Needs BunJS and a Mysql DB 1 - create a mysql database called daphnis make a .env in the root directory containing the following (be sure to use your own data) DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/daphnis" DATABASE_AIME_URL = "mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/aime" --- 2 - delete the migrations and generated folder(s) inside schemas/artemis and schemas/daphnis --- 3 - run the below $ `bun db:init` What it does: It will create a empty data base for daphnis and pull your existing artemis one into its own schema via introspection. `"db:init": "npx prisma migrate dev --name init --schema prisma/schemas daphnis/schema.prisma; npx prisma db pull --schema prisma/schemas/artemis/schema.prisma"` --- 4 - run the below $ `bun daphnis:generate` What it does: generates the schema output `"daphnis:generate": "prisma generate --schema=./prisma/schemas/daphnis/schema.prisma"` --- 5 - run the below generates the schema output $ `bun aretmis:generate` What it does: `"artemis:generate": "prisma generate --schema=./prisma/schemas/artemis/schema.prisma"` --- 6 - start daphnis $ `bun run dev` What it does: `"dev": "next dev",` You can look at the package.json to figure out how to migrate daphnis if you have the desire to make changes. If you download the files as is you should just need to update the env and do a migrate to your db for daphnis, check your database after to make sure all the schemas are there. `"daphnis:migrate": "prisma migrate dev --schema=./prisma/schemas/daphnis/schema.prisma",`