version: "3.9" services: app: hostname: build: . volumes: - ./aime:/app/aime - ./config:/app/config environment: CFG_DEV: 1 CFG_CORE_SERVER_HOSTNAME: CFG_CORE_DATABASE_HOST: ma.db CFG_CORE_MEMCACHED_HOSTNAME: ma.memcached CFG_CORE_AIMEDB_KEY: CFG_CHUNI_SERVER_LOGLEVEL: debug ports: - "80:80" - "8443:8443" - "22345:22345" - "8080:8080" - "8090:8090" depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy db: hostname: ma.db image: yobasystems/alpine-mariadb:10.11.5 environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: aime MYSQL_USER: aime MYSQL_PASSWORD: aime MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: AimeRootPassword MYSQL_CHARSET: utf8 MYSQL_COLLATION: utf8_general_ci ##Note: expose port 3306 to allow importer into database, comment out when not needed #ports: # - "3306:3306" ##Note: uncomment to allow mysql to create a persistent database, leave commented if you want to rebuild database from scratch often #volumes: # - ./AimeDB:/var/lib/mysql healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost", "-pAimeRootPassword"] timeout: 5s retries: 5 memcached: hostname: ma.memcached image: memcached:1.6.22-alpine3.18 command: [ "memcached", "-m", "1024", "-I", "128m" ] phpmyadmin: hostname: ma.phpmyadmin image: phpmyadmin:latest environment: PMA_HOSTS: ma.db PMA_USER: root PMA_PASSWORD: AimeRootPassword APACHE_PORT: 8080 ports: - "9090:8080"