import logging from csv import * from random import choice from typing import Dict, List from os import path from import Data from core import CoreConfig from .config import SaoConfig from .database import SaoData from titles.sao.handlers.base import * class SaoBase: def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: SaoConfig) -> None: self.core_cfg = core_cfg self.game_cfg = game_cfg = SaoData(core_cfg) self.version = 0 self.logger = logging.getLogger("sao") def load_data_csv(self, file: str) -> List[Dict]: ret = [] if path.exists(f"titles/sao/data/{file}.csv"): with open(f"titles/sao/data/{file}.csv", "r", encoding="utf8") as f: data = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=',') for x in data: ret.append(x) return ret self.logger.warning(f"Failed to find csv file {file}.csv") return ret async def handle_noop(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes:"Using Generic handler") resp_thing = SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd + 1) return resp_thing.make() async def handle_c122(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/get_maintenance_info resp = SaoGetMaintResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c12a(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/give_free_ticket req = SaoGiveFreeTicketRequest(header, request)"Give {req.give_num} free tickets (id {req.ticket_id}) to user {req.user_id}") resp = SaoGiveFreeTicketResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c12e(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/ac_cabinet_boot_notification resp = SaoCommonAcCabinetBootNotificationResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c100(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/get_app_versions resp = SaoCommonGetAppVersionsRequest(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c102(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/master_data_version_check resp = SaoMasterDataVersionCheckResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c10a(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/paying_play_start resp = SaoCommonPayingPlayStartRequest(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_ca02(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #quest_multi_play_room/get_quest_scene_multi_play_photon_server resp = SaoGetQuestSceneMultiPlayPhotonServerResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c11e(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/get_auth_card_data req = SaoGetAuthCardDataRequest(header, request) #Check authentication user_id = await req.access_code ) if not user_id: user_id = await #works card_id = await, req.access_code) if card_id is None: user_id = -1 self.logger.error("Failed to register card!") # Create profile with 3 basic heroes profile_id = await await, 101000010, 1, 0, 201000000, 0, 1002, 1003, 1014, 30001, 30310) await, 102000010, 1, 0, 202000000, 0, 3001, 3002, 3004, 30007, 3011) await, 105000010, 1, 0, 209000000, 0, 10005, 10002, 10004, 30006, 10003) await, 101000110, 1, 0, 201000000, 101000110, 2002, 2001, 2014, 0, 0) await, 0, 101000010, 102000010, 105000010) await, 201000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 202000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 209000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 101000110, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 1001, True, 300, 0, 0, 1) # Force the tutorial stage to be completed due to potential crash in-game"User Authenticated: { req.access_code } | { user_id }") #Grab values from profile profile_data = await if user_id and not profile_data: profile_id = await await, 101000010, 1, 0, 201000000, 0, 1002, 1003, 1014, 30001, 30310) await, 102000010, 1, 0, 202000000, 0, 3001, 3002, 3004, 30007, 3011) await, 105000010, 1, 0, 209000000, 0, 10005, 10002, 10004, 30006, 10003) await, 101000110, 1, 0, 201000000, 101000110, 2002, 2001, 2014, 0, 0) await, 0, 101000010, 102000010, 105000010) await, 201000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 202000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 209000000, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 101000110, 1, 200, 0, 0, 0) await, 1001, True, 300, 0, 0, 1) # Force the tutorial stage to be completed due to potential crash in-game profile_data = await resp = SaoGetAuthCardDataResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c40c(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #home/check_ac_login_bonus resp = SaoHomeCheckAcLoginBonusResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c104(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/login req = SaoCommonLoginRequest(header, request) user_id = await req.access_code ) profile_data = await resp = SaoCommonLoginResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c404(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #home/check_comeback_event resp = SaoCheckComebackEventRequest(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c000(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #ticket/ticket resp = SaoTicketResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c500(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #user_info/get_user_basic_data req = SaoGetUserBasicDataRequest(header, request) profile_data = await resp = SaoGetUserBasicDataResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c600(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #have_object/get_hero_log_user_data_list req = SaoGetHeroLogUserDataListRequest(header, request) hero_data = await resp = SaoGetHeroLogUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, hero_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c602(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #have_object/get_equipment_user_data_list req = SaoGetEquipmentUserDataListRequest(header, request) equipment_data = await resp = SaoGetEquipmentUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, equipment_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c604(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #have_object/get_item_user_data_list req = SaoGetItemUserDataListRequest(header, request) item_data = await resp = SaoGetItemUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, item_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c606(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #have_object/get_support_log_user_data_list supportIdsData = await, True) resp = SaoGetSupportLogUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, supportIdsData) return resp.make() async def handle_c800(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #custom/get_title_user_data_list titleIdsData = await, True) resp = SaoGetTitleUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, titleIdsData) return resp.make() async def handle_c608(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #have_object/get_episode_append_data_list req = SaoGetEpisodeAppendDataListRequest(header, request) profile_data = await resp = SaoGetEpisodeAppendDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c804(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #custom/get_party_data_list req = SaoGetPartyDataListRequest(header, request) hero_party = await, 0) hero1_data = await, hero_party[3]) hero2_data = await, hero_party[4]) hero3_data = await, hero_party[5]) resp = SaoGetPartyDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, hero1_data, hero2_data, hero3_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c902(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # for whatever reason, having all entries empty or filled changes nothing #quest/get_quest_scene_prev_scan_profile_card resp = SaoGetQuestScenePrevScanProfileCardResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c124(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #common/get_resource_path_info resp = SaoGetResourcePathInfoResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c900(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #quest/get_quest_scene_user_data_list // QuestScene.csv req = SaoGetQuestSceneUserDataListRequest(header, request) quest_data = await resp = SaoGetQuestSceneUserDataListResponse(header.cmd +1, quest_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c400(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #home/check_yui_medal_get_condition resp = SaoCheckYuiMedalGetConditionResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c402(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #home/get_yui_medal_bonus_user_data resp = SaoGetYuiMedalBonusUserDataResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c40a(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #home/check_profile_card_used_reward resp = SaoCheckProfileCardUsedRewardResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c814(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #custom/synthesize_enhancement_hero_log req = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementHeroLogRequest(header, request) synthesize_hero_log_data = await, req.origin_user_hero_log_id) for x in req.material_common_reward_user_data_list: hero_exp = 0 itemList = await heroList = await equipmentList = await if itemList: hero_exp = 2000 + int(synthesize_hero_log_data["log_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if equipmentList: equipment_data = await, x.user_common_reward_id) if equipment_data is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to find equipment {x.user_common_reward_id} for user {req.user_id}!") continue hero_exp = int(equipment_data["enhancement_exp"]) + int(synthesize_hero_log_data["log_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if heroList: hero_data = await, x.user_common_reward_id) if hero_data is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to find hero {x.user_common_reward_id} for user {req.user_id}!") continue hero_exp = int(hero_data["log_exp"]) + int(synthesize_hero_log_data["log_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if hero_exp == 0: self.logger.warn(f"Hero {x.user_common_reward_id} (type {x.common_reward_type}) not found!") await req.user_id, int(req.origin_user_hero_log_id), synthesize_hero_log_data["log_level"], hero_exp, synthesize_hero_log_data["main_weapon"], synthesize_hero_log_data["sub_equipment"], synthesize_hero_log_data["skill_slot1_skill_id"], synthesize_hero_log_data["skill_slot2_skill_id"], synthesize_hero_log_data["skill_slot3_skill_id"], synthesize_hero_log_data["skill_slot4_skill_id"], synthesize_hero_log_data["skill_slot5_skill_id"] ) profile = await new_col = int(profile["own_col"]) - 100 # Update profile await req.user_id, profile["user_type"], profile["nick_name"], profile["rank_num"], profile["rank_exp"], new_col, profile["own_vp"], profile["own_yui_medal"], profile["setting_title_id"] ) # Load the item again to push to the response handler synthesize_hero_log_data = await, req.origin_user_hero_log_id) resp = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementHeroLogResponse(header.cmd +1, synthesize_hero_log_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c816(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #custom/synthesize_enhancement_equipment req_data = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementEquipmentRequest(header, request) synthesize_equipment_data = await, req_data.origin_user_equipment_id) for x in req_data.material_common_reward_user_data_list: equipment_exp = 0 itemList = await heroList = await equipmentList = await if itemList: equipment_exp = 2000 + int(synthesize_equipment_data["enhancement_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if equipmentList: equipment_data = await, x.user_common_reward_id) if equipment_data is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to find equipment {x.user_common_reward_id} for user {req_data.user_id}!") continue equipment_exp = int(equipment_data["enhancement_exp"]) + int(synthesize_equipment_data["enhancement_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if heroList: hero_data = await, x.user_common_reward_id) if hero_data is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to find hero {x.user_common_reward_id} for user {req_data.user_id}!") continue equipment_exp = int(hero_data["log_exp"]) + int(synthesize_equipment_data["enhancement_exp"]) await, x.user_common_reward_id) if equipment_exp == 0: self.logger.warn(f"Common reward {x.user_common_reward_id} (type {x.common_reward_type}) not found!") continue await, int(req_data.origin_user_equipment_id), synthesize_equipment_data["enhancement_value"], equipment_exp, 0, 0, 0) profile = await new_col = int(profile["own_col"]) - 100 # Update profile await req_data.user_id, profile["user_type"], profile["nick_name"], profile["rank_num"], profile["rank_exp"], new_col, profile["own_vp"], profile["own_yui_medal"], profile["setting_title_id"] ) # Load the item again to push to the response handler synthesize_equipment_data = await, req_data.origin_user_equipment_id) resp = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementEquipmentResponse(header.cmd +1, synthesize_equipment_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c806(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #custom/change_party req_data = SaoChangePartyRequest(header, request) party_hero_list = [] for party_team in req_data.party_data_list[0].party_team_data_list: hero_data = await, party_team.user_hero_log_id) hero_level = 1 hero_exp = 0 if hero_data: hero_level = hero_data["log_level"] hero_exp = hero_data["log_exp"] await req_data.user_id, party_team.user_hero_log_id, hero_level, hero_exp, party_team.main_weapon_user_equipment_id, party_team.sub_equipment_user_equipment_id, party_team.skill_slot1_skill_id, party_team.skill_slot2_skill_id, party_team.skill_slot3_skill_id, party_team.skill_slot4_skill_id, party_team.skill_slot5_skill_id ) party_hero_list.append(party_team.user_hero_log_id) await, req_data.party_data_list[0].party_team_data_list[0].user_party_team_id, party_hero_list[0], party_hero_list[1], party_hero_list[2]) resp = SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c904(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #quest/episode_play_start req_data = SaoEpisodePlayStartRequest(header, request) user_id = req_data.user_id profile_data = await await user_id, int(req_data.play_start_request_data[0].user_party_id), req_data.episode_id, req_data.play_mode, req_data.play_start_request_data[0].quest_drop_boost_apply_flag ) resp = SaoEpisodePlayStartResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c908(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # Level calculation missing for the profile and heroes #quest/episode_play_end req_data = SaoEpisodePlayEndRequest(header, request) # Add stage progression to database user_id = req_data.user_id episode_id = req_data.episode_id quest_clear_flag = bool(req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].boss_destroying_num) clear_time = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].clear_time combo_num = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].combo_num total_damage = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].total_damage concurrent_destroying_num = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].concurrent_destroying_num profile = await vp = int(profile["own_vp"]) exp = int(profile["rank_exp"]) + 100 #always 100 extra exp for some reason col = int(profile["own_col"]) + int(req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].base_get_data_list[0].get_col) if quest_clear_flag is True: # Save stage progression - to be revised to avoid saving worse score # Reference Episode.csv but Chapter 2,3,4 and 5 reports id -1, match using /10 + last digits if episode_id > 10000 and episode_id < 11000: # Starts at 1001 episode_id = episode_id - 9000 elif episode_id > 20000: # Starts at 2001 stage_id = str(episode_id)[-2:] episode_id = episode_id / 10 episode_id = int(episode_id) + int(stage_id) # Match episode_id with the questSceneId saved in the DB through sortNo questId = await episode_id = questId[2] await, episode_id, quest_clear_flag, clear_time, combo_num, total_damage, concurrent_destroying_num) vp = int(profile["own_vp"]) + 10 #always 10 VP per cleared stage # Calculate level based off experience and the CSV list with open(r'titles/sao/data/PlayerRank.csv') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 data = [] rowf = False for row in csv_reader: if rowf==False: rowf=True else: data.append(row) for i in range(0,len(data)): if exp>=int(data[i][1]) and exp=int(data[e][1]) and log_exp