from typing import Optional, Dict, List from os import walk, path import urllib import csv from read import BaseReader from core.config import CoreConfig from titles.sao.database import SaoData from titles.sao.const import SaoConstants class SaoReader(BaseReader): def __init__( self, config: CoreConfig, version: int, bin_arg: Optional[str], opt_arg: Optional[str], extra: Optional[str], ) -> None: super().__init__(config, version, bin_arg, opt_arg, extra) = SaoData(config) try: f"Start importer for {SaoConstants.game_ver_to_string(version)}" ) except IndexError: self.logger.error(f"Invalid project SAO version {version}") exit(1) async def read(self) -> None: if path.exists(self.bin_dir): await self.read_csv(f"{self.bin_dir}") else: self.logger.warn("Directory not found, nothing to import") async def read_csv(self, bin_dir: str) -> None:"Read csv from {bin_dir}")"Now reading QuestScene.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/QuestScene.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: questSceneId = row["QuestSceneId"] sortNo = row["SortNo"] name = row["Name"] enabled = True"Added quest {questSceneId} | Name: {name}") try: await questSceneId, 0, sortNo, name, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading HeroLog.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/HeroLog.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: heroLogId = row["HeroLogId"] name = row["Name"] nickname = row["Nickname"] rarity = row["Rarity"] skillTableSubId = row["SkillTableSubId"] awakeningExp = row["AwakeningExp"] flavorText = row["FlavorText"] enabled = True"Added hero {heroLogId} | Name: {name}") try: await 0, heroLogId, name, nickname, rarity, skillTableSubId, awakeningExp, flavorText, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading Equipment.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/Equipment.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: equipmentId = row["EquipmentId"] equipmentType = row["EquipmentType"] weaponTypeId = row["WeaponTypeId"] name = row["Name"] rarity = row["Rarity"] flavorText = row["FlavorText"] enabled = True"Added equipment {equipmentId} | Name: {name}") try: await 0, equipmentId, name, equipmentType, weaponTypeId, rarity, flavorText, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading Item.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/Item.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: itemId = row["ItemId"] itemTypeId = row["ItemTypeId"] name = row["Name"] rarity = row["Rarity"] flavorText = row["FlavorText"] enabled = True"Added item {itemId} | Name: {name}") try: await 0, itemId, name, itemTypeId, rarity, flavorText, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading SupportLog.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/SupportLog.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: supportLogId = row["SupportLogId"] charaId = row["CharaId"] name = row["Name"] rarity = row["Rarity"] salePrice = row["SalePrice"] skillName = row["SkillName"] enabled = True"Added support log {supportLogId} | Name: {name}") try: await 0, supportLogId, charaId, name, rarity, salePrice, skillName, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading Title.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/Title.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: titleId = row["TitleId"] displayName = row["DisplayName"] requirement = row["Requirement"] rank = row["Rank"] imageFilePath = row["ImageFilePath"] enabled = True"Added title {titleId} | Name: {displayName}") if len(titleId) > 5: try: await 0, titleId, displayName, requirement, rank, imageFilePath, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) elif len(titleId) < 6: # current server code cannot have multiple lengths for the id continue except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")"Now reading RareDropTable.csv") try: fullPath = bin_dir + "/RareDropTable.csv" with open(fullPath, encoding="UTF-8") as fp: reader = csv.DictReader(fp) for row in reader: questRareDropId = row["QuestRareDropId"] commonRewardId = row["CommonRewardId"] enabled = True"Added rare drop {questRareDropId} | Reward: {commonRewardId}") try: await 0, questRareDropId, commonRewardId, enabled ) except Exception as err: self.logger.error(err) except Exception: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't read csv file in {self.bin_dir}, skipping")