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2024-04-07 10:01:26 +00:00
# Actaeon
An ARTEMiS frontend.
# **WARNING: Back up your database**
I am not responsible for misconfigurations that lead to database issues. **You should back up your database before making any changes to it.**
## Creating Database Tables
Before running the database importer script, you must create the tables in your database. This can be done by running the server once with `AUTOMIGRATE` enabled ([see below](#runtime-variables)), or by running `npm run migrate` (make sure you have run `npm i` first and have the [`DATABASE_URL`](#runtime-variables) environment variable set).
# Building
Make sure you have set the required [build-time variables](#build-time-variables) correctly.
### Building using Docker
Run `docker compose build`
### Building without Docker
You may want to specify [runtime variables](#runtime-variables) by modifying `.env.local`
1. Run `npm i`
2. Run `npm run build`
# Running
Make sure you have [created tables](#creating-database-tables) and ran [database importer and asset extractor](scripts/
### Running using Docker
1. Modify the [runtime environment variables](#runtime-variables) in `docker-compose.yml`
2. Run `docker compose up` (or `docker compose up -d` to detach the output)
### Running without Docker
1. Run `npm run start`
## Initial Promotion to Owner
In order to access all features of Actaeon, you need to have owner permissions. This can be done by setting the `permissions` column of your user inside the `aime_user` table to `255`. Once one user is owner, they can promote other users to owner through the Actaeon web interface.
# Configuration
Environment variables can be added through `.env.local` or through the environment. At bare minimum, you will need to set the [`NEXT_PUBLIC_*_EXTENSION`](#build-time-variables) variables to the corresponding file extensions generated by the [`` script](scripts/, along with the [`DATABASE_URL` and `NEXTAUTH_SECRET`](#runtime-variables) variables.
### Build-time Variables
These variables can only be set at build time: before running `npm run build` or before building the docker image.
| Variable | Description | Examples | Required |
| `BASE_PATH` | The base path that the site will be hosted on. Required if you wish to serve the site [through nginx from the same domain as your artemis server](#configuring-nginx-to-serve-actaeon-on-the-same-domain-as-artemis). (default: `/web`) | `/web` | No |
| `ASSET_URL` | The URL or absolute path to where your assets will be hosted. This should be set to `$BASE_PATH/assets` unless you are using a different domain or path to serve assets. (default: `/web/assets`) | `/web/assets`, `/assets` | Yes |
| `NEXT_PUBLIC_JACKET_EXTENSION` | The file extension that jacket images will use. | `.webp`, `.png`, `.avif` | Yes |
| `NEXT_PUBLIC_IMAGE_EXTENSION` | The file extension that other images will use. | `.webp`, `.png`, `.avif` | Yes |
| `NEXT_PUBLIC_MUSIC_EXTENSION` | The file extension that music will use. | `.opus`, `.m4a` | Yes |
| `NEXT_PUBLIC_AUDIO_EXTENSION` | The file extension that other audio will use. | `.opus`, `.m4a` | Yes |
### Runtime Variables
These variables can be set at runtime through the environment or through the `.env.local` file
| Variable | Description | Examples | Required |
| `DATABASE_URL` | URL to your artemis database, in the format `mysql://user:pass@host:port/db_name` | `mysql://aime:aime@` | Yes |
| `NEXTAUTH_SECRET` or `AUTH_SECRET` | Set this to a long random string (you can generate this by running `openssl rand -base64 32` or `npx auth secret` on the command line) | | Yes |
| `AUTOMIGRATE` | Automatically run new migrations on server startup | `true`, `false` | No |
| `COOKIE_SECURE` | Override the secure flag on authentication cookies (by default, the host protocol or the `x-forwarded-proto` header is used to determine this) | `true`, `false` | No |
| `BCRYPT_ROUNDS` | The number of bcrypt rounds to hash passwords with (default: 12) | `12`, `14` | No |
## Configuring nginx to serve Actaeon on the same domain as ARTEMiS
Nginx can be configured to serve Actaeon and ARTEMiS on the same domain. To do this, the [`BASE_PATH`](#build-time-variables) variable must be set to a non-root base path (for example, `/web`).
Your nginx config likely looks similar to this:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
# ...
server {
listen 443 ssl;
# ...
location / {
# ...
You can serve Actaeon by adding some additional location blocks. Nginx must also have read access to Actaeon's assets. The following configs assume a base path of `/web`:
server {
listen 80;
# redirect to https
location = / {
return 301 https://$host/;
location /web/ {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
location / {
# ...
server {
listen 443 ssl;
# ...
# redirect root to web
rewrite ^/$ /web/ last;
# serve assets
location /web/assets/ {
# modify this path
alias /path/to/actaeon/public/assets/;
try_files $uri =404;
# uncomment if you want nginx to server nextjs static files
# you will have to run ./ if running through docker
#location /web/_next/static/ {
# # uncomment this if you have ngx_http_gzip_static_module
# #gzip_static on;
# #gzip_vary on;
# # uncomment this if you have ngx_http_brotli_static_module
# #brotli_static on;
# # modify this path
# alias /path/to/actaeon/.next/static/;
# try_files $uri =404;
# actaeon
location /web {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
location / {
# ...