from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from typing import Any, Dict, List import json import logging from enum import Enum import pytz from core.config import CoreConfig from import cached from titles.ongeki.const import OngekiConstants from titles.ongeki.config import OngekiConfig from titles.ongeki.database import OngekiData from titles.ongeki.config import OngekiConfig class OngekiBattleGrade(Enum): FAILED = 0 DRAW = 1 USUALLY = 2 GOOD = 3 GREAT = 4 EXCELLENT = 5 UNBELIEVABLE_GOLD = 6 UNBELIEVABLE_RAINBOW = 7 class OngekiBattlePointGrade(Enum): FRESHMAN = 0 KYU10 = 1 KYU9 = 2 KYU8 = 3 KYU7 = 4 KYU6 = 5 KYU5 = 6 KYU4 = 7 KYU3 = 8 KYU2 = 9 KYU1 = 10 DAN1 = 11 DAN2 = 12 DAN3 = 13 DAN4 = 14 DAN5 = 15 DAN6 = 16 DAN7 = 17 DAN8 = 18 DAN9 = 19 DAN10 = 20 SODEN = 21 class OngekiTechnicalGrade(Enum): D = 0 C = 1 B = 2 BB = 3 BBB = 4 A = 5 AA = 6 AAA = 7 S = 8 SS = 9 SSS = 10 SSSp = 11 class OngekiDifficulty(Enum): BASIC = 0 ADVANCED = 1 EXPERT = 2 MASTER = 3 LUNATIC = 10 class OngekiGPLogKind(Enum): NONE = 0 BUY1_START = 1 BUY2_START = 2 BUY3_START = 3 BUY1_ADD = 4 BUY2_ADD = 5 BUY3_ADD = 6 FIRST_PLAY = 7 COMPENSATION = 8 PAY_PLAY = 11 PAY_TIME = 12 PAY_MAS_UNLOCK = 13 PAY_MONEY = 14 class OngekiBase: def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: OngekiConfig) -> None: self.core_cfg = core_cfg self.game_cfg = game_cfg = OngekiData(core_cfg) self.date_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" self.date_time_format_ext = ( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" # needs to be lopped off at [:-5] ) self.date_time_format_short = "%Y-%m-%d" self.logger = logging.getLogger("ongeki") = OngekiConstants.GAME_CODE self.version = OngekiConstants.VER_ONGEKI def handle_get_game_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: # if reboot start/end time is not defined use the default behavior of being a few hours ago if self.core_cfg.title.reboot_start_time == "" or self.core_cfg.title.reboot_end_time == "": reboot_start = datetime.strftime( datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=6), self.date_time_format ) reboot_end = datetime.strftime( datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=7), self.date_time_format ) else: # get current datetime in JST current_jst ='Asia/Tokyo')).date() # parse config start/end times into datetime reboot_start_time = datetime.strptime(self.core_cfg.title.reboot_start_time, "%H:%M") reboot_end_time = datetime.strptime(self.core_cfg.title.reboot_end_time, "%H:%M") # offset datetimes with current date/time reboot_start_time = reboot_start_time.replace(year=current_jst.year, month=current_jst.month,, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')) reboot_end_time = reboot_end_time.replace(year=current_jst.year, month=current_jst.month,, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('Asia/Tokyo')) # create strings for use in gameSetting reboot_start = reboot_start_time.strftime(self.date_time_format) reboot_end = reboot_end_time.strftime(self.date_time_format) return { "gameSetting": { "dataVersion": "1.00.00", "onlineDataVersion": "1.00.00", "isMaintenance": "false", "requestInterval": 10, "rebootStartTime": reboot_start, "rebootEndTime": reboot_end, "isBackgroundDistribute": "false", "maxCountCharacter": 50, "maxCountCard": 300, "maxCountItem": 300, "maxCountMusic": 50, "maxCountMusicItem": 300, "macCountRivalMusic": 300, }, "isDumpUpload": "false", "isAou": "true", } def handle_get_game_idlist_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Gets lists of song IDs, either disabled songs or recomended songs depending on type? """ # type - int # id - int return {"type": data["type"], "length": 0, "gameIdlistList": []} def handle_get_game_ranking_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "gameRankingList": []} def handle_get_game_point_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Sets the GP amount for A and B sets for 1 - 3 credits """ return { "length": 6, "gamePointList": [ { "type": 0, "cost": 100, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, { "type": 1, "cost": 230, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, { "type": 2, "cost": 370, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, { "type": 3, "cost": 120, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, { "type": 4, "cost": 240, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, { "type": 5, "cost": 360, "startDate": "2000-01-01 05:00:00.0", "endDate": "2099-01-01 05:00:00.0", }, ], } def handle_game_login_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "gameLogin"} def handle_game_logout_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "gameLogout"} def handle_extend_lock_time_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "ExtendLockTimeApi"} def handle_get_game_reward_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: # TODO: reward list return {"length": 0, "gameRewardList": []} def handle_get_game_present_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "gamePresentList": []} def handle_get_game_message_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "gameMessageList": []} def handle_get_game_sale_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"length": 