#include #include #include #include #include "idacio/backend.h" #include "idacio/config.h" #include "idacio/di.h" #include "idacio/idacio.h" #include "idacio/xi.h" #include "util/dprintf.h" #include "util/str.h" static struct idac_io_config idac_io_cfg; static const struct idac_io_backend *idac_io_backend; static bool idac_io_coin; static uint16_t idac_io_coins; uint16_t idac_io_get_api_version(void) { return 0x0100; } HRESULT idac_io_jvs_init(void) { HINSTANCE inst; HRESULT hr; assert(idac_io_backend == NULL); inst = GetModuleHandleW(NULL); if (inst == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); dprintf("GetModuleHandleW failed: %lx\n", hr); return hr; } idac_io_config_load(&idac_io_cfg, L".\\segatools.ini"); if (wstr_ieq(idac_io_cfg.mode, L"dinput")) { hr = idac_di_init(&idac_io_cfg.di, inst, &idac_io_backend); } else if (wstr_ieq(idac_io_cfg.mode, L"xinput")) { hr = idac_xi_init(&idac_io_cfg.xi, &idac_io_backend); } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; dprintf("IDZ IO: Invalid IO mode \"%S\", use dinput or xinput\n", idac_io_cfg.mode); } return hr; } void idac_io_jvs_read_buttons(uint8_t *opbtn_out, uint8_t *gamebtn_out) { uint8_t opbtn; assert(idac_io_backend != NULL); assert(opbtn_out != NULL); assert(gamebtn_out != NULL); opbtn = 0; if (GetAsyncKeyState(idac_io_cfg.vk_test) & 0x8000) { opbtn |= IDAC_IO_OPBTN_TEST; } if (GetAsyncKeyState(idac_io_cfg.vk_service) & 0x8000) { opbtn |= IDAC_IO_OPBTN_SERVICE; } *opbtn_out = opbtn; idac_io_backend->jvs_read_buttons(gamebtn_out); } void idac_io_jvs_read_shifter(uint8_t *gear) { assert(gear != NULL); assert(idac_io_backend != NULL); idac_io_backend->jvs_read_shifter(gear); } void idac_io_jvs_read_analogs(struct idac_io_analog_state *out) { struct idac_io_analog_state tmp; assert(out != NULL); assert(idac_io_backend != NULL); idac_io_backend->jvs_read_analogs(&tmp); /* Apply steering wheel restriction. Real cabs only report about 77% of the IO-3's max ADC output value when the wheel is turned to either of its maximum positions. To match this behavior we set the default value for the wheel restriction config parameter to 97 (out of 128). This scaling factor is applied using fixed-point arithmetic below. */ out->wheel = (tmp.wheel * idac_io_cfg.restrict_) / 128; out->accel = tmp.accel; out->brake = tmp.brake; } void idac_io_jvs_read_coin_counter(uint16_t *out) { assert(out != NULL); /* Coin counter is not backend-specific */ if (idac_io_cfg.vk_coin && (GetAsyncKeyState(idac_io_cfg.vk_coin) & 0x8000)) { if (!idac_io_coin) { idac_io_coin = true; idac_io_coins++; } } else { idac_io_coin = false; } *out = idac_io_coins; }