?
playedUserId2 Int?
playedUserId3 Int?
playedUserName1 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedUserName2 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedUserName3 String? @db.VarChar(255)
playedMusicLevel1 Int?
playedMusicLevel2 Int?
playedMusicLevel3 Int?
achievement Int?
score Int?
tapScore Int?
holdScore Int?
slideScore Int?
breakScore Int?
syncRate Int?
vsWin Int?
isAllPerfect Boolean?
fullCombo Int?
maxFever Int?
maxCombo Int?
tapPerfect Int?
tapGreat Int?
tapGood Int?
tapBad Int?
holdPerfect Int?
holdGreat Int?
holdGood Int?
holdBad Int?
slidePerfect Int?
slideGreat Int?
slideGood Int?
slideBad Int?
breakPerfect Int?
breakGreat Int?
breakGood Int?
breakBad Int?
judgeStyle Int?
isTrackSkip Boolean?
isHighScore Boolean?
isChallengeTrack Boolean?
challengeLife Int?
challengeRemain Int?
isAllPerfectPlus Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model maimai_profile_boss {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "mai2_profile_boss_uk")
pandoraFlagList0 Int?
pandoraFlagList1 Int?
pandoraFlagList2 Int?
pandoraFlagList3 Int?
pandoraFlagList4 Int?
pandoraFlagList5 Int?
pandoraFlagList6 Int?
emblemFlagList Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_boss_ibfk_1")
model maimai_profile_detail {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
lastDataVersion Int?
userName String? @db.VarChar(8)
point Int?
totalPoint Int?
iconId Int?
nameplateId Int?
frameId Int?
trophyId Int?
playCount Int?
playVsCount Int?
playSyncCount Int?
winCount Int?
helpCount Int?
comboCount Int?
feverCount Int?
totalHiScore Int?
totalEasyHighScore Int?
totalBasicHighScore Int?
totalAdvancedHighScore Int?
totalExpertHighScore Int?
totalMasterHighScore Int?
totalReMasterHighScore Int?
totalHighSync Int?
totalEasySync Int?
totalBasicSync Int?
totalAdvancedSync Int?
totalExpertSync Int?
totalMasterSync Int?
totalReMasterSync Int?
playerRating Int?
highestRating Int?
rankAuthTailId Int?
eventWatchedDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
webLimitDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
challengeTrackPhase Int?
firstPlayBits Int?
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastPlaceId Int?
lastPlaceName String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastRegionId Int?
lastRegionName String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastClientId String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastCountryCode String? @db.VarChar(255)
eventPoint Int?
totalLv Int?
lastLoginBonusDay Int?
lastSurvivalBonusDay Int?
loginBonusLv Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_detail_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "maimai_profile_detail_uk")
model maimai_profile_grade_status {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
gradeVersion Int?
gradeLevel Int?
gradeSubLevel Int?
gradeMaxId Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_grade_status_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, gradeVersion], map: "maimai_profile_grade_status_uk")
model maimai_profile_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
soudEffect Int?
mirrorMode Int?
guideSpeed Int?
bgInfo Int?
brightness Int?
isStarRot Int?
breakSe Int?
slideSe Int?
hardJudge Int?
isTagJump Int?
breakSeVol Int?
slideSeVol Int?
isUpperDisp Int?
trackSkip Int?
optionMode Int?
simpleOptionParam Int?
adjustTiming Int?
dispTiming Int?
timingPos Int?
ansVol Int?
noteVol Int?
dmgVol Int?
appealFlame Int?
isFeverDisp Int?
dispJudge Int?
judgePos Int?
ratingGuard Int?
selectChara Int?
sortType Int?
filterGenre Int?
filterLevel Int?
filterRank Int?
filterVersion Int?
filterRec Int?
filterFullCombo Int?
filterAllPerfect Int?
filterDifficulty Int?
filterFullSync Int?
filterReMaster Int?
filterMaxFever Int?
finalSelectId Int?
finalSelectCategory Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_option_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "maimai_profile_option_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model maimai_profile_recent_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "mai2_profile_recent_rating_uk")
userRecentRatingList String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_recent_rating_ibfk_1")
model maimai_profile_web_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
isNetMember Boolean?
dispRate Int?
