from typing import Dict, List, Optional from sqlalchemy import ( ForeignKeyConstraint, Table, Column, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, and_, ) from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, TIMESTAMP, Boolean, JSON, Float from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection from sqlalchemy.engine import Row from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert from datetime import datetime from import BaseData, metadata events = Table( "chuni_static_events", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("eventId", Integer), Column("type", Integer), Column("name", String(255)), Column("startDate", TIMESTAMP,, Column("enabled", Boolean, server_default="1"), UniqueConstraint("version", "eventId", name="chuni_static_events_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) music = Table( "chuni_static_music", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("songId", Integer), Column("chartId", Integer), Column("title", String(255)), Column("artist", String(255)), Column("level", Float), Column("genre", String(255)), Column("jacketPath", String(255)), Column("worldsEndTag", String(7)), UniqueConstraint("version", "songId", "chartId", name="chuni_static_music_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) charge = Table( "chuni_static_charge", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("chargeId", Integer), Column("name", String(255)), Column("expirationDays", Integer), Column("consumeType", Integer), Column("sellingAppeal", Boolean), Column("enabled", Boolean, server_default="1"), UniqueConstraint("version", "chargeId", name="chuni_static_charge_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) avatar = Table( "chuni_static_avatar", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("avatarAccessoryId", Integer), Column("name", String(255)), Column("category", Integer), Column("iconPath", String(255)), Column("texturePath", String(255)), UniqueConstraint("version", "avatarAccessoryId", name="chuni_static_avatar_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) gachas = Table( "chuni_static_gachas", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("gachaId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("gachaName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("type", Integer, nullable=False, server_default="0"), Column("kind", Integer, nullable=False, server_default="0"), Column("isCeiling", Boolean, server_default="0"), Column("ceilingCnt", Integer, server_default="10"), Column("changeRateCnt1", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("changeRateCnt2", Integer, server_default="0"), Column("startDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2018-01-01 00:00:00.0"), Column("endDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2038-01-01 00:00:00.0"), Column("noticeStartDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2018-01-01 00:00:00.0"), Column("noticeEndDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2038-01-01 00:00:00.0"), UniqueConstraint("version", "gachaId", "gachaName", name="chuni_static_gachas_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) cards = Table( "chuni_static_cards", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("cardId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("charaName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("charaId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("presentName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("rarity", Integer, server_default="2"), Column("labelType", Integer, nullable=False), Column("difType", Integer, nullable=False), Column("miss", Integer, nullable=False), Column("combo", Integer, nullable=False), Column("chain", Integer, nullable=False), Column("skillName", String(255), nullable=False), UniqueConstraint("version", "cardId", name="chuni_static_cards_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) gacha_cards = Table( "chuni_static_gacha_cards", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("gachaId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("cardId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("rarity", Integer, nullable=False), Column("weight", Integer, server_default="1"), Column("isPickup", Boolean, server_default="0"), UniqueConstraint("gachaId", "cardId", name="chuni_static_gacha_cards_uk"), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) login_bonus_preset = Table( "chuni_static_login_bonus_preset", metadata, Column("presetId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("presetName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("isEnabled", Boolean, server_default="1"), PrimaryKeyConstraint( "presetId", "version", name="chuni_static_login_bonus_preset_pk" ), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) login_bonus = Table( "chuni_static_login_bonus", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column("version", Integer, nullable=False), Column("presetId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("loginBonusId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("loginBonusName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("presentId", Integer, nullable=False), Column("presentName", String(255), nullable=False), Column("itemNum", Integer, nullable=False), Column("needLoginDayCount", Integer, nullable=False), Column("loginBonusCategoryType", Integer, nullable=False), UniqueConstraint( "version", "presetId", "loginBonusId", name="chuni_static_login_bonus_uk" ), ForeignKeyConstraint( ["presetId", "version"], [ "chuni_static_login_bonus_preset.presetId", "chuni_static_login_bonus_preset.version", ], onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE", name="chuni_static_login_bonus_ibfk_1", ), mysql_charset="utf8mb4", ) class ChuniStaticData(BaseData): async def put_login_bonus( self, version: int, preset_id: int, login_bonus_id: int, login_bonus_name: str, present_id: int, present_ame: str, item_num: int, need_login_day_count: int, login_bonus_category_type: int, ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(login_bonus).values( version=version, presetId=preset_id, loginBonusId=login_bonus_id, loginBonusName=login_bonus_name, presentId=present_id, presentName=present_ame, itemNum=item_num, needLoginDayCount=need_login_day_count, loginBonusCategoryType=login_bonus_category_type, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( loginBonusName=login_bonus_name, presentName=present_ame, itemNum=item_num, needLoginDayCount=need_login_day_count, loginBonusCategoryType=login_bonus_category_type, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def get_login_bonus( self, version: int, preset_id: int, ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = and_( login_bonus.c.version == version, login_bonus.c.presetId == preset_id, ) ).order_by(login_bonus.c.needLoginDayCount.desc()) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_login_bonus_by_required_days( self, version: int, preset_id: int, need_login_day_count: int ) -> Optional[Row]: sql = and_( login_bonus.c.version == version, login_bonus.c.presetId == preset_id, login_bonus.c.needLoginDayCount == need_login_day_count, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def put_login_bonus_preset( self, version: int, preset_id: int, preset_name: str, is_enabled: bool ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(login_bonus_preset).values( presetId=preset_id, version=version, presetName=preset_name, isEnabled=is_enabled, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( presetName=preset_name, isEnabled=is_enabled ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def get_login_bonus_presets( self, version: int, is_enabled: bool = True ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = and_( login_bonus_preset.c.version == version, login_bonus_preset.c.isEnabled == is_enabled, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def put_event( self, version: int, event_id: int, type: int, name: str ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(events).values( version=version, eventId=event_id, type=type, name=name ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(name=name) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def update_event( self, version: int, event_id: int, enabled: bool ) -> Optional[bool]: sql = events.update( and_(events.c.version == version, events.c.eventId == event_id) ).values(enabled=enabled) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: self.logger.warning( f"update_event: failed to update event! version: {version}, event_id: {event_id}, enabled: {enabled}" ) return None event = self.get_event(version, event_id) if event is None: self.logger.warning( f"update_event: failed to fetch event {event_id} after updating" ) return None return event["enabled"] async def get_event(self, version: int, event_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = select(events).where( and_(events.c.version == version, events.c.eventId == event_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_enabled_events(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(events).where( and_(events.c.version == version, events.c.enabled == True) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_events(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(events).where(events.c.version == version) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def put_music( self, version: int, song_id: int, chart_id: int, title: int, artist: str, level: float, genre: str, jacketPath: str, we_tag: str, ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(music).values( version=version, songId=song_id, chartId=chart_id, title=title, artist=artist, level=level, genre=genre, jacketPath=jacketPath, worldsEndTag=we_tag, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( title=title, artist=artist, level=level, genre=genre, jacketPath=jacketPath, worldsEndTag=we_tag, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def put_charge( self, version: int, charge_id: int, name: str, expiration_days: int, consume_type: int, selling_appeal: bool, ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(charge).values( version=version, chargeId=charge_id, name=name, expirationDays=expiration_days, consumeType=consume_type, sellingAppeal=selling_appeal, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( name=name, expirationDays=expiration_days, consumeType=consume_type, sellingAppeal=selling_appeal, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def get_enabled_charges(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(charge).where( and_(charge.c.version == version, charge.c.enabled == True) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_charges(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(charge).where(charge.c.version == version) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_music(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = <= version) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_music_chart( self, version: int, song_id: int, chart_id: int ) -> Optional[List[Row]]: sql = select(music).where( and_( music.c.version == version, music.c.songId == song_id, music.c.chartId == chart_id, ) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def get_song(self, music_id: int) -> Optional[Row]: sql = == music_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def put_avatar( self, version: int, avatarAccessoryId: int, name: str, category: int, iconPath: str, texturePath: str, ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(avatar).values( version=version, avatarAccessoryId=avatarAccessoryId, name=name, category=category, iconPath=iconPath, texturePath=texturePath, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( name=name, category=category, iconPath=iconPath, texturePath=texturePath, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: return None return result.lastrowid async def put_gacha( self, version: int, gacha_id: int, gacha_name: int, **gacha_data, ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(gachas).values( version=version, gachaId=gacha_id, gachaName=gacha_name, **gacha_data, ) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( version=version, gachaId=gacha_id, gachaName=gacha_name, **gacha_data, ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert gacha! gacha_id {gacha_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def get_gachas(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]: sql = <= version).order_by( gachas.c.gachaId.asc() ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_gacha(self, version: int, gacha_id: int) -> Optional[Dict]: sql = and_(gachas.c.version <= version, gachas.c.gachaId == gacha_id) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def put_gacha_card( self, gacha_id: int, card_id: int, **gacha_card ) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(gacha_cards).values(gachaId=gacha_id, cardId=card_id, **gacha_card) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update( gachaId=gacha_id, cardId=card_id, **gacha_card ) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert gacha card! gacha_id {gacha_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def get_gacha_cards(self, gacha_id: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]: sql = == gacha_id) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchall() async def get_gacha_card_by_character( self, gacha_id: int, chara_id: int ) -> Optional[Dict]: sql_sub = ( select(cards.c.cardId).filter(cards.c.charaId == chara_id).scalar_subquery() ) # Perform the main query, also rename the resulting column to ranking sql = and_(gacha_cards.c.gachaId == gacha_id, gacha_cards.c.cardId == sql_sub) ) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone() async def put_card(self, version: int, card_id: int, **card_data) -> Optional[int]: sql = insert(cards).values(version=version, cardId=card_id, **card_data) conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**card_data) result = await self.execute(conflict) if result is None: self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert card! card_id {card_id}") return None return result.lastrowid async def get_card(self, version: int, card_id: int) -> Optional[Dict]: sql = <= version, cards.c.cardId == card_id)) result = await self.execute(sql) if result is None: return None return result.fetchone()