
97 lines
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import json
import logging
from typing import Dict
from twisted.web import resource
from core import CoreConfig
from titles.idac.season2 import IDACBase
from titles.idac.config import IDACConfig
from random import randint
class IDACMatching(resource.Resource):
isLeaf = True
SessionQueue = {}
Rooms = {}
def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig, game_cfg: IDACConfig) -> None:
self.core_config = cfg
self.game_config = game_cfg
self.base = IDACBase(cfg, game_cfg)
self.logger = logging.getLogger("idac")
def getMatchingState(self, machineSerial): #We use official state code here
if len(self.SessionQueue) == 1:"IDAC Matching queued player {machineSerial}: empty dict, returned by default")
return self.SessionQueue[machineSerial]
elif self.SessionQueue[machineSerial] == 0:"IDAC Matching queued player {machineSerial}: matched player, returned by default")
return self.SessionQueue[machineSerial]
for sessionID in self.SessionQueue.keys():
if sessionID == machineSerial:
if self.SessionQueue[sessionID] == 1:
#uncomment these to process into actual game
#self.SessionQueue[machineSerial] = 0
#self.SessionQueue[sessionID] = 0
self.joinRoom(machineSerial, sessionID)"IDAC Matching queued player {machineSerial}: rival {sessionID} found!! return matched state")
return self.SessionQueue[machineSerial]"IDAC Matching queued player {machineSerial}: cannot find any rival, returned by default")
return self.SessionQueue[machineSerial]
def joinRoom(self, machineSerial, sessionID): #Random room name, It should be handled by game itself in later process
roomName = "INDTA-Zenkoku-Room" #+randint(1, 1001)
self.Rooms[machineSerial] = roomName
self.Rooms[sessionID] = roomName
def render_POST(self, req) -> bytes:
url = req.uri.decode()
req_data = json.loads(req.content.getvalue().decode())
header_application = self.decode_header(req.getAllHeaders())
machineSerial = header_application["a_serial"]
f"IDAC Matching request from {req.getClientIP()}: {url} - {req_data}"
if url == "/regist":
self.SessionQueue[machineSerial] = 1"IDAC Matching registed player {machineSerial}")
return json.dumps({"status_code": "0"}, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
elif url == "/status":
if req_data.get('cancel_flag'):
if machineSerial in self.SessionQueue:
self.SessionQueue.pop(machineSerial)"IDAC Matching endpoint {req.getClientIP()} had quited")
return json.dumps({"status_code": "0", "host": "", "port": self.game_config.server.matching_p2p, "room_name": self.Rooms[machineSerial], "state": 1}, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
if machineSerial not in self.Rooms.keys():
self.Rooms[machineSerial] = "None"
return json.dumps({"status_code": "0", "host": self.game_config.server.matching_host, "port": self.game_config.server.matching_p2p, "room_name": self.Rooms[machineSerial], "state": self.getMatchingState(machineSerial)}, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
# resp = {
# "status_code": "0",
# # Only IPv4 is supported
# "host": self.game_config.server.matching_host,
# "port": self.game_config.server.matching_p2p,
# "room_name": "INDTA",
# "state": self.get_matching_state(),
# }
#self.logger.debug(f"Response {resp}")
#return json.dumps(resp, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
def decode_header(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
app: str = data[b"application"].decode()
ret = {}
for x in app.split(", "):
y = x.split("=")
ret[y[0]] = y[1].replace('"', "")
return ret