from typing import List from starlette.routing import Route, Mount from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.responses import Response, RedirectResponse from os import path import yaml import jinja2 from core.frontend import FE_Base, UserSession from core.config import CoreConfig from .database import ChuniData from .config import ChuniConfig from .const import ChuniConstants class ChuniFrontend(FE_Base): def __init__( self, cfg: CoreConfig, environment: jinja2.Environment, cfg_dir: str ) -> None: super().__init__(cfg, environment) = ChuniData(cfg) self.game_cfg = ChuniConfig() if path.exists(f"{cfg_dir}/{ChuniConstants.CONFIG_NAME}"): self.game_cfg.update( yaml.safe_load(open(f"{cfg_dir}/{ChuniConstants.CONFIG_NAME}")) ) self.nav_name = "Chunithm" def get_routes(self) -> List[Route]: return [ Route("/", self.render_GET, methods=['GET']), Route("/rating", self.render_GET_rating, methods=['GET']), Mount("/playlog", routes=[ Route("/", self.render_GET_playlog, methods=['GET']), Route("/{index}", self.render_GET_playlog, methods=['GET']), ]), Route("/", self.update_name, methods=['POST']), Route("/version.change", self.version_change, methods=['POST']), ] async def render_GET(self, request: Request) -> bytes: template = self.environment.get_template( "titles/chuni/templates/chuni_index.jinja" ) usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: usr_sesh = UserSession() if usr_sesh.user_id > 0: versions = await profile = [] if versions: # chunithm_version is -1 means it is not initialized yet, select a default version from existing. if usr_sesh.chunithm_version < 0: usr_sesh.chunithm_version = versions[0] profile = await, usr_sesh.chunithm_version) resp = Response(template.render( title=f"{} | {self.nav_name}", game_list=self.environment.globals["game_list"], sesh=vars(usr_sesh), user_id=usr_sesh.user_id, profile=profile, version_list=ChuniConstants.VERSION_NAMES, versions=versions, cur_version=usr_sesh.chunithm_version ), media_type="text/html; charset=utf-8") if usr_sesh.chunithm_version >= 0: encoded_sesh = self.encode_session(usr_sesh) resp.set_cookie("DIANA_SESH", encoded_sesh) return resp else: return RedirectResponse("/gate/", 303) async def render_GET_rating(self, request: Request) -> bytes: template = self.environment.get_template( "titles/chuni/templates/chuni_rating.jinja" ) usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: usr_sesh = UserSession() if usr_sesh.user_id > 0: if usr_sesh.chunithm_version < 0: return RedirectResponse("/game/chuni/", 303) profile = await, usr_sesh.chunithm_version) rating = await, usr_sesh.chunithm_version) hot_list=[] base_list=[] if profile and rating: song_records = [] for song in rating: music_chart = await, song.musicId, song.difficultId) if music_chart: if (song.score < 800000): song_rating = 0 elif (song.score >= 800000 and song.score < 900000): song_rating = music_chart.level / 2 - 5 elif (song.score >= 900000 and song.score < 925000): song_rating = music_chart.level - 5 elif (song.score >= 925000 and song.score < 975000): song_rating = music_chart.level - 3 elif (song.score >= 975000 and song.score < 1000000): song_rating = (song.score - 975000) / 2500 * 0.1 + music_chart.level elif (song.score >= 1000000 and song.score < 1005000): song_rating = (song.score - 1000000) / 1000 * 0.1 + 1 + music_chart.level elif (song.score >= 1005000 and song.score < 1007500): song_rating = (song.score - 1005000) / 500 * 0.1 + 1.5 + music_chart.level elif (song.score >= 1007500 and song.score < 1009000): song_rating = (song.score - 1007500) / 100 * 0.01 + 2 + music_chart.level elif (song.score >= 1009000): song_rating = 2.15 + music_chart.level song_rating = int(song_rating * 10 ** 2) / 10 ** 2 song_records.append({ "difficultId": song.difficultId, "musicId": song.musicId, "title": music_chart.title, "level": music_chart.level, "score": song.score, "type": song.type, "song_rating": song_rating, }) hot_list = [obj for obj in song_records if obj["type"] == "userRatingBaseHotList"] base_list = [obj for obj in song_records if obj["type"] == "userRatingBaseList"] return Response(template.render( title=f"{} | {self.nav_name}", game_list=self.environment.globals["game_list"], sesh=vars(usr_sesh), profile=profile, hot_list=hot_list, base_list=base_list, ), media_type="text/html; charset=utf-8") else: return RedirectResponse("/gate/", 303) async def render_GET_playlog(self, request: Request) -> bytes: template = self.environment.get_template( "titles/chuni/templates/chuni_playlog.jinja" ) usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: usr_sesh = UserSession() if usr_sesh.user_id > 0: if usr_sesh.chunithm_version < 0: return RedirectResponse("/game/chuni/", 303) path_index = request.path_params.get('index') if not path_index or int(path_index) < 1: index = 0 else: index = int(path_index) - 1 # 0 and 1 are 1st page user_id = usr_sesh.user_id playlog_count = await if playlog_count < index * 20 : return Response(template.render( title=f"{} | {self.nav_name}", game_list=self.environment.globals["game_list"], sesh=vars(usr_sesh), playlog_count=0 ), media_type="text/html; charset=utf-8") playlog = await, index, 20) playlog_with_title = [] for record in playlog: music_chart = await, record.musicId, record.level) if music_chart: difficultyNum=music_chart.level artist=music_chart.artist title=music_chart.title else: difficultyNum=0 artist="unknown" title="musicid: " + str(record.musicId) playlog_with_title.append({ "raw": record, "title": title, "difficultyNum": difficultyNum, "artist": artist, }) return Response(template.render( title=f"{} | {self.nav_name}", game_list=self.environment.globals["game_list"], sesh=vars(usr_sesh), user_id=usr_sesh.user_id, playlog=playlog_with_title, playlog_count=playlog_count ), media_type="text/html; charset=utf-8") else: return RedirectResponse("/gate/", 303) async def update_name(self, request: Request) -> bytes: usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: return RedirectResponse("/gate/", 303) form_data = await request.form() new_name: str = form_data.get("new_name") new_name_full = "" if not new_name: return RedirectResponse("/gate/?e=4", 303) if len(new_name) > 8: return RedirectResponse("/gate/?e=8", 303) for x in new_name: # FIXME: This will let some invalid characters through atm o = ord(x) try: if o == 0x20: new_name_full += chr(0x3000) elif o < 0x7F and o > 0x20: new_name_full += chr(o + 0xFEE0) elif o <= 0x7F: self.logger.warn(f"Invalid ascii character {o:02X}") return RedirectResponse("/gate/?e=4", 303) else: new_name_full += x except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Something went wrong parsing character {o:04X} - {e}") return RedirectResponse("/gate/?e=4", 303) if not await, new_name_full): return RedirectResponse("/gate/?e=999", 303) return RedirectResponse("/game/chuni/?s=1", 303) async def version_change(self, request: Request): usr_sesh = self.validate_session(request) if not usr_sesh: usr_sesh = UserSession() if usr_sesh.user_id > 0: form_data = await request.form() chunithm_version = form_data.get("version")"version change to: {chunithm_version}") if(chunithm_version.isdigit()): usr_sesh.chunithm_version=int(chunithm_version) encoded_sesh = self.encode_session(usr_sesh)"Created session with JWT {encoded_sesh}") resp = RedirectResponse("/game/chuni/", 303) resp.set_cookie("DIANA_SESH", encoded_sesh) return resp else: return RedirectResponse("/gate/", 303)