@echo off pushd %~dp0 set DAEMON_WAIT_SECONDS=5 set AMDAEMON_CFG=config_common.json ^ config_ch.json ^ config_ex.json ^ config_jp.json ^ config_st1_ch.json ^ config_st1_ex.json ^ config_st1_jp.json ^ config_st2_ch.json ^ config_st2_ex.json ^ config_st2_jp.json ^ config_st3_ch.json ^ config_st3_ex.json ^ config_st3_jp.json ^ config_st4_ch.json ^ config_st4_ex.json ^ config_st4_jp.json ^ config_laninstall_server_ch.json ^ config_laninstall_client1_ch.json ^ config_laninstall_client2_ch.json ^ config_laninstall_client3_ch.json ^ config_laninstall_server_ex.json ^ config_laninstall_client1_ex.json ^ config_laninstall_client2_ex.json ^ config_laninstall_client3_ex.json ^ config_laninstall_server_jp.json ^ config_laninstall_client1_jp.json ^ config_laninstall_client2_jp.json ^ config_laninstall_client3_jp.json ^ config_hook.json start /min "AM Daemon" inject -d -k tokyohook.dll amdaemon.exe -c %AMDAEMON_CFG% timeout %DAEMON_WAIT_SECONDS% > nul 2>&1 REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Set configuration REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Configuration values to be passed to the game executable. REM All known values: REM -forceapi:11 REM -forcehal REM -forcevsync:0/1 REM -fullscreen REM -windowed REM Note: -windowed is recommended as the game looks sharper in windowed mode. inject -d -k tokyohook.dll app.exe -windowed taskkill /f /im amdaemon.exe > nul 2>&1 echo. echo Game processes have terminated pause