[vfs] ; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2) amfs=amfs ; Create an empty directory somewhere and insert the path here. ; This directory may be shared between multiple SEGA games. ; NOTE: This has nothing to do with Windows %APPDATA%. appdata=appdata option=option [aime] ; Enable Aime card reader assembly emulation. Disable to use a real SEGA Aime ; reader. enable=1 aimePath=DEVICE\aime.txt [vfd] ; Enable VFD emulation (currently just stubbed). Disable to use a real VFD ; GP1232A02A FUTABA assembly. enable=1 [dns] ; Insert the hostname or IP address of the server you wish to use here. ; Note that, localhost etc are specifically rejected. default= [netenv] ; Simulate an ideal LAN environment. This may interfere with head-to-head play. ; SEGA games are somewhat picky about their LAN environment, so leaving this ; setting enabled is recommended. enable=1 [keychip] ; The /24 LAN subnet that the emulated keychip will tell the game to expect. ; If you disable netenv then you must set this to your LAN's IP subnet, and ; that subnet must start with 192.168. subnet= [gfx] enable=1 [gpio] ; ALLS DIP switches. enable=1 ; Enable freeplay mode. This will disable the coin slot and set the game to ; freeplay. Keep in mind that some game modes (e.g. Freedom/Time Modes) will not ; allow you to start a game in freeplay mode. freeplay=0 ; LAN Install: If multiple machines are present on the same LAN then set ; this to 1 on exactly one machine and set this to 0 on all others. dipsw1=1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Input settings ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Keyboard bindings are specified as hexadecimal (prefixed with 0x) or decimal ; (not prefixed with 0x) virtual-key codes, a list of which can be found here: ; ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes ; ; This is, admittedly, not the most user-friendly configuration method in the ; world. An improved solution will be provided later. [io4] ; Test button virtual-key code. Default is the F1 key. test=0x70 ; Service button virtual-key code. Default is the F2 key. service=0x71 ; Keyboard button to increment coin counter. Default is the F3 key. coin=0x72 ; Volume up virtual-key code. Default is the "UP" key. volup=0x26 ; Volume down virtual-key code. Default is the "DOWN" key. voldown=0x28 ; Hooks related to the touch boards [touch] enable=1 ; Hooks related to the LED board (codenamed Elisabeth) [elisabeth] enable=1 ;[mercuryio] ; Use mercuryio.dll ;path=mercuryio.dll