dispJudgeStyle Int?
dispRank Int?
dispHomeRanker Int?
dispTotalLv Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_profile_web_option_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "maimai_profile_web_option_uk")
model maimai_score_best {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
musicId Int?
level Int?
playCount Int?
achievement Int?
scoreMax Int?
syncRateMax Int?
isAllPerfect Boolean?
isAllPerfectPlus Int?
fullCombo Int?
maxFever Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "maimai_score_best_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId, level], map: "maimai_score_best_uk")
model ongeki_gp_log {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
usedCredit Int?
placeName String? @db.VarChar(255)
trxnDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
placeId Int?
kind Int?
pattern Int?
currentGP Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_gp_log_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model ongeki_profile_activity {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
kind Int?
activityId Int?
sortNumber Int?
param1 Int?
param2 Int?
param3 Int?
param4 Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_activity_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, kind, activityId], map: "ongeki_profile_activity_uk")
model ongeki_profile_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
userName String? @db.VarChar(8)
level Int?
reincarnationNum Int?
exp Int?
point Int?
totalPoint Int?
playCount Int?
jewelCount Int?
totalJewelCount Int?
medalCount Int?
playerRating Int?
highestRating Int?
battlePoint Int?
nameplateId Int?
trophyId Int?
cardId Int?
characterId Int?
characterVoiceNo Int?
tabSetting Int?
tabSortSetting Int?
cardCategorySetting Int?
cardSortSetting Int?
playedTutorialBit Int?
firstTutorialCancelNum Int?
sumTechHighScore BigInt?
sumTechBasicHighScore BigInt?
sumTechAdvancedHighScore BigInt?
sumTechExpertHighScore BigInt?
sumTechMasterHighScore BigInt?
sumTechLunaticHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleBasicHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleAdvancedHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleExpertHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleMasterHighScore BigInt?
sumBattleLunaticHighScore BigInt?
eventWatchedDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
cmEventWatchedDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
firstGameId String? @db.VarChar(8)
firstRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(8)
firstDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(8)
firstPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastGameId String? @db.VarChar(8)
lastRomVersion String? @db.VarChar(8)
lastDataVersion String? @db.VarChar(8)
compatibleCmVersion String? @db.VarChar(8)
lastPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastPlaceId Int?
lastPlaceName String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastRegionId Int?
lastRegionName String? @db.VarChar(255)
lastAllNetId Int?
lastClientId String? @db.VarChar(16)
lastUsedDeckId Int?
lastPlayMusicLevel Int?
banStatus Int? @default(0)
rivalScoreCategorySetting Int? @default(0)
overDamageBattlePoint Int? @default(0)
bestBattlePoint Int? @default(0)
lastEmoneyBrand Int? @default(0)
lastEmoneyCredit Int? @default(0)
isDialogWatchedSuggestMemory Boolean? @default(false)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_data_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "ongeki_profile_profile_uk")
model ongeki_profile_kop {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
authKey Int?
kopId Int?
areaId Int?
totalTechScore Int?
totalPlatinumScore Int?
techRecordDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
isTotalTechNewRecord Boolean?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_kop_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, kopId], map: "ongeki_profile_kop_uk")
model ongeki_profile_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "ongeki_profile_option_uk")
optionSet Int?
speed Int?
mirror Int?
judgeTiming Int?
judgeAdjustment Int?
abort Int?
tapSound Int?
volGuide Int?
volAll Int?
volTap Int?
volCrTap Int?
volHold Int?
volSide Int?
volFlick Int?
volBell Int?
volEnemy Int?
volSkill Int?
volDamage Int?
colorField Int?
colorLaneBright Int?
colorLane Int?
colorSide Int?
effectDamage Int?
effectPos Int?
judgeDisp Int?
judgePos Int?
judgeBreak Int?
judgeHit Int?
platinumBreakDisp Int?
judgeCriticalBreak Int?
matching Int?
dispPlayerLv Int?
dispRating Int?
dispBP Int?
headphone Int?
stealthField Int?
colorWallBright Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_option_ibfk_1")
model ongeki_profile_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
type String @db.VarChar(255)
index Int
musicId Int?
difficultId Int?
romVersionCode Int?
score Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_rating_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version, type, index], map: "ongeki_profile_rating_uk")
model ongeki_profile_rating_log {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
highestRating Int?
dataVersion String? @db.VarChar(10)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_rating_log_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, dataVersion], map: "ongeki_profile_rating_log_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model ongeki_profile_recent_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "ongeki_profile_recent_rating_uk")
recentRating String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_recent_rating_ibfk_1")
model ongeki_profile_region {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
regionId Int?
playCount Int?
created String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_region_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, regionId], map: "ongeki_profile_region_uk")
model ongeki_profile_rival {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
rivalUserId Int?
aime_user_ongeki_profile_rival_userToaime_user aime_user? @relation("ongeki_profile_rival_userToaime_user", fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_rival_ibfk_1")
aime_user_ongeki_profile_rival_rivalUserIdToaime_user aime_user? @relation("ongeki_profile_rival_rivalUserIdToaime_user", fields: [rivalUserId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_rival_ibfk_2")
@@unique([user, rivalUserId], map: "ongeki_profile_rival_uk")
@@index([rivalUserId], map: "rivalUserId")
model ongeki_profile_training_room {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
roomId Int?
authKey Int?
cardId Int?
valueDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_profile_training_room_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, roomId], map: "ongeki_profile_training_room_uk")
model ongeki_score_best {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
musicId Int
level Int
playCount Int
techScoreMax Int
techScoreRank Int
battleScoreMax Int
battleScoreRank Int
maxComboCount Int
maxOverKill Float @db.Float
maxTeamOverKill Float @db.Float
isFullBell Boolean
isFullCombo Boolean
isAllBreake Boolean
isLock Boolean
clearStatus Int
isStoryWatched Boolean
platinumScoreMax Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_score_best_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId, level], map: "ongeki_best_score_uk")
model ongeki_score_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
sortNumber Int?
placeId Int?
placeName String? @db.VarChar(255)
playDate DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
userPlayDate DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
musicId Int?
level Int?
playKind Int?
eventId Int?
eventName String? @db.VarChar(255)
eventPoint Int?
playedUserId1 Int?
playedUserId2 Int?
playedUserId3 Int?
playedUserName1 String? @db.VarChar(8)
playedUserName2 String? @db.VarChar(8)
playedUserName3 String? @db.VarChar(8)
playedMusicLevel1 Int?
playedMusicLevel2 Int?
playedMusicLevel3 Int?
cardId1 Int?
cardId2 Int?
cardId3 Int?
cardLevel1 Int?
cardLevel2 Int?
cardLevel3 Int?
cardAttack1 Int?
cardAttack2 Int?
cardAttack3 Int?
bossCharaId Int?
bossLevel Int?
bossAttribute Int?
clearStatus Int?
techScore Int?
techScoreRank Int?
battleScore Int?
battleScoreRank Int?
maxCombo Int?
judgeMiss Int?
judgeHit Int?
judgeBreak Int?
judgeCriticalBreak Int?
rateTap Int?
rateHold Int?
rateFlick Int?
rateSideTap Int?
rateSideHold Int?
bellCount Int?
totalBellCount Int?
damageCount Int?
overDamage Int?
isTechNewRecord Boolean?
isBattleNewRecord Boolean?
isOverDamageNewRecord Boolean?
isFullCombo Boolean?
isFullBell Boolean?
isAllBreak Boolean?
playerRating Int?
battlePoint Int?
platinumScore Int?
platinumScoreMax Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_score_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model ongeki_score_tech_count {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
levelId Int
allBreakCount Int?
allBreakPlusCount Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_score_tech_count_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, levelId], map: "ongeki_tech_count_uk")
model ongeki_session_log {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
sortNumber Int?
placeId Int?
playDate String? @db.VarChar(10)
userPlayDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
isPaid Boolean?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_session_log_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model ongeki_static_cards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
cardId Int
name String @db.VarChar(255)
charaId Int
nickName String? @db.VarChar(255)
school String @db.VarChar(255)
attribute String @db.VarChar(5)
gakunen String @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int
levelParam String @db.VarChar(255)
skillId Int
choKaikaSkillId Int
cardNumber String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, cardId], map: "ongeki_static_cards_uk")
model ongeki_static_client_testmode {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
regionId Int
placeId Int
clientId String @unique(map: "ongeki_static_client_testmode_uk") @db.VarChar(11)
updateDate DateTime @db.Timestamp(0)
isDelivery Boolean
groupId Int
groupRole Int
continueMode Int
selectMusicTime Int
advertiseVolume Int
eventMode Int
eventMusicNum Int
patternGp Int
limitGp Int
maxLeverMovable Int
minLeverMovable Int
model ongeki_static_events {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
eventId Int?
type Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
startDate DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
enabled Boolean? @default(true)
endDate DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
@@unique([version, eventId, type], map: "ongeki_static_events_uk")
model ongeki_static_gacha_cards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
gachaId Int
cardId Int
rarity Int
weight Int? @default(1)
isPickup Boolean? @default(false)
isSelect Boolean? @default(false)
@@unique([gachaId, cardId], map: "ongeki_static_gacha_cards_uk")
model ongeki_static_gachas {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
gachaId Int
gachaName String @db.VarChar(255)
type Int @default(0)
kind Int @default(0)
isCeiling Boolean? @default(false)
maxSelectPoint Int? @default(0)
ceilingCnt Int? @default(10)
changeRateCnt1 Int? @default(0)
changeRateCnt2 Int? @default(0)
startDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
endDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeStartDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2018-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
noticeEndDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
convertEndDate DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("'2038-01-01 00:00:00'")) @db.Timestamp(0)
@@unique([version, gachaId, gachaName], map: "ongeki_static_gachas_uk")
model ongeki_static_game_point {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
type Int @unique(map: "ongeki_static_game_point_uk")
cost Int
startDate String @default("2000-01-01 05:00:00.0") @db.VarChar(25)
endDate String @default("2099-01-01 05:00:00.0") @db.VarChar(25)
model ongeki_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
songId Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
artist String? @db.VarChar(255)
genre String? @db.VarChar(255)
level Float? @db.Float
@@unique([version, songId, chartId], map: "ongeki_static_music_uk")
model ongeki_static_music_ranking_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
musicId Int
point Int
userName String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, musicId], map: "ongeki_static_music_ranking_uk")
model ongeki_static_present_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
presentId Int
presentName String @db.VarChar(255)
rewardId Int
stock Int
message String? @db.VarChar(255)
startDate String @db.VarChar(25)
endDate String @db.VarChar(25)
@@unique([version, presentId], map: "ongeki_static_present_list_uk")
model ongeki_static_rewards {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
rewardId Int
rewardname String @db.VarChar(255)
itemKind Int
itemId Int
@@unique([version, rewardId], map: "ongeki_static_rewards_uk")
model ongeki_static_tech_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
eventId Int
musicId Int
level Int
@@unique([version, musicId], map: "ongeki_static_tech_music_uk")
model ongeki_tech_event_ranking {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int
date String? @db.VarChar(25)
eventId Int
rank Int?
totalPlatinumScore Int
totalTechScore Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_tech_event_ranking_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, eventId], map: "ongeki_tech_event_ranking_uk")
model ongeki_user_boss {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
musicId Int?
damage Int?
isClear Boolean?
eventId Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_boss_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId, eventId], map: "ongeki_user_boss_uk")
model ongeki_user_card {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
cardId Int?
digitalStock Int?
analogStock Int?
level Int?
maxLevel Int?
exp Int?
printCount Int?
useCount Int?
isNew Boolean?
kaikaDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
choKaikaDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
skillId Int?
isAcquired Boolean?
created String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_card_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, cardId], map: "ongeki_user_card_uk")
model ongeki_user_chapter {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
chapterId Int?
jewelCount Int?
isStoryWatched Boolean?
isClear Boolean?
lastPlayMusicId Int?
lastPlayMusicCategory Int?
lastPlayMusicLevel Int?
skipTiming1 Int?
skipTiming2 Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_chapter_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chapterId], map: "ongeki_user_chapter_uk")
model ongeki_user_character {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
characterId Int?
costumeId Int?
attachmentId Int?
playCount Int?
intimateLevel Int?
intimateCount Int?
intimateCountRewarded Int?
intimateCountDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
isNew Boolean?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_character_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, characterId], map: "ongeki_user_character_uk")
model ongeki_user_deck {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
deckId Int?
