from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, and_ from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, TIMESTAMP, JSON, Boolean from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert from sqlalchemy.engine import Row from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any from import BaseData, metadata from import cached score = Table( "diva_score", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False), Column("version", Integer), Column("pv_id", Integer), Column("difficulty", Integer), Column("edition", Integer), Column("score", Integer), Column("atn_pnt", Integer), Column("clr_kind", Integer), Column("sort_kind", Integer), Column("cool", Integer), Column("fine", Integer), Column("safe", Integer), Column("sad", Integer), Column("worst", Integer), Column("max_combo", Integer), UniqueConstraint("user", "pv_id", "difficulty", "edition", name="diva_score_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) playlog = Table( "diva_playlog", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade"), nullable=False), Column("version", Integer), Column("pv_id", Integer), Column("difficulty", Integer), Column("edition", Integer), Column("score", Integer), Column("atn_pnt", Integer), Column("clr_kind", Integer), Column("sort_kind", Integer), Column("cool", Integer), Column("fine", Integer), Column("safe", Integer), Column("sad", Integer), Column("worst", Integer), Column("max_combo", Integer), Column("date_scored", TIMESTAMP,, mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) class DivaScoreData(BaseData): async def put_best_score( self, user_id: int, game_version: int, song_id: int, difficulty: int, edition: int, song_score: int, atn_pnt: int, clr_kind: int, sort_kind: int, cool: int, fine: int, safe: int, sad: int, worst: int, max_combo: int, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Update the user's best score for a chart """ sql = insert(score).values( user=user_id, version=game_version, pv_id=song_id, difficulty=difficulty, edition=edition, score=song_score, atn_pnt=atn_pnt, clr_kind=clr_kind, sort_kind=sort_kind, cool=cool, fine=fine, safe=safe, sad=sad, worst=worst, max_combo=max_combo, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( score=song_score, atn_pnt=atn_pnt, clr_kind=clr_kind, sort_kind=sort_kind, cool=cool, fine=fine, safe=safe, sad=sad, worst=worst, max_combo=max_combo, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.error( f"{__name__} failed to insert best score! profile: {user_id}, song: {song_id}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def put_playlog( self, user_id: int, game_version: int, song_id: int, difficulty: int, edition: int, song_score: int, atn_pnt: int, clr_kind: int, sort_kind: int, cool: int, fine: int, safe: int, sad: int, worst: int, max_combo: int, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Add an entry to the user's play log """ sql = playlog.insert().values( user=user_id, version=game_version, pv_id=song_id, difficulty=difficulty, edition=edition, score=song_score, atn_pnt=atn_pnt, clr_kind=clr_kind, sort_kind=sort_kind, cool=cool, fine=fine, safe=safe, sad=sad, worst=worst, max_combo=max_combo, ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: self.logger.error( f"{__name__} failed to insert playlog! profile: {user_id}, song: {song_id}, chart: {difficulty}" ) return None return result.lastrowid async def get_best_user_score( self, user_id: int, pv_id: int, difficulty: int, edition: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = and_( score.c.user == user_id, score.c.pv_id == pv_id, score.c.difficulty == difficulty, score.c.edition == edition, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_top3_scores( self, pv_id: int, difficulty: int, edition: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = ( and_( score.c.pv_id == pv_id, score.c.difficulty == difficulty, score.c.edition == edition, ) ) .order_by(score.c.score.desc()) .limit(3) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_global_ranking( self, user_id: int, pv_id: int, difficulty: int, edition: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: # get the subquery max score of a user with pv_id, difficulty and # edition sql_sub = ( select([score.c.score]) .filter( score.c.user == user_id, score.c.pv_id == pv_id, score.c.difficulty == difficulty, score.c.edition == edition, ) .scalar_subquery() ) # Perform the main query, also rename the resulting column to ranking sql = select(func.count("ranking")).filter( score.c.score >= sql_sub, score.c.pv_id == pv_id, score.c.difficulty == difficulty, score.c.edition == edition, ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_best_scores(self, user_id: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = == user_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_playlogs(self, user_id: int, idx: int = 0, limit: int = 0) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = == user_id) if limit: sql = sql.limit(limit) if idx: sql = sql.offset(idx) result = await self.execute(sql) if result: return result.fetchall() async def get_user_playlogs_count(self, aime_id: int) -> Optional[int]: sql = select(func.count()).where(playlog.c.user == aime_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: self.logger.warning(f"aimu_id {aime_id} has no scores ") return None return result.scalar()