V ?= @ .DEFAULT_GOAL := help BUILD_DIR := build BUILD_DIR_32 := $(BUILD_DIR)/build32 BUILD_DIR_64 := $(BUILD_DIR)/build64 BUILD_DIR_ZIP := $(BUILD_DIR)/zip DOC_DIR := doc DIST_DIR := dist # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Package.mk .PHONY: build # Build the project build: $(V)meson --cross cross-mingw-32.txt $(BUILD_DIR_32) $(V)ninja -C $(BUILD_DIR_32) $(V)meson --cross cross-mingw-64.txt $(BUILD_DIR_64) $(V)ninja -C $(BUILD_DIR_64) .PHONY: dist # Build and create a zip distribution package dist: build clean-zip zip .PHONY: clean-zip # Remove zip files from build dir before packaging clean-zip: $(V)rm -Rf $(BUILD_DIR_ZIP)/*.zip .PHONY: zip # Create a zip distribution pacakge zip: $(BUILD_DIR_ZIP)/taitools.zip .PHONY: clean # Cleanup build output clean: $(V)rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) subprojects/capnhook # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility, combo and alias targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Help screen note: # Variables that need to be displayed in the help screen need to strictly # follow the pattern "^[A-Z_]+ \?= .* # .*". # Targets that need to be displayed in the help screen need to add a separate # phony definition strictly following the pattern "^\.PHONY\: .* # .*". .PHONY: help # Print help screen help: $(V)echo taitools makefile. $(V)echo $(V)echo "Environment variables:" $(V)grep -E '^[A-Z_]+ \?\= .* #' Makefile | gawk 'match($$0, /([A-Z_]+) \?= [$$\(]*([^\)]*)[\)]{0,1} # (.*)/, a) { printf(" \033[0;35m%-25s \033[0;0m%-45s [%s]\n", a[1], a[3], a[2]) }' $(V)echo "" $(V)echo "Targets:" $(V)grep '^.PHONY: .* #' Makefile | gawk 'match($$0, /\.PHONY: (.*) # (.*)/, a) { printf(" \033[0;32m%-25s \033[0;0m%s\n", a[1], a[2]) }'