#include #include #include #include #include #include "chuniio/chu2to3.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" // Check windows #if _WIN32 || _WIN64 #if _WIN64 #define ENV64BIT #else #define ENV32BIT #endif #endif // Check GCC #if __GNUC__ #if __x86_64__ || __ppc64__ #define ENV64BIT #else #define ENV32BIT #endif #endif /* chuniio.dll dynamic loading */ HMODULE hinstLib; typedef uint16_t (*chuni_io_get_api_version_t)(void); typedef HRESULT (*chuni_io_jvs_init_t)(void); typedef void (*chuni_io_jvs_poll_t)(uint8_t*, uint8_t*); typedef void (*chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter_t)(uint16_t *); typedef HRESULT (*chuni_io_slider_init_t)(void); typedef void (*chuni_io_slider_set_leds_t)(const uint8_t *); typedef void (*chuni_io_slider_start_t)(chuni_io_slider_callback_t); typedef void (*chuni_io_slider_stop_t)(void); typedef HRESULT (*chuni_io_led_init_t)(void); typedef void (*chuni_io_led_set_colors_t)(uint8_t, uint8_t *); chuni_io_get_api_version_t _chuni_io_get_api_version; chuni_io_jvs_init_t _chuni_io_jvs_init; chuni_io_jvs_poll_t _chuni_io_jvs_poll; chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter_t _chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter; chuni_io_slider_init_t _chuni_io_slider_init; chuni_io_slider_set_leds_t _chuni_io_slider_set_leds; chuni_io_slider_start_t _chuni_io_slider_start; chuni_io_slider_stop_t _chuni_io_slider_stop; chuni_io_led_init_t _chuni_io_led_init; chuni_io_led_set_colors_t _chuni_io_led_set_colors; /* SHMEM Handling */ #define BUF_SIZE 1024 #define SHMEM_WRITE(buf, size) CopyMemory((PVOID)g_pBuf, buf, size) #define SHMEM_READ(buf, size) CopyMemory(buf,(PVOID)g_pBuf, size) TCHAR g_shmem_name[]=TEXT("Local\\Chu2to3Shmem"); HANDLE g_hMapFile; LPVOID g_pBuf; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct shared_data_s { uint16_t coin_counter; uint8_t opbtn; uint8_t beams; uint16_t version; } shared_data_t; shared_data_t g_shared_data; bool shmem_create() { g_hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file NULL, // default security PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access 0, // maximum object size (high-order DWORD) BUF_SIZE, // maximum object size (low-order DWORD) g_shmem_name); // name of mapping object if (g_hMapFile == NULL) { dprintf("shmem_create : Could not create file mapping object (%ld).\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } g_pBuf = MapViewOfFile(g_hMapFile, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission 0, 0, BUF_SIZE); if (g_pBuf == NULL) { dprintf("shmem_create : Could not map view of file (%ld).\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(g_hMapFile); return 0; } return 1; } bool shmem_load() { g_hMapFile = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write access FALSE, // do not inherit the name g_shmem_name); // name of mapping object if (g_hMapFile == NULL) { dprintf("shmem_load : Could not open file mapping object (%ld).\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } g_pBuf = MapViewOfFile(g_hMapFile, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission 0, 0, BUF_SIZE); if (g_pBuf == NULL) { dprintf("shmem_load : Could not map view of file (%ld).\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(g_hMapFile); return 0; } dprintf("shmem_load : shmem loaded succesfully.\n"); return 1; } void shmem_free() { UnmapViewOfFile(g_pBuf); CloseHandle(g_hMapFile); } /* jvs polling thread (to forward info to x64 dll) */ static HANDLE jvs_poll_thread; static bool jvs_poll_stop_flag; static unsigned int __stdcall jvs_poll_thread_proc(void *ctx) { while (1) { _chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter(&g_shared_data.coin_counter); g_shared_data.opbtn = 0; g_shared_data.beams = 0; _chuni_io_jvs_poll(&g_shared_data.opbtn, &g_shared_data.beams); SHMEM_WRITE(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); Sleep(1); } return 0; } uint16_t chu2to3_load_dll(const wchar_t *dllname) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x64 must just open the shmem and do nothing else */ int errcount = 0; while (!shmem_load()) { if (errcount >= 10) return -1; Sleep(5000); errcount++; } Sleep(1000); return S_OK; #endif /* this is the first function called so let's setup the chuniio forwarding */ hinstLib = LoadLibraryW(dllname); if (hinstLib == NULL) { dprintf("ERROR: unable to load %S (error %ld)\n",dllname, GetLastError()); return -1; } _chuni_io_get_api_version = (chuni_io_get_api_version_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_get_api_version"); _chuni_io_jvs_init = (chuni_io_jvs_init_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_jvs_init"); _chuni_io_jvs_poll = (chuni_io_jvs_poll_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_jvs_poll"); _chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter = (chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter"); _chuni_io_slider_init = (chuni_io_slider_init_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_slider_init"); _chuni_io_slider_set_leds = (chuni_io_slider_set_leds_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_slider_set_leds"); _chuni_io_slider_start = (chuni_io_slider_start_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_slider_start"); _chuni_io_slider_stop = (chuni_io_slider_stop_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_slider_stop"); _chuni_io_led_init = (chuni_io_led_init_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_led_init"); _chuni_io_led_set_colors = (chuni_io_led_set_colors_t)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "chuni_io_led_set_colors"); /* x86 has to create the shmem */ if (!shmem_create()) { return -1; } return 0; } /* chuniio exports */ uint16_t chu2to3_io_get_api_version(void) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* This might be called too soon so let's make sure x86 has time to write to the shmem */ SHMEM_READ(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); int errcount = 0; while (g_shared_data.version == 0) { if (errcount >= 3) { dprintf("CHU2TO3 X64: Couldn't retrieve api version from shmem, assuming 0x0100\n"); return 0x0100; } Sleep(5000); errcount++; SHMEM_READ(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); } dprintf("CHU2TO3 X64: api version is %04X\n", g_shared_data.version); return g_shared_data.version; #endif if ( _chuni_io_get_api_version == NULL ) { g_shared_data.version = 0x0100; } else { g_shared_data.version = _chuni_io_get_api_version(); } dprintf("CHU2TO3: api version is %04X\n", g_shared_data.version); SHMEM_WRITE(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); return g_shared_data.version; } HRESULT chu2to3_io_jvs_init(void) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return S_OK; #endif _chuni_io_jvs_init(); /* start jvs poll thread now that jvs_init is done */ if (jvs_poll_thread != NULL) { return S_OK; } jvs_poll_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, jvs_poll_thread_proc, NULL, 0, NULL); return S_OK; } void chu2to3_io_jvs_read_coin_counter(uint16_t *out) { #if defined(ENV32BIT) /* x86 can perform the call and update shmem (although this call never happens) */ _chuni_io_jvs_read_coin_counter(&g_shared_data.coin_counter); SHMEM_WRITE(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); return; #endif /* x64 must read value from shmem and update arg */ SHMEM_READ(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); if (out == NULL) { return; } *out = g_shared_data.coin_counter; } void chu2to3_io_jvs_poll(uint8_t *opbtn, uint8_t *beams) { #if defined(ENV32BIT) /* x86 can perform the call and update shmem (although this call never happens) */ _chuni_io_jvs_poll(&g_shared_data.opbtn, &g_shared_data.beams); SHMEM_WRITE(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); return; #endif /* x64 must read value from shmem and update args */ SHMEM_READ(&g_shared_data, sizeof(shared_data_t)); *opbtn = g_shared_data.opbtn; *beams = g_shared_data.beams; } HRESULT chu2to3_io_slider_init(void) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return S_OK; #endif return _chuni_io_slider_init(); } void chu2to3_io_slider_start(chuni_io_slider_callback_t callback) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return; #endif _chuni_io_slider_start(callback); } void chu2to3_io_slider_stop(void) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return; #endif _chuni_io_slider_stop(); } void chu2to3_io_slider_set_leds(const uint8_t *rgb) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return; #endif _chuni_io_slider_set_leds(rgb); } HRESULT chu2to3_io_led_init(void) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return S_OK; #endif if (_chuni_io_led_init != NULL) return _chuni_io_led_init(); return S_OK; } void chu2to3_io_led_set_colors(uint8_t board, uint8_t *rgb) { #if defined(ENV64BIT) /* x86 only */ return; #endif if (_chuni_io_led_set_colors != NULL) { _chuni_io_led_set_colors(board, rgb); } }