#include #include #include #include #include #include "hooklib/path.h" #include "hooklib/reg.h" #include "platform/config.h" #include "platform/vfs.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" static void vfs_slashify(wchar_t *path, size_t max_count); static HRESULT vfs_mkdir_rec(const wchar_t *path); static HRESULT vfs_path_hook(const wchar_t *src, wchar_t *dest, size_t *count); static HRESULT vfs_reg_read_amfs(void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes); static HRESULT vfs_reg_read_appdata(void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes); static const struct reg_hook_val vfs_reg_vals[] = { { .name = L"AMFS", .read = vfs_reg_read_amfs, .type = REG_SZ, }, { .name = L"APPDATA", .read = vfs_reg_read_appdata, .type = REG_SZ }, }; static struct vfs_config vfs_config; HRESULT vfs_hook_init(const struct vfs_config *config) { HRESULT hr; assert(config != NULL); if (!config->enable) { return S_FALSE; } memcpy(&vfs_config, config, sizeof(*config)); vfs_slashify(vfs_config.amfs, _countof(vfs_config.amfs)); vfs_slashify(vfs_config.appdata, _countof(vfs_config.appdata)); hr = vfs_mkdir_rec(vfs_config.amfs); if (FAILED(hr)) { dprintf("Vfs: Failed to create AMFS dir %S: %x\n", config->amfs, (int) hr); } hr = vfs_mkdir_rec(vfs_config.appdata); if (FAILED(hr)) { dprintf("Vfs: Failed to create APPDATA dir %S: %x\n", config->appdata, (int) hr); dprintf("Vfs: NOTE: SEGA Y: drive APPDATA, not Windows %%APPDATA%%.\n"); } hr = path_hook_push(vfs_path_hook); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = reg_hook_push_key( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\SEGA\\SystemProperty\\mount", vfs_reg_vals, _countof(vfs_reg_vals)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } return S_OK; } static void vfs_slashify(wchar_t *path, size_t max_count) { size_t count; assert(path != NULL); count = wcslen(path); if (path[count - 1] == L'\\' || path[count - 1] == L'/') { return; } if (count + 2 > max_count) { abort(); } path[count + 0] = L'\\'; path[count + 1] = L'\0'; } static HRESULT vfs_mkdir_rec(const wchar_t *path) { wchar_t *copy; wchar_t *pos; wchar_t wc; HRESULT hr; DWORD attr; BOOL ok; assert(path != NULL); copy = _wcsdup(path); if (copy == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto end; } pos = copy; do { wc = *pos; if (wc == L'\0' || wc == L'/' || wc == L'\\') { *pos = L'\0'; attr = GetFileAttributesW(copy); if (attr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { ok = CreateDirectoryW(copy, NULL); if (!ok) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto end; } } *pos = wc; } pos++; } while (wc != L'\0'); hr = S_OK; end: free(copy); return hr; } static HRESULT vfs_path_hook(const wchar_t *src, wchar_t *dest, size_t *count) { const wchar_t *redir; size_t required; size_t redir_len; assert(src != NULL); assert(count != NULL); if (src[0] == L'\0' || src[1] != L':' || src[2] != L'\\') { return S_FALSE; } switch (src[0]) { case L'e': case L'E': redir = vfs_config.amfs; break; case L'y': case L'Y': redir = vfs_config.appdata; break; default: return S_FALSE; } /* Cut off E:\ prefix, replace with redir path, count NUL terminator */ redir_len = wcslen(redir); required = wcslen(src) - 3 + redir_len + 1; if (dest != NULL) { if (required > *count) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } wcscpy_s(dest, *count, redir); wcscpy_s(dest + redir_len, *count - redir_len, src + 3); } *count = required; return S_OK; } static HRESULT vfs_reg_read_amfs(void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes) { return reg_hook_read_wstr(bytes, nbytes, vfs_config.amfs); } static HRESULT vfs_reg_read_appdata(void *bytes, uint32_t *nbytes) { return reg_hook_read_wstr(bytes, nbytes, vfs_config.appdata); }