
113 lines
4.1 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, and_, update
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, TIMESTAMP, Boolean, JSON, BigInteger
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection
from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select
from sqlalchemy.engine import Row
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
from import BaseData, metadata
from core.config import CoreConfig
round_details = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("round_id_in_json", Integer),
Column("name", String(64)),
Column("season", Integer),
Column("start_dt", TIMESTAMP,,
Column("end_dt", TIMESTAMP,,
round_info = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("user", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")),
Column("round_id", ForeignKey("", ondelete="cascade", onupdate="cascade")),
Column("count", Integer),
Column("win", Integer),
Column("point", Integer),
Column("play_dt", TIMESTAMP,,
UniqueConstraint("user", "round_id", name="idac_user_round_info_uk"),
class IDACOnlineRounds(BaseData):
# get player's ranking from a specified round event
async def get_round_rank_by_id(self, aime_id: int, round_event_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
subquery = (
select([func.group_concat(func.concat(round_info.c.user, '|', round_info.c.point),order_by=[round_info.c.point.desc(), round_info.c.play_dt])])
.where(round_info.c.round_id == round_event_id)
sql = (
select([func.find_in_set(func.concat(round_info.c.user, '|', round_info.c.point), subquery.label('rank'))])
round_info.c.user == aime_id,
round_info.c.round_id == round_event_id
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
# get player's info from a specified round event
async def get_round_info_by_id(self, aime_id: int, round_event_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = select(round_info).where(
round_info.c.user == aime_id,
round_info.c.round_id == round_event_id
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
# save players info to a specified round event
async def put_round_event(
self, aime_id: int, round_id: int, round_data: Dict
) -> Optional[int]:
round_data["user"] = aime_id
round_data["round_id"] = round_id
sql = insert(round_info).values(**round_data)
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**round_data)
result = await self.execute(conflict)
if result is None:
self.logger.warn(f"putround: Failed to update! aime_id: {aime_id}")
return None
return result.lastrowid
# insert if the event does not exist in database
async def _try_load_round_event(
self, round_id: int, round_data: Dict
) -> Optional[int]:
sql = select(round_details).where(
round_details.c.round_id_in_json == round_id
result = await self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
tmp["round_id_in_json"] = round_id
tmp["name"] = round_data["round_event_nm"]
tmp["season"] = 2 # default season 2
sql = insert(round_details).values(**tmp)
return result.lastrowid
rid = result.fetchone()
return rid["id"]
#TODO: get top five players of last round event for Boot/GetConfigData