#include "common.h" #include "devices/_devices.h" #include "drivers/mx.h" #include "hooks/_hooks.h" WCHAR exeName[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD imageOffset; #define WIN32_EXE_BASE 0x00400000 DWORD GetImageBase(void) { WCHAR sModulePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, sModulePath, MAX_PATH); HANDLE hObject = _CreateFileW(sModulePath, FILE_READ_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hObject == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Failed to open %ls %03x", sModulePath, GetLastError()); return 0; } IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader = { 0 }; DWORD nRead; _SetFilePointer(hObject, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); _ReadFile(hObject, &dosHeader, sizeof dosHeader, &nRead, NULL); if (nRead != sizeof dosHeader) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Failed to read DOS header %03x", GetLastError()); return 0; } if (dosHeader.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Invalid DOS magic number: %04x", dosHeader.e_magic); return 0; } IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 ntHeaders32 = { 0 }; _SetFilePointer(hObject, dosHeader.e_lfanew, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); _ReadFile(hObject, &ntHeaders32, sizeof ntHeaders32, &nRead, NULL); if (nRead != sizeof ntHeaders32) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Failed to read NT header %03x", GetLastError()); return 0; } if (ntHeaders32.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Invalid NT signature: %08x", ntHeaders32.Signature); return 0; } _CloseHandle(hObject); return ntHeaders32.OptionalHeader.ImageBase; } void apply_patches(HMODULE hModule) { void* baseAddress = (void*)hModule; DWORD imageBase = GetImageBase(); if (imageBase == 0) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Failed to locate image base. Patches will not be applied."); return; } imageOffset = (DWORD)hModule - imageBase; char exeNameC[MAX_PATH + 1]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, exeName, -1, exeNameC, sizeof exeNameC, NULL, NULL); if (!load_patches(MiceConfig.mice.patches_file, exeNameC)) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Failed to load patches file %s", MiceConfig.mice.patches_file); return; } patch_t* patch = patch_list->next; if (patch == NULL) { log_warning(BOOT_LOGGER, "No patches to apply. Did you forgot an amiDebug patch file?"); } while (patch) { DWORD oldProt; VirtualProtect((void*)((DWORD)patch->address + imageOffset), patch->count, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProt); if (memcmp(patch->match, (void*)((DWORD)patch->address + imageOffset), patch->count) != 0) { log_error(BOOT_LOGGER, "Patch %s failed! from-value missmatch", patch->name); VirtualProtect((void*)((DWORD)patch->address + imageOffset), patch->count, oldProt, &oldProt); patch = patch->next; continue; } memcpy((void*)((DWORD)patch->address + imageOffset), patch->replace, patch->count); log_misc(BOOT_LOGGER, "Patched %d bytes at %08x (%s)", patch->count, patch->address, patch->name); patch = patch->next; } } void prebind_hooks() { hook_all(); install_devices(); // TODO: Figure out why we're needing to call this manually (medium priority) if (wcscmp(exeName, L"ALLNetProc.exe") == 0) { log_warning(BOOT_LOGGER, "Making explicit call to OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf"); // OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf ((void (*)(void))(0x00459770))(); } } void init_injection(HMODULE hModule) { // Make sure our CRC32 tables are ready for anything that might want to use them amiCrc32RInit(); load_mice_config(); // We're in a new context now, so need to reconfigure setup_logging(); log_info(BOOT_LOGGER, "Handover complete. Now executing within %ls", exeName); if (MiceConfig.mice.apply_patches) apply_patches(hModule); // Columba: Driver-level memory access, used to read the DMI tables if (MiceConfig.drivers.columba) setup_columba(); // MX SRAM: SRAM-based nv memory if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxsram) setup_mxsram(); // MX SuperIO: Communicate with the HW monitor chip if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxsuperio) setup_mxsuperio(); // MX JVS: Interacting with JVS-based devices if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxjvs) setup_mxjvs(); // MX HW Reset: Forcibly reboot the machine if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxhwreset) setup_mxhwreset(); // MX SMBus: Communicate over the LPC bus. This contains the EEPROM, and PCA9535 if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxsmbus) setup_mxsmbus(); // MX Parallel: The parallel port (i.e. keychip) if (MiceConfig.drivers.mxparallel) setup_mxparallel(); if (MiceConfig.drivers.platform) { if (!add_fake_device(&PLATFORM_GUID, L"\\\\.\\platform")) { log_error("platform", "failed to install platform device"); } } // Must be the last thing called! prebind_hooks(); setup_hooks(); } void tea_hook_test(char* fmt, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, fmt); vlog_game("tea", fmt, argp); va_end(argp); } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (ul_reason_for_call != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) return TRUE; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, exeName, MAX_PATH); wcscpy_s(exeName, MAX_PATH + 1, PathFindFileNameW(exeName)); HMODULE exeModule = GetModuleHandleA(NULL); init_injection(exeModule); if (wcscmp(exeName, L"InitialD8_GLW_RE_SBZZ_dumped_.exe") == 0) { CreateHook32((void*)(0x00407850), &tea_hook_test); // *((DWORD*)(0x00407850)) = (DWORD)(&logcb); } if (wcscmp(exeName, L"RingGame.exe") == 0) { log_warning(BOOT_LOGGER, "Bodge hook goo!"); CreateHook32((void*)(0x005f2580), &tea_hook_test); } return TRUE; }