# produces small-sized, decent quality files at the expense of long encoding times # path to ffmpeg if it is not on the path ffmpeg_path: 'ffmpeg' # path to vgmstream if it is not on the path # required for some audio conversions # https://github.com/vgmstream/vgmstream vgmstream_path: 'vgmstream-cli' # options for music music: enable: true extension: .opus ffmpeg_args: ['-b:a', '64k'] # options for music jacket images jackets: enable: true extension: .avif ffmpeg_args: ['-c:v', 'libaom-av1', '-still-picture', '1', '-cpu-used', '2', '-pix_fmt:0', 'yuv420p'] # options for other images images: enable: true extension: .avif ffmpeg_args: ['-map', '0', '-map', '0', '-filter:v:1', 'alphaextract', '-c:v', 'libaom-av1', '-still-picture', '1', '-cpu-used', '2', '-pix_fmt:0', 'yuv420p'] # options for other audio audio: enable: true extension: .opus ffmpeg_args: [ '-b:a', '64k' ]