from PyCriCodecs import ACB import sys from abc import abstractmethod from pathlib import Path import argparse import subprocess import yaml import shutil import string import random import struct from collections import defaultdict class Extracter: def __init__(self, *, config, out_dir, no_overwrite, no_music, no_audio, no_jackets, no_images, **kwargs): with open(config, 'r') as f: self.config = yaml.safe_load(f) self.music_enabled = self.config['music']['enable'] self.jackets_enabled = self.config['jackets']['enable'] self.images_enabled = self.config['images']['enable'] self.audio_enabled = self.config['audio']['enable'] self.out_dir = Path(out_dir) self.tmp_dir = self.out_dir / 'tmp' self.no_overwrite = no_overwrite self.no_music = no_music self.no_audio = no_audio self.no_jackets = no_jackets self.no_images = no_images def get_tmp(self, ext='.dat'): self.tmp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) while True: name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-+', k=32)) path = self.tmp_dir / (name + ext) if not path.exists(): try: path.touch(exist_ok=False) return path except FileExistsError: pass def vgmstream(self, input_file): is_tmp = False if type(input_file) == bytes: tmp = self.get_tmp('.hca') is_tmp = True with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: f.write(input_file) input_file = tmp args = [ self.config['vgmstream_path'], '-p', input_file ] res =, capture_output=True) if res.returncode: sys.stderr.buffer.write(res.stderr) raise RuntimeError(f'vgmstream exited with code {res.returncode}') if is_tmp: input_file.unlink() return res.stdout def ffmpeg(self, input_args, media_type, output_name): buffer_input = None input_args = list(input_args) out_path = Path(output_name).with_suffix(self.config[media_type]['extension']) if self.no_overwrite and out_path.exists(): return for i, arg in enumerate(input_args): if type(arg) == bytes: if buffer_input is not None: raise ValueError('more than one buffer passed to ffmpeg input') buffer_input = arg input_args[i] = '-' else: input_args[i] = str(arg) args = [ self.config['ffmpeg_path'], ('-n' if self.no_overwrite else '-y'), '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', *input_args, *self.config[media_type].get('ffmpeg_args', []), out_path ] if buffer_input: res =, capture_output=True, input=buffer_input) else: res =, capture_output=True) if res.returncode: sys.stderr.buffer.write(res.stderr) raise RuntimeError(f'ffmpeg exited with code {res.returncode}') def cleanup(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) @staticmethod def acb_filenames(acb: ACB): awb_dict: dict[int, dict[int, tuple[int, str]]] = defaultdict(dict) payload = acb.payload[0] for name_entry in payload['CueNameTable']: name = name_entry['CueName'][1] index = name_entry['CueIndex'][1] sequence = payload['SequenceTable'][index] num_tracks = sequence['NumTracks'][1] if not num_tracks: continue track_indexes = struct.unpack(f'>{num_tracks}H', sequence['TrackIndex'][1]) waveforms = [] for track_index in track_indexes: waveform_index = int.from_bytes(payload['SynthTable'][track_index]['ReferenceItems'][1][2:], 'big') waveforms.append(payload['WaveformTable'][waveform_index]) for i, waveform in enumerate(waveforms): awb_index = waveform['StreamAwbPortNo'][1] stream_index = waveform['StreamAwbId'][1] awb_dict[awb_index][stream_index] = i, name return awb_dict @abstractmethod def extract_jacket(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def extract_images(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def extract_music(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def extract_audio(self): raise NotImplementedError def extract(self): if self.jackets_enabled and not self.no_jackets: yield from self.extract_jacket() if self.images_enabled and not self.no_images: yield from self.extract_images() if self.music_enabled and not self.no_music: yield from self.extract_music() if self.audio_enabled and not self.no_audio: yield from self.extract_audio() @staticmethod @abstractmethod def register(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): raise NotImplementedError extracters: dict[str, Extracter] = {} def add_extracter(extracter): extracters[extracter.__name__.lower()] = extracter def get_extracters(): return extracters