from typing import Final, Dict from enum import Enum class OngekiConstants: GAME_CODE = "SDDT" CONFIG_NAME = "ongeki.yaml" VER_ONGEKI = 0 VER_ONGEKI_PLUS = 1 VER_ONGEKI_SUMMER = 2 VER_ONGEKI_SUMMER_PLUS = 3 VER_ONGEKI_RED = 4 VER_ONGEKI_RED_PLUS = 5 VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT = 6 VER_ONGEKI_BRIGHT_MEMORY = 7 EVT_TYPES: Enum = Enum( "EVT_TYPES", [ "Announcement", "Movie", "AddMyList", "UnlockChapter", "JewelEvent", "RankingEvent", "AcceptRankingEvent", "UnlockMusic", "UnlockCard", "UnlockTrophy", "UnlockNamePlate", "UnlockLimitBreakItem", "MissionEvent", "DailyBonus", "UnlockBossLockEarly", "UnlockPurchaseItem", "TechChallengeEvent", "AcceptTechChallengeEvent", "SilverJewelEvent", "Max", "None", ], ) class CM_GACHA_KINDS(Enum): Normal = 0 Pickup = 1 BonusRestored = 2 Free = 3 PickupBonusRestored = 4 class RARITY_TYPES(Enum): N = 0 R = 1 SR = 2 SSR = 3 SRPlus = 12 # The game expects the server to give Lunatic an ID of 10, while the game uses 4 internally... except in Music.xml class DIFF_NAME(Enum): Basic = 0 Advanced = 1 Expert = 2 Master = 3 Lunatic = 10 VERSION_NAMES = ( "ONGEKI", "ONGEKI +", "ONGEKI SUMMER", "ONGEKI SUMMER +", "ONGEKI R.E.D.", "ONGEKI R.E.D. +", "ONGEKI bright", "ONGEKI bright MEMORY", ) @classmethod def game_ver_to_string(cls, ver: int): return cls.VERSION_NAMES[ver]