cardId1 Int?
cardId2 Int?
cardId3 Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_deck_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, deckId], map: "ongeki_user_deck_uk")
model ongeki_user_event_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
eventId Int?
type Int?
musicId Int?
level Int?
techScoreMax Int?
platinumScoreMax Int?
techRecordDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
isTechNewRecord Boolean?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_event_music_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, eventId, type, musicId, level], map: "ongeki_user_event_music")
model ongeki_user_event_point {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
eventId Int?
point Int?
isRankingRewarded Boolean?
version Int
rank Int?
type Int
date String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_event_point_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, eventId], map: "ongeki_user_event_point_uk")
model ongeki_user_gacha {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
gachaId Int
totalGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
ceilingGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
selectPoint Int? @default(0)
useSelectPoint Int? @default(0)
dailyGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
fiveGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
elevenGachaCnt Int? @default(0)
dailyGachaDate DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_gacha_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, gachaId], map: "ongeki_user_gacha_uk")
model ongeki_user_gacha_supply {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
cardId Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_gacha_supply_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, cardId], map: "ongeki_user_gacha_supply_uk")
model ongeki_user_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
itemKind Int?
itemId Int?
stock Int?
isValid Boolean?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, itemKind, itemId], map: "ongeki_user_item_uk")
model ongeki_user_login_bonus {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
bonusId Int?
bonusCount Int?
lastUpdateDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_login_bonus_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, bonusId], map: "ongeki_user_login_bonus_uk")
model ongeki_user_memorychapter {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
chapterId Int?
gaugeId Int?
gaugeNum Int?
jewelCount Int?
isStoryWatched Boolean?
isBossWatched Boolean?
isDialogWatched Boolean?
isEndingWatched Boolean?
isClear Boolean?
lastPlayMusicId Int?
lastPlayMusicLevel Int?
lastPlayMusicCategory Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_memorychapter_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chapterId], map: "ongeki_user_memorychapter_uk")
model ongeki_user_mission_point {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
eventId Int?
point Int?
version Int
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_mission_point_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, eventId], map: "ongeki_user_mission_point_uk")
model ongeki_user_music_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
musicId Int?
status Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_music_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId], map: "ongeki_user_music_item_uk")
model ongeki_user_print_detail {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
cardId Int
cardType Int? @default(0)
printDate DateTime @db.Timestamp(0)
serialId String @unique(map: "ongeki_user_print_detail_uk") @db.VarChar(20)
placeId Int
clientId String @db.VarChar(11)
printerSerialId String @db.VarChar(20)
isHolograph Boolean? @default(false)
isAutographed Boolean? @default(false)
printOption1 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption2 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption3 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption4 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption5 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption6 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption7 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption8 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption9 Boolean? @default(true)
printOption10 Boolean? @default(false)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_print_detail_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model ongeki_user_scenerio {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
scenarioId Int?
playCount Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_scenerio_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, scenarioId], map: "ongeki_user_scenerio_uk")
model ongeki_user_story {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
storyId Int?
jewelCount Int?
lastChapterId Int?
lastPlayMusicId Int?
lastPlayMusicCategory Int?
lastPlayMusicLevel Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_story_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, storyId], map: "ongeki_user_story_uk")
model ongeki_user_tech_event {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
eventId Int?
totalTechScore Int?
totalPlatinumScore Int?
techRecordDate String? @db.VarChar(25)
isRankingRewarded Boolean?
isTotalTechNewRecord Boolean?
version Int
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_tech_event_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, eventId], map: "ongeki_user_tech_event_uk")
model ongeki_user_trade_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int?
chapterId Int?
tradeItemId Int?
tradeCount Int?
aime_user aime_user? @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "ongeki_user_trade_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, chapterId, tradeItemId], map: "ongeki_user_trade_item_uk")
model pokken_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "user")
category Int?
content Int?
type Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "pokken_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, category, content, type], map: "pokken_item_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model pokken_match_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
num_games Int?
play_modes String? @db.LongText
results String? @db.LongText
ex_ko_num Int?
wko_num Int?
timeup_win_num Int?
cool_ko_num Int?
perfect_ko_num Int?
use_navi Int?
use_navi_cloth Int?