0, "gameSaleList": []} def handle_get_game_tech_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: music_list = prep_music_list = [] for music in music_list: tmp = music._asdict() tmp.pop("id") prep_music_list.append(tmp) if prep_music_list is None: return {"length": 0, "gameTechMusicList": []} return { "length": len(prep_music_list), "gameTechMusicList": prep_music_list, } def handle_upsert_client_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientSettingApi"} def handle_upsert_client_testmode_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertClientTestmodeApi"} def handle_upsert_client_bookkeeping_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "upsertClientBookkeeping"} def handle_upsert_client_develop_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "upsertClientDevelop"} def handle_upsert_client_error_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "upsertClientError"} def handle_upsert_user_gplog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user = data["userId"] if user >= 200000000000000: # Account for guest play user = None user, data["usedCredit"], data["placeName"], data["userGplog"]["trxnDate"], data["userGplog"]["placeId"], data["userGplog"]["kind"], data["userGplog"]["pattern"], data["userGplog"]["currentGP"], ) return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "UpsertUserGplogApi"} def handle_extend_lock_time_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "ExtendLockTimeApi"} def handle_get_game_event_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: evts = evt_list = [] for event in evts: evt_list.append( { "type": event["type"], "id": event["eventId"], # actually use the startDate from the import so it # properly shows all the events when new ones are imported "startDate": datetime.strftime( event["startDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0" ), "endDate": "2099-12-31 00:00:00.0", } ) return { "type": data["type"], "length": len(evt_list), "gameEventList": evt_list, } def handle_get_game_id_list_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: game_idlist: List[str, Any] = [] # 1 to 230 & 8000 to 8050 if data["type"] == 1: for i in range(1, 231): game_idlist.append({"type": 1, "id": i}) return { "type": data["type"], "length": len(game_idlist), "gameIdlistList": game_idlist, } elif data["type"] == 2: for i in range(8000, 8051): game_idlist.append({"type": 2, "id": i}) return { "type": data["type"], "length": len(game_idlist), "gameIdlistList": game_idlist, } def handle_get_user_region_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return {"userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userRegionList": []} def handle_get_user_preview_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: profile =["userId"], self.version) if profile is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "isLogin": False, "lastLoginDate": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "userName": "", "reincarnationNum": 0, "level": 0, "exp": 0, "playerRating": 0, "lastGameId": "", "lastRomVersion": "", "lastDataVersion": "", "lastPlayDate": "", "nameplateId": 0, "trophyId": 0, "cardId": 0, "dispPlayerLv": 0, "dispRating": 0, "dispBP": 0, "headphone": 0, "banStatus": 0, "isWarningConfirmed": True, } return { "userId": data["userId"], "isLogin": False, "lastLoginDate": profile["lastPlayDate"], "userName": profile["userName"], "reincarnationNum": profile["reincarnationNum"], "level": profile["level"], "exp": profile["exp"], "playerRating": profile["playerRating"], "lastGameId": profile["lastGameId"], "lastRomVersion": profile["lastRomVersion"], "lastDataVersion": profile["lastDataVersion"], "lastPlayDate": profile["lastPlayDate"], "nameplateId": profile["nameplateId"], "trophyId": profile["trophyId"], "cardId": profile["cardId"], "dispPlayerLv": profile["dispPlayerLv"], "dispRating": profile["dispRating"], "dispBP": profile["dispBP"], "headphone": profile["headphone"], "banStatus": profile["banStatus"], "isWarningConfirmed": True, } def handle_get_user_tech_count_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Gets the number of AB and ABPs a player has per-difficulty (7, 7+, 8, etc) The game sends this in upsert so we don't have to calculate it all out thankfully """ utcl =["userId"]) userTechCountList = [] for tc in utcl: tc.pop("id") tc.pop("user") userTechCountList.append(tc) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(userTechCountList), "userTechCountList": userTechCountList, } def handle_get_user_tech_event_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_tech_event_list =["userId"]) if user_tech_event_list is None: return {} tech_evt = [] for evt in user_tech_event_list: tmp = evt._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") tech_evt.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(tech_evt), "userTechEventList": tech_evt, } def handle_get_user_tech_event_ranking_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_tech_event_ranks =["userId"]) if user_tech_event_ranks is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userTechEventRankingList": [], } # collect the whole table and clear other players, to preserve proper ranking evt_ranking = [] for evt in user_tech_event_ranks: tmp = evt._asdict() if tmp["user"] != data["userId"]: tmp.clear() else: tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") evt_ranking.