from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import logging, coloredlogs from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from twisted.web.http import Request from core.config import CoreConfig from import Data from core.utils import Utils class BaseServlet: def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str) -> None: self.core_cfg = core_cfg self.game_cfg = None self.logger = logging.getLogger("title") @classmethod def is_game_enabled(cls, game_code: str, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str) -> bool: """Called during boot to check if a specific game code should load. Args: game_code (str): 4 character game code core_cfg (CoreConfig): CoreConfig class cfg_dir (str): Config directory Returns: bool: True if the game is enabled and set to run, False otherwise """ return False def get_endpoint_matchers(self) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]], List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]]]: """Called during boot to get all matcher endpoints this title servlet handles Returns: Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]], List[Tuple[str, str, Dict]]]: A 2-length tuple where offset 0 is GET and offset 1 is POST, containing a list of 3-length tuples where offset 0 is the name of the function in the handler that should be called, offset 1 is the matching string, and offset 2 is a dict containing rules for the matcher. """ return ( [("render_GET", "/{game}/{version}/{endpoint}", {'game': R'S...'})], [("render_POST", "/{game}/{version}/{endpoint}", {'game': R'S...'})] ) def setup(self) -> None: """Called once during boot, should contain any additional setup the handler must do, such as starting any sub-services """ pass def get_allnet_info(self, game_code: str, game_ver: int, keychip: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Called any time a request to PowerOn is made to retrieve the url/host strings to be sent back to the game Args: game_code (str): 4 character game code game_ver (int): version, expressed as an integer by multiplying by 100 (1.10 -> 110) keychip (str): Keychip serial of the requesting machine, can be used to deliver specific URIs to different machines Returns: Tuple[str, str]: A tuple where offset 0 is the allnet uri field, and offset 1 is the allnet host field """ if not self.core_cfg.server.is_using_proxy and Utils.get_title_port(self.core_cfg) != 80: return (f"http://{self.core_cfg.title.hostname}:{Utils.get_title_port(self.core_cfg)}/{game_code}/{game_ver}/", "") return (f"http://{self.core_cfg.title.hostname}/{game_code}/{game_ver}/", "") def get_mucha_info(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]: """Called once during boot to check if this game is a mucha game Args: core_cfg (CoreConfig): CoreConfig class cfg_dir (str): Config directory Returns: Tuple[bool, str]: Tuple where offset 0 is true if the game is enabled, false otherwise, and offset 1 is the game CD """ return (False, "") def render_POST(self, request: Request, game_code: str, matchers: Dict) -> bytes: self.logger.warn(f"{game_code} Does not dispatch POST") return None def render_GET(self, request: Request, game_code: str, matchers: Dict) -> bytes: self.logger.warn(f"{game_code} Does not dispatch GET") return None class TitleServlet: title_registry: Dict[str, BaseServlet] = {} def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_folder: str): super().__init__() self.config = core_cfg self.config_folder = cfg_folder = Data(core_cfg) self.logger = logging.getLogger("title") if not hasattr(self.logger, "initialized"): log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] Title | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.config.server.log_dir, "title"), when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(core_cfg.title.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( level=core_cfg.title.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) self.logger.initialized = True plugins = Utils.get_all_titles() for folder, mod in plugins.items(): if hasattr(mod, "game_codes") and hasattr(mod, "index") and hasattr(mod.index, "is_game_enabled"): should_call_setup = True game_servlet: BaseServlet = mod.index game_codes: List[str] = mod.game_codes for code in game_codes: if game_servlet.is_game_enabled(code, self.config, self.config_folder): handler_cls = game_servlet(self.config, self.config_folder) if hasattr(handler_cls, "setup") and should_call_setup: handler_cls.setup() should_call_setup = False self.title_registry[code] = handler_cls else: self.logger.error(f"{folder} missing game_code or index in, or is_game_enabled in index") f"Serving {len(self.title_registry)} game codes {'on port ' + str(core_cfg.title.port) if core_cfg.title.port > 0 else ''}" ) def render_GET(self, request: Request, endpoints: dict) -> bytes: code = endpoints["title"] subaction = endpoints['subaction'] if code not in self.title_registry: self.logger.warning(f"Unknown game code {code}") request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" index = self.title_registry[code] handler = getattr(index, f"{subaction}", None) if handler is None: self.logger.error(f"{code} does not have handler for GET subaction {subaction}") request.setResponseCode(500) return b"" return handler(request, code, endpoints) def render_POST(self, request: Request, endpoints: dict) -> bytes: code = endpoints["title"] subaction = endpoints['subaction'] if code not in self.title_registry: self.logger.warning(f"Unknown game code {code}") request.setResponseCode(404) return b"" index = self.title_registry[code] handler = getattr(index, f"{subaction}", None) if handler is None: self.logger.error(f"{code} does not have handler for POST subaction {subaction}") request.setResponseCode(500) return b"" endpoints.pop("title") endpoints.pop("subaction") return handler(request, code, endpoints)