use_aid_skill Int?
play_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "pokken_match_data_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model pokken_pokemon_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
char_id Int?
illustration_book_no Int
pokemon_exp Int?
battle_num_vs_wan Int?
win_vs_wan Int?
battle_num_vs_lan Int?
win_vs_lan Int?
battle_num_vs_cpu Int?
win_cpu Int?
battle_all_num_tutorial Int?
battle_num_tutorial Int?
bp_point_atk Int?
bp_point_res Int?
bp_point_def Int?
bp_point_sp Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "pokken_pokemon_data_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, illustration_book_no], map: "pokken_pokemon_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model pokken_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "user")
trainer_name String? @db.VarChar(14)
home_region_code Int?
home_loc_name String? @db.VarChar(255)
pref_code Int?
navi_newbie_flag Boolean?
navi_enable_flag Boolean?
pad_vibrate_flag Boolean?
trainer_rank_point Int?
wallet Int?
fight_money Int?
score_point Int?
grade_max_num Int?
extra_counter Int?
tutorial_progress_flag String? @db.LongText
total_play_days Int?
play_date_time Int?
achievement_flag String? @db.LongText
lucky_box_fail_num Int?
event_reward_get_flag Int?
rank_pvp_all Int?
rank_pvp_loc Int?
rank_cpu_all Int?
rank_cpu_loc Int?
rank_event Int?
awake_num Int?
use_support_num Int?
rankmatch_flag Int?
rankmatch_max Int?
rankmatch_progress String? @db.LongText
rankmatch_success Int?
beat_num Int?
title_text_id Int?
title_plate_id Int?
title_decoration_id Int?
support_pokemon_list String? @db.LongText
support_set_1_1 Int?
support_set_1_2 Int?
support_set_2_1 Int?
support_set_2_2 Int?
support_set_3_1 Int?
support_set_3_2 Int?
navi_trainer Int?
navi_version_id Int?
aid_skill_list String? @db.LongText
aid_skill Int?
comment_text_id Int?
comment_word_id Int?
latest_use_pokemon Int?
ex_ko_num Int?
wko_num Int?
timeup_win_num Int?
cool_ko_num Int?
perfect_ko_num Int?
record_flag Int?
continue_num Int?
avatar_body Int?
avatar_gender Int?
avatar_background Int?
avatar_head Int?
avatar_battleglass Int?
avatar_face0 Int?
avatar_face1 Int?
avatar_face2 Int?
avatar_bodyall Int?
avatar_wear Int?
avatar_accessory Int?
avatar_stamp Int?
event_state Int?
event_id Int?
sp_bonus_category_id_1 Int?
sp_bonus_key_value_1 Int?
sp_bonus_category_id_2 Int?
sp_bonus_key_value_2 Int?
last_play_event_id Int?
event_achievement_flag String? @db.LongText
event_achievement_param String? @db.LongText
battle_num_vs_wan Int?
win_vs_wan Int?
battle_num_vs_lan Int?
win_vs_lan Int?
battle_num_vs_cpu Int?
win_cpu Int?
battle_num_tutorial Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "pokken_profile_ibfk_1")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model sao_end_sessions {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
quest_id Int
play_result_flag Boolean
reward_data String? @db.LongText
play_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_end_sessions_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model sao_equipment_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
equipment_id Int
enhancement_value Int
enhancement_exp Int
awakening_exp Int
awakening_stage Int
possible_awakening_flag Int
get_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_equipment_data_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, equipment_id], map: "sao_equipment_data_uk")
model sao_hero_log_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
user_hero_log_id Int
log_level Int
log_exp Int
main_weapon Int
sub_equipment Int
skill_slot1_skill_id Int
skill_slot2_skill_id Int
skill_slot3_skill_id Int
skill_slot4_skill_id Int
skill_slot5_skill_id Int
get_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_hero_log_data_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, user_hero_log_id], map: "sao_hero_log_data_uk")
model sao_hero_party {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
user_party_team_id Int
user_hero_log_id_1 Int
user_hero_log_id_2 Int
user_hero_log_id_3 Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_hero_party_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, user_party_team_id], map: "sao_hero_party_uk")
model sao_item_data {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
item_id Int
get_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_item_data_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, item_id], map: "sao_item_data_uk")
model sao_play_sessions {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
user_party_team_id Int
episode_id Int
play_mode Int
quest_drop_boost_apply_flag Int
play_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_play_sessions_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, user_party_team_id, play_date], map: "sao_play_sessions_uk")
model sao_player_quest {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
episode_id Int
quest_clear_flag Boolean
clear_time Int
combo_num Int
total_damage Int
concurrent_destroying_num Int
play_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_player_quest_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, episode_id], map: "sao_player_quest_uk")
model sao_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int @unique(map: "user")
user_type Int? @default(1)
nick_name String? @default("PLAYER") @db.VarChar(16)
rank_num Int? @default(1)
rank_exp Int? @default(0)
own_col Int? @default(0)
own_vp Int? @default(0)
own_yui_medal Int? @default(0)
setting_title_id Int? @default(20005)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "sao_profile_ibfk_1")
model sao_static_equipment_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
equipmentId Int?