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(evt_ranking), "userTechEventRankingList": evt_ranking, } def handle_get_user_kop_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: kop_list =["userId"]) if kop_list is None: return {} for kop in kop_list: kop.pop("user") kop.pop("id") return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(kop_list), "userKopList": kop_list, } def handle_get_user_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: song_list = self.util_generate_music_list(data["userId"]) max_ct = data["maxCount"] next_idx = data["nextIndex"] start_idx = next_idx end_idx = max_ct + start_idx if len(song_list[start_idx:]) > max_ct: next_idx += max_ct else: next_idx = -1 return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(song_list[start_idx:end_idx]), "nextIndex": next_idx, "userMusicList": song_list[start_idx:end_idx], } def handle_get_user_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: kind = data["nextIndex"] / 10000000000 p =["userId"], kind) if p is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": -1, "itemKind": kind, "userItemList": [], } items: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for i in range(data["nextIndex"] % 10000000000, len(p)): if len(items) > data["maxCount"]: break tmp = p[i]._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") items.append(tmp) xout = kind * 10000000000 + (data["nextIndex"] % 10000000000) + len(items) if len(items) < data["maxCount"] or data["maxCount"] == 0: nextIndex = 0 else: nextIndex = xout return { "userId": data["userId"], "nextIndex": int(nextIndex), "itemKind": int(kind), "length": len(items), "userItemList": items, } def handle_get_user_option_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: o =["userId"]) if o is None: return {} # get the dict representation of the row so we can modify values user_opts = o._asdict() # remove the values the game doesn't want user_opts.pop("id") user_opts.pop("user") return {"userId": data["userId"], "userOption": user_opts} def handle_get_user_data_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: p =["userId"], self.version) if p is None: return {} cards =["userId"]) if cards is None or len(cards) == 0: # This should never happen self.logger.error( f"handle_get_user_data_api_request: Internal error - No cards found for user id {data['userId']}" ) return {} # get the dict representation of the row so we can modify values user_data = p._asdict() # remove the values the game doesn't want user_data.pop("id") user_data.pop("user") user_data.pop("version") # TODO: replace datetime objects with strings # add access code that we don't store user_data["accessCode"] = cards[0]["access_code"] return {"userId": data["userId"], "userData": user_data} def handle_get_user_event_ranking_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_event_ranking_list =["userId"]) if user_event_ranking_list is None: return {} # We collect the whole ranking table, and clear out any not needed data, this way we preserve the proper ranking # In official spec this should be done server side, in maintenance period prep_event_ranking = [] for evt in user_event_ranking_list: tmp = evt._asdict() if tmp["user"] != data["userId"]: tmp.clear() else: tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") prep_event_ranking.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(prep_event_ranking), "userEventRankingList": prep_event_ranking, } def handle_get_user_login_bonus_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_login_bonus_list =["userId"]) if user_login_bonus_list is None: return {} login_bonuses = [] for scenerio in user_login_bonus_list: tmp = scenerio._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") login_bonuses.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(login_bonuses), "userLoginBonusList": login_bonuses, } def handle_get_user_bp_base_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: p =, self.version, user_id=data["userId"] ) if p is None: return {} profile = json.loads(p["data"]) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(profile["userBpBaseList"]), "userBpBaseList": profile["userBpBaseList"], } def handle_get_user_recent_rating_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: recent_rating =["userId"]) if recent_rating is None: return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userRecentRatingList": [], } userRecentRatingList = recent_rating["recentRating"] return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(userRecentRatingList), "userRecentRatingList": userRecentRatingList, } def handle_get_user_activity_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: activity =["userId"], data["kind"]) if activity is None: return {} user_activity = [] for act in activity: user_activity.append( { "kind": act["kind"], "id": act["activityId"], "sortNumber": act["sortNumber"], "param1": act["param1"], "param2": act["param2"], "param3": act["param3"], "param4": act["param4"], } ) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(user_activity), "kind": data["kind"], "userActivityList": user_activity, } def