import logging, coloredlogs from typing import Any, Dict, List from twisted.web import resource from twisted.web.util import redirectTo from starlette.requests import Request from starlette.routing import Route from starlette.responses import Response, PlainTextResponse from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from twisted.web.server import Session from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implementer from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter import jinja2 import bcrypt import re from enum import Enum from urllib import parse from core import CoreConfig, Utils from import Data class IUserSession(Interface): userId = Attribute("User's ID") current_ip = Attribute("User's current ip address") permissions = Attribute("User's permission level") ongeki_version = Attribute("User's selected Ongeki Version") class PermissionOffset(Enum): USER = 0 # Regular user USERMOD = 1 # Can moderate other users ACMOD = 2 # Can add arcades and cabs SYSADMIN = 3 # Can change settings # 4 - 6 reserved for future use OWNER = 7 # Can do anything @implementer(IUserSession) class UserSession(object): def __init__(self, session): self.userId = 0 self.current_ip = "" self.permissions = 0 self.ongeki_version = 7 class FrontendServlet(resource.Resource): def getChild(self, name: bytes, request: Request): self.logger.debug(f"{Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} -> {name.decode()}") if name == b"": return self return resource.Resource.getChild(self, name, request) def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig, config_dir: str) -> None: self.config = cfg log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] Frontend | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) self.logger = logging.getLogger("frontend") self.environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(".")) self.game_list: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] self.children: Dict[str, Any] = {} fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.config.server.log_dir, "frontend"), when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(cfg.frontend.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( level=cfg.frontend.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) registerAdapter(UserSession, Session, IUserSession) fe_game = FE_Game(cfg, self.environment) games = Utils.get_all_titles() for game_dir, game_mod in games.items(): if hasattr(game_mod, "frontend"): try: game_fe = game_mod.frontend(cfg, self.environment, config_dir) self.game_list.append({"url": game_dir, "name": game_fe.nav_name}) fe_game.putChild(game_dir.encode(), game_fe) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f"Failed to import frontend from {game_dir} because {e}" ) self.environment.globals["game_list"] = self.game_list self.putChild(b"gate", FE_Gate(cfg, self.environment)) self.putChild(b"user", FE_User(cfg, self.environment)) self.putChild(b"sys", FE_System(cfg, self.environment)) self.putChild(b"arcade", FE_Arcade(cfg, self.environment)) self.putChild(b"cab", FE_Machine(cfg, self.environment)) self.putChild(b"game", fe_game) f"Ready on port {self.config.server.port} serving {len(fe_game.children)} games" ) def get_routes(self) -> List[Route]: return [] @classmethod async def robots(cls, request: Request) -> PlainTextResponse: return PlainTextResponse("User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n\nUser-agent: AdsBot-Google\nDisallow: /") async def render_GET(self, request): self.logger.debug(f"{Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} -> {request.uri.decode()}") template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/index.jinja") return template.render(,, game_list=self.game_list, sesh=vars(IUserSession(request.getSession())), ).encode("utf-16") class FE_Base(resource.Resource): """ A Generic skeleton class that all frontend handlers should inherit from Initializes the environment, data, logger, config, and sets isLeaf to true It is expected that game implementations of this class overwrite many of these """ isLeaf = True def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig, environment: jinja2.Environment) -> None: self.core_config = cfg = Data(cfg) self.logger = logging.getLogger("frontend") self.environment = environment self.nav_name = "nav_name" class FE_Gate(FE_Base): def render_GET(self, request: Request): self.logger.debug(f"{Utils.get_ip_addr(request)} -> {request.uri.decode()}") uri: str = request.uri.decode() sesh = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) if usr_sesh.userId > 0: return redirectTo(b"/user", request) if uri.startswith("/gate/create"): return self.create_user(request) if b"e" in request.args: try: err = int(request.args[b"e"][0].decode()) except Exception: err = 0 else: err = 0 template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/gate/gate.jinja") return template.render( title=f"{} | Login Gate", error=err, sesh=vars(usr_sesh), ).encode("utf-16") async def render_POST(self, request: Request): uri = request.uri.decode() ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request) if uri == "/gate/gate.login": access_code: str = request.args[b"access_code"][0].decode() passwd: bytes = request.args[b"passwd"][0] if passwd == b"": passwd = None uid = await user = await if uid is None: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request) if passwd is None: sesh = await if sesh is not None: return redirectTo( f"/gate/create?ac={access_code}".encode(), request ) return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request) if not, passwd): return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request)"Successful login of user {uid} at {ip}") sesh = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) usr_sesh.userId = uid usr_sesh.current_ip = ip usr_sesh.permissions = user['permissions'] return redirectTo(b"/user", request) elif uri == "/gate/gate.create": access_code: str = request.args[b"access_code"][0].decode() username: str = request.args[b"username"][0] email: str = request.args[b"email"][0].decode() passwd: bytes = request.args[b"passwd"][0] uid = await if uid is None: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request) salt = bcrypt.gensalt() hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(passwd, salt) result = await uid, username, email.lower(), hashed.decode(), 1 ) if result is None: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=3", request) if not, passwd): return redirectTo(b"/gate", request) return redirectTo(b"/user", request) else: return b"" async def create_user(self, request: Request): if b"ac" not in request.args or len(request.args[b"ac"][0].decode()) != 20: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=2", request) ac = request.args[b"ac"][0].decode() card = await if card is None: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request) user = await['user']) if user is None: self.logger.warning(f"Card {ac} exists with no/invalid associated user ID {card['user']}") return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=0", request) if user['password'] is not None: return redirectTo(b"/gate?e=1", request) template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/gate/create.jinja") return template.render( title=f"{} | Create User", code=ac, sesh={"userId": 0, "permissions": 0}, ).encode("utf-16") class FE_User(FE_Base): async def render_GET(self, request: Request): uri = request.uri.decode() template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/user/index.jinja") sesh: Session = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) if usr_sesh.userId == 0: return redirectTo(b"/gate", request) m = re.match("\/user\/(\d*)", uri) if m is not None: usrid = if usr_sesh.permissions < 1 << PermissionOffset.USERMOD.value or not usrid == usr_sesh.userId: return redirectTo(b"/user", request) else: usrid = usr_sesh.userId user = await if user is None: return redirectTo(b"/user", request) cards = await arcades = await card_data = [] arcade_data = [] for c in cards: if c['is_locked']: status = 'Locked' elif c['is_banned']: status = 'Banned' else: status = 'Active' card_data.append({'access_code': c['access_code'], 'status': status}) for a in arcades: arcade_data.append({'id': a['id'], 'name': a['name']}) return template.render( title=f"{} | Account", sesh=vars(usr_sesh), cards=card_data, username=user['username'], arcades=arcade_data ).encode("utf-16") async def render_POST(self, request: Request): pass class FE_System(FE_Base): async def render_GET(self, request: Request): uri = request.uri.decode() template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/sys/index.jinja") usrlist: List[Dict] = [] aclist: List[Dict] = [] cablist: List[Dict] = [] sesh: Session = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) if usr_sesh.userId == 0 or usr_sesh.permissions < 1 << PermissionOffset.USERMOD.value: return redirectTo(b"/gate", request) if uri.startswith("/sys/lookup.user?"): uri_parse = parse.parse_qs(uri.replace("/sys/lookup.user?", "")) # lop off the first bit uid_search = uri_parse.get("usrId") email_search = uri_parse.get("usrEmail") uname_search = uri_parse.get("usrName") if uid_search is not None: u = await[0]) if u is not None: usrlist.append(u._asdict()) elif email_search is not None: u = await[0]) if u is not None: usrlist.append(u._asdict()) elif uname_search is not None: ul = await[0]) for u in ul: usrlist.append(u._asdict()) elif uri.startswith("/sys/lookup.arcade?"): uri_parse = parse.parse_qs(uri.replace("/sys/lookup.arcade?", "")) # lop off the first bit ac_id_search = uri_parse.get("arcadeId") ac_name_search = uri_parse.get("arcadeName") ac_user_search = uri_parse.get("arcadeUser") ac_ip_search = uri_parse.get("arcadeIp") if ac_id_search is not None: u = await[0]) if u is not None: aclist.append(u._asdict()) elif ac_name_search is not None: ul = await[0]) if ul is not None: for u in ul: aclist.append(u._asdict()) elif ac_user_search is not None: ul = await[0]) if ul is not None: for u in ul: aclist.append(u._asdict()) elif ac_ip_search is not None: ul = await[0]) if ul is not None: for u in ul: aclist.append(u._asdict()) elif uri.startswith("/sys/"): uri_parse = parse.parse_qs(uri.replace("/sys/", "")) # lop off the first bit cab_id_search = uri_parse.get("cabId") cab_serial_search = uri_parse.get("cabSerial") cab_acid_search = uri_parse.get("cabAcId") if cab_id_search is not None: u = await[0]) if u is not None: cablist.append(u._asdict()) elif cab_serial_search is not None: u = await[0]) if u is not None: cablist.append(u._asdict()) elif cab_acid_search is not None: ul = await[0]) for u in ul: cablist.append(u._asdict()) return template.render( title=f"{} | System", sesh=vars(usr_sesh), usrlist=usrlist, aclist=aclist, cablist=cablist, ).encode("utf-16") class FE_Game(FE_Base): isLeaf = False children: Dict[str, Any] = {} def getChild(self, name: bytes, request: Request): if name == b"": return self return resource.Resource.getChild(self, name, request) async def render_GET(self, request: Request) -> bytes: return redirectTo(b"/user", request) class FE_Arcade(FE_Base): async def render_GET(self, request: Request): uri = request.uri.decode() template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/arcade/index.jinja") managed = [] sesh: Session = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) if usr_sesh.userId == 0: return redirectTo(b"/gate", request) m = re.match("\/arcade\/(\d*)", uri) if m is not None: arcadeid = perms = await, arcadeid) arcade = await if perms is None: perms = 0 else: return redirectTo(b"/user", request) return template.render( title=f"{} | Arcade", sesh=vars(usr_sesh), error=0, perms=perms, arcade=arcade._asdict() ).encode("utf-16") class FE_Machine(FE_Base): async def render_GET(self, request: Request): uri = request.uri.decode() template = self.environment.get_template("core/frontend/machine/index.jinja") sesh: Session = request.getSession() usr_sesh = IUserSession(sesh) if usr_sesh.userId == 0: return redirectTo(b"/gate", request) return template.render( title=f"{} | Machine", sesh=vars(usr_sesh), arcade={}, error=0, ).encode("utf-16")