equipmentType Int?
weaponTypeId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int?
flavorText String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, equipmentId], map: "sao_static_equipment_list_uk")
model sao_static_hero_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
heroLogId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
nickname String? @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int?
skillTableSubId Int?
awakeningExp Int?
flavorText String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, heroLogId], map: "sao_static_hero_list_uk")
model sao_static_item_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
itemId Int?
itemTypeId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int?
flavorText String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, itemId], map: "sao_static_item_list_uk")
model sao_static_quest {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
questSceneId Int?
sortNo Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, questSceneId], map: "sao_static_quest_uk")
model sao_static_rare_drop_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
questRareDropId Int?
commonRewardId Int?
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, questRareDropId, commonRewardId], map: "sao_static_rare_drop_list_uk")
model sao_static_support_log_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
supportLogId Int?
charaId Int?
name String? @db.VarChar(255)
rarity Int?
salePrice Int?
skillName String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, supportLogId], map: "sao_static_support_log_list_uk")
model sao_static_title_list {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int?
titleId Int?
displayName String? @db.VarChar(255)
requirement Int?
rank Int?
imageFilePath String? @db.VarChar(255)
enabled Boolean?
@@unique([version, titleId], map: "sao_static_title_list_uk")
model schema_versions {
game String @id @db.VarChar(4)
version Int @default(1)
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model wacca_bingo {
user Int @id
page_number Int
page_progress String @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_bingo_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, page_number], map: "wacca_bingo_uk")
model wacca_favorite_song {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
song_id Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_favorite_song_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, song_id], map: "wacca_favorite_song_uk")
model wacca_friend {
profile_sender Int
profile_reciever Int
is_accepted Boolean? @default(false)
aime_user_wacca_friend_profile_senderToaime_user aime_user @relation("wacca_friend_profile_senderToaime_user", fields: [profile_sender], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_friend_ibfk_1")
aime_user_wacca_friend_profile_recieverToaime_user aime_user @relation("wacca_friend_profile_recieverToaime_user", fields: [profile_reciever], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_friend_ibfk_2")
@@id([profile_sender, profile_reciever])
@@index([profile_reciever], map: "profile_reciever")
model wacca_gate {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
gate_id Int
page Int @default(0)
progress Int @default(0)
loops Int @default(0)
last_used DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
mission_flag Int @default(0)
total_points Int @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_gate_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, gate_id], map: "wacca_gate_uk")
model wacca_item {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
item_id Int
type Int
acquire_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
use_count Int? @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_item_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, item_id, type], map: "wacca_item_uk")
model wacca_option {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
opt_id Int
value Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_option_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, opt_id], map: "wacca_option_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model wacca_profile {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int?
username String @db.VarChar(8)
xp Int? @default(0)
wp Int? @default(0)
wp_total Int? @default(0)
wp_spent Int? @default(0)
dan_type Int? @default(0)
dan_level Int? @default(0)
title_0 Int? @default(0)
title_1 Int? @default(0)
title_2 Int? @default(0)
rating Int? @default(0)
vip_expire_time DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
always_vip Boolean? @default(false)
login_count Int? @default(0)
login_count_consec Int? @default(0)
login_count_days Int? @default(0)
login_count_days_consec Int? @default(0)
login_count_today Int? @default(0)
playcount_single Int? @default(0)
playcount_multi_vs Int? @default(0)
playcount_multi_coop Int? @default(0)
playcount_stageup Int? @default(0)
playcount_time_free Int? @default(0)
friend_view_1 Int?
