#include #include #include "board/config.h" #include "board/sg-reader.h" #include "hook/process.h" #include "hooklib/serial.h" #include "hooklib/spike.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" // Emulating an AiMe reader is the only thing this hook DLL does static const struct aime_config app_aime_config = { .enable = true }; static process_entry_t app_startup; static DWORD CALLBACK app_pre_startup(void) { dprintf("--- Begin %s ---\n", __func__); spike_hook_init("cardspike.txt"); serial_hook_init(); sg_reader_hook_init(&app_aime_config, 12); dprintf("--- End %s ---\n", __func__); return app_startup(); } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE mod, DWORD cause, void *ctx) { HRESULT hr; if (cause != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { return TRUE; } hr = process_hijack_startup(app_pre_startup, &app_startup); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dprintf("Failed to hijack process startup: %x\n", (int) hr); } return SUCCEEDED(hr); }