handle_get_user_story_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_stories =["userId"]) if user_stories is None: return {} story_list = [] for story in user_stories: tmp = story._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") story_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(story_list), "userStoryList": story_list, } def handle_get_user_chapter_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_chapters =["userId"]) if user_chapters is None: return {} chapter_list = [] for chapter in user_chapters: tmp = chapter._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") chapter_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(chapter_list), "userChapterList": chapter_list, } def handle_get_user_training_room_by_key_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userTrainingRoomList": [], } def handle_get_user_character_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_characters =["userId"]) if user_characters is None: return {} character_list = [] for character in user_characters: tmp = character._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") character_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(character_list), "userCharacterList": character_list, } def handle_get_user_card_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_cards =["userId"]) if user_cards is None: return {} card_list = [] for card in user_cards: tmp = card._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") card_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(card_list), "userCardList": card_list, } def handle_get_user_deck_by_key_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: # Auth key doesn't matter, it just wants all the decks decks =["userId"]) if decks is None: return {} deck_list = [] for deck in decks: tmp = deck._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") deck_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(deck_list), "userDeckList": deck_list, } def handle_get_user_trade_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_trade_items =["userId"]) if user_trade_items is None: return {} trade_item_list = [] for trade_item in user_trade_items: tmp = trade_item._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") trade_item_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(trade_item_list), "userTradeItemList": trade_item_list, } def handle_get_user_scenario_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_scenerio =["userId"]) if user_scenerio is None: return {} scenerio_list = [] for scenerio in user_scenerio: tmp = scenerio._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") scenerio_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(scenerio_list), "userScenarioList": scenerio_list, } def handle_get_user_ratinglog_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: rating_log =["userId"]) if rating_log is None: return {} userRatinglogList = [] for rating in rating_log: tmp = rating._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") userRatinglogList.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(userRatinglogList), "userRatinglogList": userRatinglogList, } def handle_get_user_mission_point_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_mission_point_list =["userId"]) if user_mission_point_list is None: return {} mission_point_list = [] for evt_music in user_mission_point_list: tmp = evt_music._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") mission_point_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(mission_point_list), "userMissionPointList": mission_point_list, } def handle_get_user_event_point_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_event_point_list =["userId"]) if user_event_point_list is None: return {} event_point_list = [] for evt_music in user_event_point_list: tmp = evt_music._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") # pop other stuff event_point doesn't want tmp.pop("rank") tmp.pop("type") tmp.pop("date") event_point_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(event_point_list), "userEventPointList": event_point_list, } def handle_get_user_music_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_music_item_list =["userId"]) if user_music_item_list is None: return {} music_item_list = [] for evt_music in user_music_item_list: tmp = evt_music._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") music_item_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(music_item_list), "userMusicItemList": music_item_list, } def handle_get_user_event_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: user_evt_music_list =["userId"]) if user_evt_music_list is None: return {} evt_music_list = [] for evt_music in user_evt_music_list: tmp = evt_music._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") evt_music_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(evt_music_list), "userEventMusicList": evt_music_list, } def handle_get_user_boss_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: p =["userId"]) if p is None: return {} boss_list = [] for boss in p: tmp = boss._asdict() tmp.pop("id") tmp.pop("user") boss_list.append(tmp) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(boss_list), "userBossList": boss_list, } def handle_upsert_user_all_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: upsert = data["upsertUserAll"] user_id = data["userId"] # The isNew fields are new as of Red and up. We just won't use them for now. if "userData" in upsert and len(upsert["userData"]) > 0: user_id, self.version, upsert["userData"][0] ) if "userOption" in upsert and len(upsert["userOption"]) > 0:, upsert["userOption"][0]) if "userPlaylogList" in upsert: for playlog in upsert["userPlaylogList"]:, playlog) if "userActivityList" in upsert: for act in upsert["userActivityList"]: user_id, act["kind"], act["id"], act["sortNumber"], act["param1"], act["param2"], act["param3"], act["param4"], ) if "userRecentRatingList" in upsert: user_id, upsert["userRecentRatingList"] ) if "userBpBaseList" in upsert:, upsert["userBpBaseList"]) if "userMusicDetailList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userMusicDetailList"]:, x) if "userCharacterList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userCharacterList"]:, x) if "userCardList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userCardList"]:, x) if "userDeckList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userDeckList"]:, x) if "userTrainingRoomList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userTrainingRoomList"]:, x) if "userStoryList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userStoryList"]:, x) if "userChapterList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userChapterList"]:, x) if "userMemoryChapterList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userMemoryChapterList"]:, x) if "userItemList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userItemList"]:, x) if "userMusicItemList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userMusicItemList"]:, x) if "userLoginBonusList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userLoginBonusList"]:, x) if "userEventPointList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userEventPointList"]:, x) if "userMissionPointList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userMissionPointList"]:, x) if "userRatinglogList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userRatinglogList"]: user_id, x["dataVersion"], x["highestRating"] ) if "userBossList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userBossList"]:, x) if "userTechCountList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userTechCountList"]:, x) if "userScenerioList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userScenerioList"]:, x) if "userTradeItemList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userTradeItemList"]:, x) if "userEventMusicList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userEventMusicList"]:, x) if "userTechEventList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userTechEventList"]:, x) # This should be updated once a day in maintenance window, but for time being we will push the update on each upsert, x) if "userKopList" in upsert: for x in upsert["userKopList"]:, x) return {"returnCode": 1, "apiName": "upsertUserAll"} def handle_get_user_rival_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Added in Bright """ rival_list = [] user_rivals =["userId"]) for rival in user_rivals: tmp = {} tmp["rivalUserId"] = rival[0] rival_list.append(tmp) if user_rivals is None or len(rival_list) < 1: return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": 0, "userRivalList": [], } return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(rival_list), "userRivalList": rival_list, } def handle_get_user_rival_data_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Added in Bright """ rivals = [] for rival in data["userRivalList"]: name = rival["rivalUserId"], self.version ) if name is None: continue rivals.append({"rivalUserId": rival["rivalUserId"], "rivalUserName": name}) return { "userId": data["userId"], "length": len(rivals), "userRivalDataList": rivals, } def handle_get_user_rival_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict: """ Added in Bright """ rival_id = data["rivalUserId"] next_idx = data["nextIndex"] max_ct = data["maxCount"] music = self.handle_get_user_music_api_request( {"userId": rival_id, "nextIndex": next_idx, "maxCount": max_ct} ) for song in music["userMusicList"]: song["userRivalMusicDetailList"] = song["userMusicDetailList"] song.pop("userMusicDetailList") return { "userId": data["userId"], "rivalUserId": rival_id, "length": music["length"], "nextIndex": music["nextIndex"], "userRivalMusicList": music["userMusicList"], } @cached(2) def util_generate_music_list(self, user_id: int) -> List: music_detail = song_list = [] for md in music_detail: found = False tmp = md._asdict() tmp.pop("user") tmp.pop("id") for song in song_list: if song["userMusicDetailList"][0]["musicId"] == tmp["musicId"]: found = True song["userMusicDetailList"].append(tmp) song["length"] = len(song["userMusicDetailList"]) break if not found: song_list.append({"length": 1, "userMusicDetailList": [tmp]}) return song_list