friend_view_2 Int?
friend_view_3 Int?
last_game_ver String? @db.VarChar(50)
last_song_id Int? @default(0)
last_song_difficulty Int? @default(0)
last_folder_order Int? @default(0)
last_folder_id Int? @default(0)
last_song_order Int? @default(0)
last_login_date DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
gate_tutorial_flags String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_profile_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, version], map: "wacca_profile_uk")
model wacca_score_best {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
song_id Int?
chart_id Int?
score Int?
play_ct Int?
clear_ct Int?
missless_ct Int?
fullcombo_ct Int?
allmarv_ct Int?
grade_d_ct Int?
grade_c_ct Int?
grade_b_ct Int?
grade_a_ct Int?
grade_aa_ct Int?
grade_aaa_ct Int?
grade_s_ct Int?
grade_ss_ct Int?
grade_sss_ct Int?
grade_master_ct Int?
grade_sp_ct Int?
grade_ssp_ct Int?
grade_sssp_ct Int?
best_combo Int?
lowest_miss_ct Int?
rating Int?
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_score_best_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, song_id, chart_id], map: "wacca_score_uk")
model wacca_score_playlog {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
song_id Int?
chart_id Int?
score Int?
clear Int?
grade Int?
max_combo Int?
marv_ct Int?
great_ct Int?
good_ct Int?
miss_ct Int?
fast_ct Int?
late_ct Int?
season Int?
date_scored DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_score_playlog_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model wacca_score_stageup {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
version Int?
stage_id Int?
clear_status Int?
clear_song_ct Int?
song1_score Int?
song2_score Int?
song3_score Int?
play_ct Int? @default(1)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_score_stageup_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, stage_id], map: "wacca_score_stageup_uk")
model wacca_song_unlock {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
song_id Int
highest_difficulty Int
acquire_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_song_unlock_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, song_id], map: "wacca_song_unlock_uk")
model wacca_static_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
version Int
songId Int?
chartId Int?
title String? @db.VarChar(255)
artist String? @db.VarChar(255)
bpm String? @db.VarChar(255)
difficulty Float? @db.Float
chartDesigner String? @db.VarChar(255)
jacketFile String? @db.VarChar(255)
@@unique([version, songId, chartId], map: "wacca_static_music_uk")
model wacca_ticket {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
ticket_id Int
acquire_date DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
expire_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_ticket_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model wacca_trophy {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
trophy_id Int
season Int
progress Int @default(0)
badge_type Int @default(0)
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "wacca_trophy_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, trophy_id, season], map: "wacca_trophy_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model aime_user_game_locks {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
game String @db.VarChar(4)
expires_at DateTime? @default(dbgenerated("(now() + interval 15 minute)")) @db.Timestamp(0)
extra String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "aime_user_game_locks_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, game], map: "aime_user_title_locks")
model mai2_item_favorite_music {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
musicId Int
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_item_favorite_music_ibfk_1")
@@unique([user, musicId], map: "mai2_item_favorite_music_uk")
/// This table contains check constraints and requires additional setup for migrations. Visit https://pris.ly/d/check-constraints for more info.
model mai2_playlog_2p {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
userId1 Int?
userId2 Int?
userName1 String? @db.VarChar(25)
userName2 String? @db.VarChar(25)
regionId Int?
placeId Int?
user2pPlaylogDetailList String? @db.LongText
aime_user aime_user @relation(fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_playlog_2p_ibfk_1")
@@index([user], map: "user")
model mai2_user_rival {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
user Int
rival Int
show Boolean @default(false)
aime_user_mai2_user_rival_rivalToaime_user aime_user @relation("mai2_user_rival_rivalToaime_user", fields: [rival], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_user_rival_ibfk_1")
aime_user_mai2_user_rival_userToaime_user aime_user @relation("mai2_user_rival_userToaime_user", fields: [user], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "mai2_user_rival_ibfk_2")
@@unique([user, rival], map: "mai2_user_rival_uk")
@@index([rival], map: "rival")