bytes: #quest/trial_tower_play_start req_data = SaoTrialTowerPlayStartRequest(header, request) user_id = req_data.user_id floor_id = req_data.trial_tower_id profile_data = await await user_id, int(req_data.play_start_request_data[0].user_party_id), req_data.trial_tower_id, req_data.play_mode, req_data.play_start_request_data[0].quest_drop_boost_apply_flag ) resp = SaoEpisodePlayStartResponse(header.cmd +1, profile_data) return resp.make() async def handle_c918(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #quest/trial_tower_play_end req_data = SaoTrialTowerPlayEndRequest(header, request) # Add tower progression to database user_id = req_data.user_id trial_tower_id = req_data.trial_tower_id next_tower_id = 0 quest_clear_flag = bool(req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].boss_destroying_num) clear_time = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].clear_time combo_num = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].combo_num total_damage = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].total_damage concurrent_destroying_num = req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].score_data_list[0].concurrent_destroying_num if quest_clear_flag is True: # Save tower progression - to be revised to avoid saving worse score if trial_tower_id == 9: next_tower_id = 10001 elif trial_tower_id == 10: trial_tower_id = 10001 next_tower_id = 3011 elif trial_tower_id == 19: next_tower_id = 10002 elif trial_tower_id == 20: trial_tower_id = 10002 next_tower_id = 3021 elif trial_tower_id == 29: next_tower_id = 10003 elif trial_tower_id == 30: trial_tower_id = 10003 next_tower_id = 3031 elif trial_tower_id == 39: next_tower_id = 10004 elif trial_tower_id == 40: trial_tower_id = 10004 next_tower_id = 3041 elif trial_tower_id == 49: next_tower_id = 10005 elif trial_tower_id == 50: trial_tower_id = 10005 next_tower_id = 3051 else: trial_tower_id = trial_tower_id + 3000 next_tower_id = trial_tower_id + 1 await, trial_tower_id, quest_clear_flag, clear_time, combo_num, total_damage, concurrent_destroying_num) # Check if next stage is already done checkQuest = await, next_tower_id) if not checkQuest: if next_tower_id != 3101: await, next_tower_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # Update the profile profile = await exp = int(profile["rank_exp"]) + 100 #always 100 extra exp for some reason col = int(profile["own_col"]) + int(req_data.play_end_request_data_list[0].base_get_data_list[0].get_col) # Calculate level based off experience and the CSV list with open(r'titles/sao/data/PlayerRank.csv') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 data = [] rowf = False for row in csv_reader: if rowf==False: rowf=True else: data.append(row) for i in range(0,len(data)): if exp>=int(data[i][1]) and exp=int(data[e][1]) and log_exp bytes: #quest/episode_play_end_unanalyzed_log_fixed req = SaoEpisodePlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixedRequest(header, request) end_session_data = await resp = SaoEpisodePlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixedResponse(header.cmd +1, end_session_data[4]) return resp.make() async def handle_c91a(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # handler is identical to the episode #quest/trial_tower_play_end_unanalyzed_log_fixed req = TrialTowerPlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixed(header, request) end_session_data = await resp = SaoEpisodePlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixedResponse(header.cmd +1, end_session_data[4]) return resp.make() async def handle_cd00(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #defrag_match/get_defrag_match_basic_data resp = SaoGetDefragMatchBasicDataResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_cd02(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #defrag_match/get_defrag_match_ranking_user_data resp = SaoGetDefragMatchRankingUserDataResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_cd04(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #defrag_match/get_defrag_match_league_point_ranking_list resp = SaoGetDefragMatchLeaguePointRankingListResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_cd06(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #defrag_match/get_defrag_match_league_score_ranking_list resp = SaoGetDefragMatchLeagueScoreRankingListResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_d404(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #other/bnid_serial_code_check resp = SaoBnidSerialCodeCheckResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c306(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: #card/scan_qr_quest_profile_card resp = SaoScanQrQuestProfileCardResponse(header.cmd +1) return resp.make() async def handle_c700(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # shop/get_shop_resource_sales_data_list # TODO: Get user shop data req = GetShopResourceSalesDataListRequest(header, request) resp = GetShopResourceSalesDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1) return resp.make() async def handle_d100(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # shop/get_yui_medal_shop_user_data_list # TODO: Get user shop data req = GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListRequest(header, request) resp = GetYuiMedalShopUserDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1) return resp.make() async def handle_cf0e(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # gasha/get_gasha_medal_shop_user_data_list # TODO: Get user shop data req = GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListRequest(header, request) resp = GetGashaMedalShopUserDataListResponse(header.cmd + 1) return resp.make() async def handle_d5da(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data/get_m_yui_medal_shops req = GetMYuiMedalShopDataRequest(header, request) resp = GetMYuiMedalShopDataResponse(header.cmd + 1) shops = self.load_data_csv("YuiMedalShops") for shop in shops: tmp = YuiMedalShopData.from_args(int(shop['YuiMedalShopId']), shop['Name'], shop['Description']) tmp.selling_yui_medal = int(shop['SellingYuiMedal']) tmp.selling_col = int(shop['SellingCol']) tmp.selling_event_item_id = int(shop['SellingEventItemId']) tmp.selling_event_item_num = int(shop['SellingEventItemNum']) tmp.selling_ticket_num = int(shop['SellingTicketNum']) tmp.purchase_limit = int(shop['PurchaseLimit']) tmp.pick_up_flag = 1 if shop['PickUpFlag'] == "True" else 0 tmp.product_category = int(shop['ProductCategory']) tmp.sales_type = int(shop['SalesType']) tmp.target_days = int(shop['TargetDays']) tmp.target_hour = int(shop['TargetHour']) tmp.interval_hour = int(shop['IntervalHour']) tmp.sort = int(shop['Sort']) tmp.sales_end_date = datetime(2121, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) # always open resp.data_list.append(tmp) self.logger.debug(f"Load {len(resp.data_list)} Yui Medal Shops") return resp.make() async def handle_d5dc(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data/get_m_yui_medal_shop_items req = GetMYuiMedalShopItemsRequest(header, request) resp = GetMYuiMedalShopItemsResponse(header.cmd + 1) shops = self.load_data_csv("YuiMedalShopItems") for shop in shops: tmp = YuiMedalShopItemData.from_args(int(shop['YuiMedalShopItemId']), int(shop['YuiMedalShopId']), int(shop['CommonRewardType']), int(shop['CommonRewardId']), int(shop['CommonRewardNum']), int(shop['Strength'])) tmp.property1_property_id = int(shop['Property1PropertyId']) tmp.property1_value1 = int(shop['Property1Value1']) tmp.property1_value2 = int(shop['Property1Value2']) tmp.property2_property_id = int(shop['Property2PropertyId']) tmp.property2_value1 = int(shop['Property2Value1']) tmp.property2_value2 = int(shop['Property2Value2']) tmp.property3_property_id = int(shop['Property3PropertyId']) tmp.property3_value1 = int(shop['Property3Value1']) tmp.property3_value2 = int(shop['Property3Value2']) tmp.property4_property_id = int(shop['Property4PropertyId']) tmp.property4_value1 = int(shop['Property4Value1']) tmp.property4_value2 = int(shop['Property4Value2']) resp.data_list.append(tmp) self.logger.debug(f"Load {len(resp.data_list)} Yui Medal Shop Items") return resp.make() async def handle_d5fc(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data/get_m_gasha_medal_shops req = GetMGashaMedalShopsRequest(header, request) resp = GetMGashaMedalShopsResponse(header.cmd + 1) shops = self.load_data_csv("GashaMedalShops") for shop in shops: tmp = GashaMedalShop.from_args(int(shop['GashaMedalShopId']), shop['Name'], int(shop['GashaMedalId']), int(shop['UseGashaMedalNum']), int(shop['PurchaseLimit'])) tmp.sales_end_date = datetime(2121, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) # always open resp.data_list.append(tmp) self.logger.debug(f"Load {len(resp.data_list)} Gasha Medal Shops") return resp.make() async def handle_d5fe(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data/get_m_gasha_medal_shop_items return SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd + 1).make() async def handle_d604(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data_2/get_m_res_earn_campaign_shops req = GetMResEarnCampaignShopsRequest(header, request) resp = GetMResEarnCampaignShopsResponse(header.cmd + 1) shops = self.load_data_csv("ResEarnCampaignShops") for shop in shops: tmp = ResEarnCampaignShop.from_args(int(shop['ResEarnCampaignShopId']), int(shop['ResEarnCampaignApplicationId']), shop['Name']) tmp.selling_yui_medal = int(shop['SellingYuiMedal']) tmp.selling_col = int(shop['SellingCol']) tmp.selling_event_item_id = int(shop['SellingEventItemId']) tmp.selling_event_item_num = int(shop['SellingEventItemNum']) tmp.purchase_limit = int(shop['PurchaseLimit']) tmp.get_application_point = int(shop['GetApplicationPoint']) tmp.sales_end_date = datetime(2121, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) # always open resp.data_list.append(tmp) #self.logger.debug(f"Load {len(resp.data_list)} Res Earn Campaign Shops") return SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd + 1).make() async def handle_d606(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # master_data_2/get_m_res_earn_campaign_shop_items return SaoNoopResponse(header.cmd + 1).make() async def handle_c108(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # common/logout_ticket_unpurchased req = SaoLogoutTicketUnpurchasedRequest(header, request) return SaoLogoutTicketUnpurchasedResponse(header.cmd + 1).make() async def handle_cb02(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # quest_ranking/get_quest_hierarchy_progress_degrees_ranking_list req = SaoGetQuestHierarchyProgressDegreesRankingListRequest(header, request) return SaoGetQuestHierarchyProgressDegreesRankingListResponse(header.cmd + 1).make() async def handle_cb04(self, header: SaoRequestHeader, request: bytes) -> bytes: # quest_ranking/get_quest_popular_hero_log_ranking_list req = SaoGetQuestPopularHeroLogRankingListRequest(header, request) return SaoGetQuestPopularHeroLogRankingListResponse(header.cmd + 1).make()